DBE Meaning
The DBE meaning is "Dame Commander, Order of The British Empire". The DBE abbreviation has 86 different full form.
DBE Full Forms
- Dame Commander, Order of The British Empire
- Direct Business Equipment Business, Cash, Money
- Dibromoethane Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Dibasic Esters Medical
- Departments of Basic Education Technology, Science, Education
- Data Bus Element Technology, Computing, Computer Science, NASA, Data, Governmental & Military
- Domizet Bank Ekstraliga League, Basketball, Polish, Bank
- Data Buffer Enable
- Direztorate of Border Enforcement
- Diversity Business Enterprisw Business, Management, Service
- Dept of Basic Education
- Droplet Burning Experiment Technology
- Directorates of Border Enforcement
- Developmental Bilingual Education Education, English, Language
- Dolder Business Engineering
- Data Border Element
- Diploma In Business Englqsh
- Dame Commander of The Order of The British Empire
- Department of Basic Education Education, Africa, School
- Diverse Business Enterprises Business, Service, Supplier, Diversity
- Doug Bragg Enterprises
- Deutsche Biographische Enzyklop
- Documento BáSico De Entrada Technology, Para, Dos, Junta
- Data Base Environment Technology, Computing, IT Organization
- Digital-Based Exciter Military
- Department of Biomedical Engineering
- Diverse Ousiness Enterprise Business, Service, Supplier
- Deutsche Biographische Enzyklopdie
- Documento D
- Department of Basic English
- Data Base Engine
- Di Basic Ester
- Department of Business and Employment
- Disability Business Enterprise
- Deutsche Biographische EnzyklopäDie Education, German, History
- Dobupamine Echocardiography Medical
- Department of Biostatistics and Epidemiology
- Data Bank Eurocontrol Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
- Diagonal Bridge Enabler
- Department of Border Enforcement Military, Iraq, Force
- Dirty Bitchdexperience
- Despatch Payable Both Ends Business, Cargo Shipping
- Division of Bioequivalence Medicine, Health, Care
- Department of Business Economics
- Disadvantages Business Enterprise Business, Program, Certification
- Development Bilingual Education Education
- Department for Border Enforcement
- Dirk Becker Entertainment
- Division of Biostatistics and Epidemiology
- Department of Business, Economic
- Dux-Bodenbacher Eisenbahn
- Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program, Government, Construction Insurance, Aviation, Us Government, General, Governmental & Military
- Development Bank of Ethiopia Business, Africa, Ethiopia, Banking, Business & Finance
- Design Based Earthquake Technology, Analysis, Isolation
- Deep Breathing Exercise Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Doublx Balloon Enteroscopy Medical, Patient, Bowel
- Design Basis Events
- Deep Basin Experiment Legal, Governmental & Military
- Design-Basis Earthquake Science
- Diocesan Board of Education Education, School, Rawalpindi
- Double Balloon Endoscopy
- Design Basis Event
- Doe Bro Empire
- Dept of Border Enforcement
- DéChets Banals Des Entreprises
- Double-Buffering Extension Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Design-Basis Event Science
- Distorted-Wave Born Exchange Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
- Double Bonx Equivalence
- Dynamic Bass Emphasis Player, Manual, Pioneer
- Donble Bit Error
- Design Basis Earthquakes Technology, Science
- Dark Blue Dark Blue was an action/drama television series which premiered on TNT on July 15, 2009, at 10 pm (9 pm Central). It ended its run on September 15, 2010. The series is set in Los Angeles, California. It revolves around Carter Shaw (Dylan McDermott), the leader of an undercover unit. Technology, Color, Colour, Auto, Colors
- Double Bond Equivalent The number of molecules of H2 that would have to be added to a molecule to convert all pi bonds to single bonds, and all rings to acyclic structures.
- Dynamic Bass Enhancement Technology, Product, Price
- Double-Bit Error
- Design Basis Earthquake Technology, Safety, Structure
- Diploma In Basic Education Education, Teaching, Teacher
- Double Bond Equivalents Business, Hosting, Formula
- Dynamic Background Extraction Processing, Insight, Pix
- Donor Bound Exciton Chemistry, Science, Biochemistry, Substance, Computing, Electronics, Scientific & Educational
- Design Base Earthquake Science
- Detroit Board of Education
- Double Below Elbow
- Design Based Education
- Deep breathing exercises Medical, Healthcare, Clinical
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does DBE stand for?
DBE stands for Department of Biostatistics and Epidemiology.
What is the shortened form of Diversity Business Enterprisw?
The short form of "Diversity Business Enterprisw" is DBE.
DBE. Acronym24.com. (2021, October 26). Retrieved March 17, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/dbe-meaning/
Last updated