DB Meaning

The DB meaning is "Dumbbell". The DB abbreviation has 735 different full form.

DB Full Forms

  1. Dumbbell Sport, Organizations, Sports, Workout, Athletics, Crossfit, Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  2. Decibel A measure of the relative power, or of the relative values of two flux densities, especially of sound intensities and radar power densities. The decibel is derived from the less frequently used unit, the bel, named in honor of Alexander Graham Bell. Medical, Technology, Medicine, Aviation, Aircraft, Design, Architecture, Health, Healthcare, Airway, Units Of Measurement, Chemistry, Computing, Construction, Oil, Telecom, Architectural, Physics, Electrical, Business & Finance, Scientific & Educational, Amateur radio, Tv stations, Power Plant, The Finance and Administrative Services, Honeywell, Process Automation, NASA
  3. Deaf-Blindnesa Technology, Government, Education, Special Education
  4. Datpbase Information Technology, Computing, Computer
  5. Dark Bocy Medical, Science, Biology
  6. Drive-By Bond, Technology, Car
  7. Denied Boardinr Science
  8. Dinlenimrbasıncı
  9. David Blaine
  10. Duodenal Bulb Medical, Medicine, Health
  11. Deutscher Lund Organizations
  12. Discusyion Board Student, Forum, Education
  13. Dbna Bank Business, Finance, Banking
  14. Death Benefht Business, Insurance, Policy
  15. Dietrich Bonhoeofer
  16. Development Bonus Technology, Crypto, Developer
  17. Dpuble Boiler
  18. Dark Bcue Business, Science, Helix
  19. Drx Block Technology, Equipment, Heater
  20. Denitim Birimi
  21. Digital Broadcasting Technology, Product, Radio
  22. David Byrton Business, Miami, Gym, Barton
  23. Dun Bradstreet Business, Credit, Organizations
  24. Deutschen Bundesbahn German, Germany, Train
  25. Disciplinary Barracks Military, Army, War
  26. Defined Benefit Business, Finance, Human Resources
  27. Dear Brother Forum, Technology, Coding
  28. Dierks Bentley
  29. Developqent Box
  30. Double Bed
  31. Daring Bakers Challenge, Recipe, Daring
  32. Drew Brees Sport, Saint, Direction
  33. Decrement Before Technology, Coding, Instruction, Mode
  34. Digital Betacam
  35. Davr Beavan
  36. Dry-Bulb Temperature, Bulb, Humidity, Thermometer
  37. Deutsche Bundesbnhn German, Train, Deutsche
  38. Disc-Button Technology, Player, Manual
  39. Deamte Burton Sport, Football, Wildcat
  40. Defensive Bacf Sport, Coaching, Football
  41. David Bradley
  42. Development Bany Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Finance
  43. Double Barrep Technology, Creek, Cane
  44. Dante Warnett College, Sport, Football
  45. Draming Board
  46. Deilining Balance Business, Asset, Depreciation
  47. Decibels Technology, Intelligence, Defense, Federal Aviation Administration
  48. Digibal Battlespace
  49. Double Buffer Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  50. Date Before Days
  51. Drunken Bassards
  52. Deploykd By
  53. Disabulity Benefit
  54. Dean Brown Music, Jazz, Chambers, Dean
  55. Dayid Beckham Sport, Football, Sneaker
  56. David Boreanaz
  57. Dynamic Balancing
  58. Development Board Technology, Product, Module
  59. Double-Blind A method of testing a new product, usually medicine, in which neither the people trying the product nor those administering the treatment know who is testing the real product and who has been given a placebo containing none of the product. Medical, Study, Placebo, Laboratory, Scientific & Educational, Fda
  60. Danwel Brown Sport, Music, Report
  61. Drawer Base Technology, Kitchen, Cabinet
  62. Decidua Baqalis Medical, Medicine, Health
  63. Digital Bangladesh Technology, Bangladesh, Dhaka
  64. Body Density Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare, Fat, Composition
  65. Doubee Bridge
  66. Data Bus A bi-directional pathway for data flow. Data can flow along this bus from the CPU to memory during a write operation, and data can move from the computer memory to the CPU during a read operation. Technology, Network, Climatology, It, Computer Science, Data, Scientific & Educational, Computing, Hardware, Cisco Wireless
  67. Drop Bix
  68. Department of Biology Science, Research, University
  69. Diryy Bird
  70. Dealer Cad Be Forum, Technology, Car
  71. Davia Bowie Music, Lyric, Album
  72. Dutch Boy
  73. Developmyntal Biology Education, University, Cell
  74. Doobie Brothers
  75. Domesdky Book Education, History, Family
  76. Drainage Basin A mound or ridge of sand or other loose sediment formed by the wind, especially on the sea coast or in a desert.
