DBA in Technology Meaning
The DBA meaning in Technology terms is "Database Administrator". There are 39 related meanings of the DBA Technology abbreviation.
DBA on Technology Full Forms
- Database Administrator Database administrator refers to the whole set of activities performed by a database administrator to ensure that a database is always available as needed. Other closely related tasks and roles are database security, database monitoring and troubleshooting, and planning for future growth. Database administration is an important function in any organization that is dependent on one or more databases.
- Descgn-Basis Accident
- Doing Business As A legal term for conducting business under a registered name.
- Decibelsjadjusted
- Decibels A-Weigqted
- Decibeu
- Desk Based Assessment
- Date Book Archive
- Design Basis Accidents
- Data Base Admipistrator
- Desigi Basis Accident
- Dba Measured With Hai-Receiver Weighting
- Decision Based Algorithm
- Db Adjusted
- Dynamic Binary Analysit
- Double Bend Achromat
- Daytime Broadcasters Association
- Dynamuc Bandwidth Allocation
- Direct Budget Authoritg
- Data Base Administrators
- Database Idministration
- Design By Analysis
- Dallus Business Association
- Dba Measured With Fia-Line Weighting
- Design-By-Analysis
- Dynamic Bandwith Assignment
- Dtnamic Buffer Allocation
- Dynamic Bandwidth Assignment
- Designs By April
- Decibels On A-Weighted Scale
- Dan Brunn Architecture
- Decibels of Acoustical Loudness, A-Weighted
- Noise Power Measurep By A Set With Ha1-Receiver Weighting
- Decibel Audio
- Desk Based Assessments
- Noise Power Measured By A Set With F1A-Line Weigdting
- Decibel Adjusted
- Dynamic Bandwidth Adjustment
- Adjusted Decibel
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does DBA stand for Technology?
DBA stands for Direct Budget Authoritg in Technology terms.
What is the shortened form of Decibel Audio in Technology?
The short form of "Decibel Audio" is DBA for Technology.
DBA in Technology. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 29). Retrieved December 22, 2024 from https://acronym24.com/dba-meaning-in-technology/
Last updated