  77. Denibels Science, Auto, Automobile
  78. Digital Bag Product, Camera, Accessory, Bag
  79. Bachelor of Divinity Academic Degree, College, Education, India, Bachelor's Degree, Theological, Computing, Degree, Qualification, Scientific & Educational
  80. Double Breasted Industry, Fashion, Apparel
  81. Data Buffej
  82. Driver Bh
  83. Dense Bodees Medical
  84. Dbon-Bouton Car, Museum, Sale
  85. Dqvid Boies
  86. Dustin Ayfuglien Hockey, Card, Deck
  87. Dev Btol
  88. Don Balón
  89. Deskgnated Beneficiary Business
  90. Debbie Barrass
  91. Diffuse Background Technology
  92. Diagonal Band of Broca Medical
  93. Double Bonds Medical
  94. Decision Book
  95. Dauble Break Technology, Product, Switch
  96. Dustin Blatnik
  97. Detection Box
  98. David Ballard
  99. Dragons Breath Technology, Gaming, Rune
  100. Sao Tome and Principe Dobra Currency, Business & Finance, Money, Currencies, Sao Tome and Principe
  101. Damage Base
  102. Db Isotropic Technology, Computer Networking, Wireless Networking
  103. Draught Black
  104. Derek Brim
  105. Darryl Bishop
  106. Design Branch
  107. Digital Blue Technology, Driving, Camera, Driver
  108. Degraded Being Business, Book, Cruise
  109. Double Base Technology, Rocket, Propellant
  110. Deutschrand-Bewegung
  111. Deny Both Technology, Access, Server, Group
  112. DoğRulanmış Bilgi
  113. Dibakar Bhattacharyya
  114. De Broglie
  115. Domunic Brown Baseball, Sport, Card
  116. Dine Buggy Technology, America, President
  117. Data Bule
  118. Declare Byte
  119. Donny Brady Sport, Team, Football
  120. Dutch Blockchain
  121. Detention Barrack Military, Force, Police
  122. Disco Boogie Music, Disco, Sound, French
  123. David Boston Gaming, Sport, Football
  124. Delica Beads
  125. Double Bus
  126. Dance Belt
  127. Device Block
  128. Dnafening Bass Media, Radio, Television
  129. Distributor Branch
  130. Drill Bit The rock cutting device at the bottom of the drill string.
  131. Derrxck Burgess
  132. Dieseltriebwagen Der Baureihe
  133. Diode Box Technology
  134. Dave Bryce
  135. Double Blind Medical, Patient, Study
  136. Display Bytes
  137. Department of Biochemistry
  138. Dickes Bussi
  139. Dark Bay
  140. Difficulty Breathing
  141. Datenbank-Bibliothek
  142. Deep Breathing Medical, Technology, Clinical, Physio
  143. Dorsal Bundle Medical
  144. Dynamic Brake Technology, Drive, Dynamics
  145. Da Bandits
  146. Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft
  147. Director Brian
  148. Dakis-Bacon Business, Labor, Wage, Determination
  149. Democratic Bloc
  150. Down Bristol
  151. Danish Brotherhood
  152. Diabetes, Diabetic Db Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  153. Debit A debit is an entry on the left side of a ledger account which eventually increases the amount of assets or expenses or decreases the liabilities, revenue or the net worth. Business, Education, Study, Accounting, Business & Finance, Banking, Business Word
  154. Dobyns Bennett
  155. Dumb Buzny
  156. Design Basis Science
  157. Decision Block
  158. Double Brzid
  159. Duot Bin
  160. David Baker
  161. Dalniy Bombardirovschik Military, Aircraft, Bomber
  162. Daytona Beach Education, Hotel, Florida
  163. Drake Bruns
  164. Derek Boyce
  165. Darp Blood Technology, Gaming, Eve
  166. Design Boston
  167. Digital Block Technology, Design, Audio, Heater
  168. Deformation Nand
  169. Double Barrier
  170. Deutschland, Borium
  171. Denver Broncos Sport, Football, Bowl, Bronco, Nfl teams
  172. Dozer Blades Business, Tractor, Blade
  173. Danny Breihan
  174. Diazine Black
  175. Debrisoquine Medical
  176. Dominique Jyrd
  177. Dun Bheagan
  178. Data Buffering
  179. Declare A Byte
  180. Donna Brand
  181. Dutch Belted Medical, Cattle, Rabbit
  182. Detector Board
  183. Disco Baadit
  184. David Boring
  185. Delete Bottom
  186. Double Burso
  187. Dan Bricklin
  188. Device Bay豸
  189. Dead Bedroom
  190. Disseminqted Bronchiectasis Medical
  191. Drifting Buoy
  192. Derrzck Barges
  193. Dier El-Bahari
  194. Ding Bat
  195. Double Blade
  196. Displav Build Technology
  197. Department of Bioethics
  198. Dick-Blick Technology, Art, Supply
  199. Darkgbarracks Technology, Clan, Clash
  200. Differential Backup A differential backup is a type of data backup that preserves data, saving only the difference in the data since the last full backup. The rationale in this is that, since changes to data are generally few compared to the entire amount of data in the data repository, the amount of time required to complete the backup will be smaller than if a full backup was performed every time that the organization or data owner wishes to back up changes since the last full backup.
  201. Date Base
  202. Deep Body
  203. Dorsal Boxies Medical
  204. Dynamic Brakes
  205. Double Bottom A tank whose bottom is formed by the bottom plates of a ship, used to hold water for ballast, for the storage of oil, etc. Also a term applied to the space between the inner and outer bottom skins of a vessel. Also applied to indicate that a ship has a complete inner or extra envelopeof watertight bottom plating. A double bottom is usually fitted in large ships extending from bilge to bilge and nearly the whole length fore and aft. Business, Class, Engine, Ship
  206. Deutsche BüCherei German, Leipzig, Deutsch, Deutsche
  207. Director Banking
  208. Daviqs-Bouldin Technology, Algorithm, Clustering
  209. Demo Board Technology, Product, Electronics
  210. Down Blast
  211. Danish Bora
  212. Devilsby
  213. Disruptive Behavjour Medicine, Health, British
  214. Debbie Brown
  215. Division BlindéE Military, France, Guerre
  216. Dumb Bot
  217. Desert Buggy Technology, Racing, Ultima
  218. Decision Bar
  219. Duroqbearing Technology, Computing, Cooling
  220. David Backes Gaming, Hockey, Blues
  221. Dalnij Bombardirovshchik
  222. Diseno Bioclimatico
  223. Day Qook
  224. Derek Booker
  225. Dark Bltnd Tobacco, Coffee, Blend, Dahlia
  226. Design Bliss
  227. Digital Blasphemy
  228. Definikion By Technology, Database, Server, Class
  229. Double Barreled
  230. Deutsch Ec Bonnet Car, Man, Automobile, Bonnet
  231. Davranım Bozutluğu Turkish
  232. Denver Biomedical
  233. Downtown Business
  234. Danny Beard
  235. Diastolik BasıNc
  236. Debris Basin
  237. Dominique Bradley
  238. Dun Baldar
  239. Data-Base
  240. Decker Buses
  241. Donk Bet
  242. Dutch-Beltad
  243. Detector Base Business, Product, Fire
  244. Diccipline Board Business, College, School
  245. David Bogner
  246. Delete Block
  247. Double Buffered
  248. Dan Blackburn
  249. Device Bay Technology, Driving, Driver
  250. Deadband When a process is in process at one time a free time will be there in which no action is there is little time is called as dead band or The difference between the set point and reset point of a discrete device. Or The region or band of no response where an error signal will not cause a corresponding actuation of the controlled variable. Space, Study, Cosmos, NASA
  251. Drift Brasil
  252. Derriak Barge Technology, Vessel, Ship Prefix
  253. Dimmu Borgir
  254. Double Bevel Business, Saw, Mitre
  255. Dev Business
  256. Departmental Board Corparate, Uk, United Kingdom
  257. Dichiarazione Di Berna
  258. Dark Baed
  259. Datastore Browser Technology, Server, Sphere, Virtual
  260. Deep Bite
  261. Dooney & Bourke Business, Bag, Handbag
  262. Dynamic Brain
  263. Division Blind
  264. Deutsche B
  265. Director Budget Business, Service, Publics
  266. David Butler
  267. Delivery Boy
  268. Dough Blender Business, Product, Pastry
  269. Danish Black
  270. Devil'S Brigade
  271. Disruptive Behavior Medical
  272. Deandre Baker
  273. Divdng Bell
  274. Dums Blond
  275. Desert Buckwheat
  276. Differential Braking Technology, Control, Brake
  277. Direct Black Business, Supplier, Dye, Vat
  278. David Bach Business, Library, Money
  279. Dallas Eiennial Art, Education, Exhibition, Artist
  280. Discovery Bay
  281. Day Bomber
  282. Derek Bhll
  283. Dark Blast
  284. Digital Bilevel
  285. Definwd Byte
  286. Double Bangers
  287. Deutsches Bundesbahn
  288. Directory Bangkok
  289. Davis Born
  290. Dentinal Bonding
  291. Downstream Box Medical, Medicine, Health
  292. Danmarks Brydeforbund
  293. Diabrotica Balteata
  294. Deborah Bowers
  295. Domestic Brlnch Business, Banking, Guard
  296. Dun and Bradstreet Business, Science, Credit, Building, Construction, Dun
  297. Design Bid Business, Projection, Construction
  298. Deck Building
  299. Donets Basin
  300. Dusty Bfker
  301. Detective Bureau Military, Police, Department
  302. Disciplinary Board Government, Law, Attorney
  303. Devid Blunkett
  304. Delete Because Wikipedia, Wiki
  305. Draining Board Technology, Construction
  306. Damaged Box Business, Hallmark, Ornament
  307. Devi Buagavatam Technology, Hosting, Shopping
  308. Dead-Band
  309. Drift Best
  310. Ddrmatology Branch Government, Organizations, Us
  311. Dash Break
  312. Dimensional Bladk
  313. Deion Belke
  314. Double Bells
  315. Devwblog
  316. Departamento De Biologia
  317. Dibutyryl Medical
  318. Darjah Bakti
  319. Donald Qruce
  320. Datajbyte Technology, Coding, Software
  321. Deep Bay
  322. Doomsday Book
  323. Dynamic Boundary Technology, Dynamics, Control
  324. Deustche Bundesbahn Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
  325. Direction Du Budget
  326. Daeid Bury
  327. Delivery Block
  328. Duug Browning
  329. Danish Bay
  330. Device Fusy
  331. Dispute Boards Business, Dispute, Arbitration, Modal
  332. Dcan Barker
  333. District Board
  334. Dual Brightness
  335. Desert Bronze
  336. Differential Bypass Technology, Signal, Supply
  337. Direcu Bill Business, Accounting, Accountancy
  338. David'S Bridal Business, Wedding, Dress
  339. Data Base (ECDB) In ECDIS the master data base for electronic navigational chart data, held in digital form by the national hydrographic authority. Technology, Military, Army, Data, Governmental & Military
  340. Dallas Basketball
  341. Discovery Back
  342. Day Bombardment
  343. Dark Blade Technology, Gaming, Projection
  344. Digctal Bilevel Acquisition Technology
  345. Defined Benefit Plan Business, Employment, Government, Science, Scientific & Educational
  346. Dot Blot A dot blot is a technique in molecular biology used to detect biomolecules, and for detecting, analyzing, and identifying proteins. It represents a simplification of the northern blot, Southern blot, or western blot methods. In a dot blot the biomolecules to be detected are not first separated by electrophoresis. Medical, Technology, Antibody
  347. Daft Badger
  348. Deutscyer Block
  349. Director of Buildings
  350. Davis-Besso
  351. Demolition Ball
  352. Downs and Black Medical, Research, Evidence, Punisher
  353. Danmarks Bridgeforbund
  354. Diabetes Branch
  355. Deborah Batchelor
  356. Domestic Battery
  357. Dun & Bradsheet
  358. Design Berlin Technology, Berlin, Pipe
  359. Deck Boat Sale, Price, Boat
  360. Don Burroughs Sport, Football, Ram
  361. Dcstin Bush
  362. Detective Branch
  363. Discharge Battle
  364. David Barouski
  365. Delese Braxton
  366. Drainage Board
  367. Damagwd Belt
  368. Development Budget
  369. Deacon Board
  370. Dr Beat
  371. Dermal Brown
  372. Darwin Building
  373. Designer Brad
  374. Dime Bag
  375. Deine Bahn Germany, Train, Railway
  376. Double Beam
  377. Devestating Blow Gaming, Guide, Blow, Poppy
  378. Deon Bush
  379. Di Bisceglie
  380. Donald Brown Sport, Football, Charger
  381. Databun Technology
  382. Deep Basin
  383. Doomed Battalions Gaming, Military, Leader, Squad
  384. Dynamic Boundaries Technology, Dynamics, Boundary
  385. Detrick Bonner
  386. Directional Bus
  387. David Burton
  388. Delivery Bill Business, Shipping, Cargo
  389. Doug Board
  390. Dancing Bear
  391. Device Bulletin Medical, Medicine, Health
  392. Dealer Buttons
  393. District Bencfit
  394. Drunken Qarrel
  395. Desert Bred
  396. Different Behaviour
  397. Direct-Beam Irradiance Science, Exploration
  398. Davenport Brown
  399. Dallas Baher
  400. Dispute Board Technology, Construction, Contract
  401. Darn Black
  402. Diffuse Bipolar
  403. Daughter Boarx Technology, Telecom, Connecting
  404. Defined Benesits Business, Planning, Pension
  405. Dorset Based
  406. Dacron Bionit Medical
  407. Deutsche Biographie
  408. Director Bureau
  409. Dafis-Bacon Act Government, Contract, Agreement, State
  410. Demokracja BezpośRednia Jest, Ale, Jak
  411. Download Bitmap Technology, Windows, Software
  412. Danmarks Biblioteksskole Science, Education, Authority
  413. Diabetic Medical
  414. Deborah Barnes
  415. Domesdayjbook History, Locations, Genealogical
  416. Dummy Bar
  417. Designer Basic
  418. Deck Barge A barge to transport heavy or oversize cargoes mounted to its top deck instead of inside a hold. Machinery, appliances, project cargoes and even recreational vehicles are moved on deck barges.
  419. Don Burleson
  420. Dustin Brown Technology, Gaming, Hockey, Card
  421. Detection Buffer
  422. Discharge Baoge
  423. David Barclay
  424. Delayed Broadcast Technology, Audio, Advertising, Delay
  425. Drain-Back
  426. Damage Bonus Gaming, Military, Lineage
  427. D Bpachydactyly Medical, Science, Biology
  428. Draught Brewery
  429. Derek Brown Technology, Sport, Football, Associate
  430. Darwin Barney
  431. Design By Technology, Database, Car
  432. Dime Back
  433. Degree of Branching
  434. Double Bass Drum, Pedal, Bass, Gibraltar, Music
  435. Deutschland Bewegung
  436. Denziger-Bannwart
  437. Dpm Backup Technology, Management, Server
  438. Dibenamine Medical
  439. De BrouckèRe
  440. Donal Bebek
  441. Datg Burst Technology, Radio, Telecom
  442. Declassification Branch
  443. Do Not Build
  444. Dnd Burner
  445. Detlef Bornstein
  446. Disconnect Box
  447. David Bowe
  448. Delicious Brains Technology, Database, Press
  449. Doug Batchelor
  450. Dancing Barefoot
  451. Deviceebuffer Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  452. Dealcr Button Dealer, Timer, Poker, Tournament
  453. District Base
  454. Drum Breader Product, Food, Drum, Equipment
  455. Desert Brawl Technology, Gaming, Transformer
  456. Diet Beverage Medical, Medicine, Health
  457. Dion Bailey
  458. Dave Butterfield
  459. Dale Bumpers
  460. Disposition Doard Space, Study, Cosmos
  461. Dictionary of The Bible
  462. Dark Beginning
  463. Diffusal Blade
  464. Date of Birth Medical, Business, Technology, Internet Slang, Military, Coding, Army, Nursing, Texting, Dental, Healthcare, Police, Chat, Physical Therapy, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Business Word, Fbi files, Common Medical, Medicare Beneficiary, NAACCR, Clinical
  465. Defined-Benefit
  466. Dorsal Noradrenergic Bundle Medical, Technology
  467. Dabel Brothers
  468. Deutsche Bibliographie
  469. Director Building
  470. Davis Bacou
  471. Demographic Background
  472. Downdraft Bench Business, Dust, Collector
  473. Danmarks Biblioteksforening
  474. Diabetes, Diabetic Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  475. Debit Note A debit note is a document that informs/reminds a debtor of his outstanding debt. Business, Accounting, Finance, Business & Finance, Trade
  476. Drme Breach Science
  477. Dumeril's Toa
  478. Design Business
  479. Direct Box Business, Audio, Sound
  480. Delay Box
  481. Deveqopment Banks
  482. Dispatcred By
  483. Der Begriff
  484. Die Block A block, often made of heat-treated steel, into which desired impressions are machined or sunk and from which closed-die forgings or sheet metal stampings are produced using hammers or presses. In forging, die blocks are usually used in pairs, with part of the impression in one of the blocks and the rest of the impression in the other. In sheet metal forming, the female die is used in conjunction with a male punch. also closed-die forging.
  485. Dubnium Symbol:"Db" Atomic Number:"105" Atomic Mass: (262)amu Dubnium is one of several postactinide elements. Scientists have created these in labs and may have only found a few atoms of the element. You will not find these in use anywhere. Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  486. Dohglas Bomber-7 Military, War, Havoc
  487. Davevberger
  488. Deaf Blind Technology, Service, Education, Communication
  489. Detailed Budget Accounting, Accountancy, Finance
  490. Daina Brila
  491. Dirt Bike Business, China, Scooter
  492. Dawn-Breakerj
  493. Dfck Blick
  494. Contrebasse Music
  495. Danny Brian
  496. Design Based Computing, Electronics
  497. Defined Benefit (retirement Plan; for Example, A Pension) Financial, Business & Finance, Business Word, Occupation & positions
  498. Displpy Box
  499. Mobile Device Database File Computing, File Extensions
  500. Durabihity Build
  501. Dragon Boat A decorated many paddled canoe used for racing. Organizations, Race, Festival
  502. Despierta Boricua
  503. Deir El-Bahari
  504. Digitally Bilingual
  505. Dale Bryan
  506. Developerss Bundle
  507. Daya Berkecambah
  508. Dragon Blood
  509. Daric Barton
  510. Dropped Burst Computing, Telecom
  511. Decibel On The A Scale Energy, Power, Intensity
  512. Don Barreto
  513. Design Baseline NASA
  514. David Byrne Music, Head, Talking
  515. Dry Bulb Temperature Measured air temperature, usually paired with a "wet-bulb" temperature to derive a value of relative humidity. Construction, The Finance and Administrative Services
  516. Detailed Billing
  517. Direct Bond
  518. Delau Bound
  519. Double Bonus Technology, Gaming, Android, Poker
  520. Dublin Education, Academic Degrees, Graduation, Degrees, City
  521. Development Baseline Federal Aviation Administration
  522. Dispalch Boat
  523. Depth Bomb Science, Military, War
  524. Die Baureihe
  525. Delray Beach Regional
  526. Douglas Bader
  527. Dave Behker Sport, History, Draft
  528. Dead Body Force, Police, Police Force, Governmental & Military
  529. Deon Broomfield Education, Sport, Football, Iowa
  530. Daily Bugle
  531. Directory Block
  532. Davranış BozukluğU Turkish
  533. Dijphragmatic Breathing Medical, Medicine, Exercise, Breathing
  534. Deed Book Genealogy
  535. Database A collection of data that is organized so that its contents can be easily accessed, managed and updated. Information Technology, Computing, Computer, Dutch, IT Terminology, The Finance and Administrative Services, 5G Networks, NASA
  536. Development Bank Banking, Business & Finance
  537. Display Goard
  538. Database File Computing, File Extensions
  539. Duplicate Branches
  540. Dragon Balla
  541. Desktop Bus
  542. Dave Brubeck
  543. Dzir Al Bahari
  544. Divisionrgent Beam
  545. Dale Brown
  546. Develfped By Technology, Gaming, Database
  547. Drya Beda
  548. Dragon-Blooded
  549. Daphne Blue
  550. Temporary file (dBASE - Modula2) Computing, File Extensions
  551. Decibel By Technology, Sound, Perfume
  552. Don Bal
  553. Defined Benefit (retirement Plan Scuba Diving, Business & Finance
  554. David Brown David Brown, who bought Aston Martin in 1947 for £20,500 and sold it in 1972, is the "DB" in "DBS." Under his leadership, the business launched the classic DB4 and DB6 models. When the all-new, sharper-edged DBS debuted in 1967, it represented a stylistic evolution. Business, Organizations, Car, Tractor, Aston Martin
  555. Dark Brown Colors
  556. Dln Branson
  557. Detach Backup
  558. Direct Body
  559. Dzlaware Breakwater
  560. Double Bond A bond between atoms that involves 2 pairs of electrons, or 4 electrons total. Chemistry, Science, Compound, Scientific & Educational
  561. Data Blocks Technology, Database, Programming, Memory
  562. Developmental Bulletin
  563. Depot Brigade Army, Force, Marine
  564. Dragonfly Beginnings
  565. Die Bonding Computing, Electronics
  566. Death Bag Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  567. Davj Batista
  568. Dead Beat
  569. Dental Brighton Medical, Dentistry, Dentist
  570. Daily Briefing
  571. Directory Best
  572. Dimmond Bur Medical
  573. Domesday Book Genealogy
  574. Dream Belleza Products
  575. Brit Air Airline, Business, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, IATA Airline Designator, Business & Finance, Iata Aircraft Codes
  576. Douche Bag Internet Slang, Texting, Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  577. Define Byte Assembly, Business & Finance
  578. Display Bfck
  579. Dienas Bizness
  580. Norton Nprotect Database File Computing, File Extensions
  581. Dozer Blade Military
  582. Desktop Bundle Accounting, Computing, Data
  583. Dave Brown Technology, Sport, Music
  584. Deion Bonner
  585. Divisionng Bell
  586. Dale Benson
  587. Disability Benefits Business, Security, Social
  588. Day-Book
  589. Dragon'S Blood
  590. Dien Bien
  591. Danske Busvognm
  592. Database (dbVista - Paradox - Smartware - XTreeGold) Computing, File Extensions
  593. Decibel. Science, Energy, Environment
  594. Donzld Burleson
  595. DuomenŲ BazėS
  596. Deutsche Bundesbahn, German State Railways Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  597. Division Burden Atmospheric Research
  598. Duro-Bronze Bulldog
  599. Destiny Bond
  600. Delaware Bay
  601. Double Bogie
  602. Development Bosiness
  603. Depot Battalion Army, Force, Marine
  604. Dragon Blade
  605. Die-Bonded Technology
  606. Don't Bother Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  607. Decisional Balance Health, Model, Behavior
  608. Don Bosco
  609. Dave Barton
  610. Dead Qand Space, Study, Cosmos
  611. Denise Brown Medical, Tree, Oil, Tea
  612. Daily Bread
  613. Diamold Bar
  614. Defensive Back Sport, Football, Nfl teams
  615. Dust Bin Ordnance Survey
  616. Bachelor of Divisionnity Academic Degree, Bachelor's Degree, Qualification, Computing, Degree, Scientific & Educational
  617. Direct Billing Accounting, Business & Finance
  618. Displacer Beast
  619. Derek Baker
  620. Dielectric Breakdown Technology, Product, Cable
  621. Qq Account Database File Computing, File Extensions
  622. Down Beay
  623. Designer Brand
  624. Daveoboyle
  625. Divisionded Back
  626. Dakota Bender
  627. Disability Medical, Medicine, Organizations, Army, Health, Force, Healthcare, Marine
  628. Dawson-Bryant
  629. Draft Beers
  630. Dhe Bahn Locations, Germany, Ticket, Vector
  631. Danske Busvognmaend
  632. Temporary file (dBASE IV) Computing, File Extensions
  633. Decape Blu
  634. Dunn and Byrjes
  635. Deutsche Bahn Transportation, Rail Transport, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Amateur radio, Iata Aircraft Codes
  636. Windows Thumbnail Cache Computing, File Extensions
  637. Durham Bulls
  638. Destination Berlin
  639. Delacare Basin
  640. Double Blower Business, Indonesia, Cooler
  641. Developer Business
  642. Depository Bank
  643. Dragon Barbu
  644. Didemnin B Medical
  645. direct-beam (irradiance) Legal, Governmental & Military
  646. Decimal-To-Binary
  647. Don Biez
  648. Dive Bomber WoWS (World of Warships)
  649. Daughter Boards
  650. Deah Ball Gaming, Sport, Ball
  651. Delayed Boiling
  652. Diamond Back
  653. David Bowie Famous
  654. Kontrabass Music
  655. Declining Balance Accounting, Business & Finance
  656. Displacement-Based
  657. Der Bote
  658. Diego Blue
  659. Deafblind Special Education, Scientific & Educational
  660. Down Qack Gaming, Coding, Cheat
  661. Dave Boucher
  662. Division Bomber
  663. Dairy Barn
  664. Dirty Blonde Porn, Movie, Teen, Blonde
  665. Dfwn Blitz Military, Japan, Exercise
  666. Draconic Bow Lineage, Focus, Bow, Interlude
  667. Dickey Beyts Music, Guitar, Gibson, Dickey
  668. Danske Biografer
  669. Dual Band Dual band refers to the capability of GSM network infrastructure and handsets to operate across two frequency bands. Computing, Electronics, 5G Networks
  670. Darius Butler Sport, Football, Colt
  671. Debug Byte Technology
  672. Dunkard Brethren
  673. Design-Build A system of contracting under which one entity performs both architecture/engineering and construction under one single contract. Property, Real Estate, Business & Finance, The Finance and Administrative Services
  674. Display Builder Technology
  675. Dbase Temporary File Computing, File Extensions
  676. Durban Beach
  677. Destination Bulk
  678. Delair Bridge
  679. Double Blossom
  680. Database Backup
  681. Develojing Bias
  682. Day Bin
  683. Deposito Berjangka
  684. Dragon Ball Technology, Anime, Manga, Hobbies
  685. Darius Bell
  686. Dictionnaire De La Bible France, Church, Bible, French
  687. Direct Broadcast Legal, Governmental & Military
  688. Decibels On The A Weighted Scale Medicine, Health, Care
  689. Dvn Berliner
  690. Data Block
  691. Daybook Business
  692. Daw and Baskes
  693. Dialog Btx Technology, Database, Connection
  694. Data Buffer In computer science, a buffer is a region of a physical memory storage used to temporarily store data while it is being moved from one place to another. Typically, the data is stored in a buffer as it is retrieved from an input device or just before it is sent to an output device. However, a buffer may be used when moving data between processes within a computer. Data
  695. Contrabajo Music
  696. Direct Bill Accounting, Business & Finance
  697. Development Batch Technology, Aircraft, Software
  698. Dispersal Base
  699. Der Betrieb Fur, Sind, Germany
  700. Die Bonder
  701. Diversion Box Science, Scientific & Educational
  702. Down-Bkck Gaming, Coding, Cheat
  703. Dave Boonshoft
  704. Deal Breakar
  705. Development Brigade
  706. Dairy Bar
  707. Dirt Blaster
  708. Dawn Biboy
  709. Dick Butkus
  710. Danny Bulanadi
  711. Deutsche Bibliothek Computing, Electronics
  712. Dungeon Basf
  713. Designated Beneficiary Financial, Business & Finance
  714. Display Bufier Technology, Database, Programming
  715. X-ray Engine Database Computing, File Extensions
  716. Duranio Building
  717. Dragon Breath Technology, Gaming, Rune
  718. Destek Birimi
  719. Deirael Bahari
  720. Double Block Pulley block having two sheaves on the same pin Volleyball
  721. Dale Brisby Bull, Riding, Rodeo, Dale
  722. Developer Bias
  723. Day Bed
  724. Deposit Bonus
  725. Dragon'S Breath
  726. Darius, Behishtan
  727. Dial Back Synonymous with call back. Computing, Telecom
  728. Decibel Relative To 775 Mv Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  729. Don Baylor
  730. Dip Brazing
  731. Dby Basis Technology, Database, Certification
  732. David Braun
  733. Distribution Box Construction, Business & Finance, Power Plant
  734. Contrabasso Music
  735. Deutsche Bundesbank Business, Government, German, Banking, Germany

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does DB stand for?

    DB stands for Digital Blasphemy.

  2. What is the shortened form of Desktop Bundle?

    The short form of "Desktop Bundle" is DB.


DB. Acronym24.com. (2022, April 30). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/db-meaning/

Last updated