DBI Meaning
The DBI meaning is "Database Interface". The DBI abbreviation has 92 different full form.
DBI Full Forms
- Database Interface Technology, Science, Geography
- Davie-Brown Index Business, Sport, Celebrity, Swift
- Digital Bandwidth Interleave
- Disease Biomarker Initiative
- Dental Behavioural Inventory Medical, Student, Health
- Dowel Bar Inserter Business, Paving, Paver
- Daffodil Business Incubator
- Development At Birth Index Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Department of Business and Innovation Technology, Australia, Melbourne
- Duta Buana Interteknologi Technology, Movie, Gadget, Distributor
- David Brown International
- Diffuse Brain Injury Medical
- Dirt Bag Index Medical, Medical Slang
- Demon Beast Invasion
- Douche Bag Index Internet Slang, Texting, Chat
- Beverage Inc Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
- Deutsches Bibliotheks Institutetut Education
- Diversion Based Irrigation
- Department of Biomedical Informatics
- Dungan Brooks Imports
- Dansk Brandteknisk Institut Som, Fire, Til
- Dictionary of Biblical Imagery
- Delta Brands Inc
- Direct Brain Interface Technology, Computing, Power
- Double Bond Index Medical
- Diazepam Binding Inhibitor Medical, Science, Protein, Chemistry
- Don Bosco Institute
- Diversification Based Investing
- Department of Building Inspections Technology, Inspector, Permit
- Dull But Important
- Dansk Bibel-Institut Education, Institute, Til, Har
- Diazepam-Binding Inhibitor
- Dbi Business Interiors
- Direct Bond Interconnect Technology, Sensor, Bonding, Interconnect
- Double Black Imaging
- Deutsches Bibliotheks Institut Education
- Don'T Buy It Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Distinguished Brands International
- Department of Building Inspection Locations, City, Inspector
- Downtown Baraboo Inc
- Daniel Baugh Institute
- Diablo'S Brute Infantry Army, War, War Force
- Days Before Inoculation
- Direct Bolus Imaging
- Display Bus Interface Technology, Design, Raspberry
- Dental Behavior Inventory
- Downlink Block Identifier Technology
- Daily Business Intelligence Business, Management, Suite
- Dhol Beat International Music, Song, Remix, Beat
- Davie Brown Index Business, Sport, Celebrity, Swift
- Digital Bandwidth Interleaved Technology, Database, Wireless, Antenna
- Display & Banner, Inc
- Dental Behavioral Inventory Medical, Student, Health
- Dowel Bar Inserters Business, Paving, Paver
- Dahabshil Bank International
- Dewan Bandaraya Ipoh
- Department of Business and Industry
- Dynamic Binary Instrumentation Technology, Dynamics, Tool
- Doing Business Indicators
- Design Basis Incident
- Deutsche Boden Immobilien
- Division of Biological Infrastructure Technology, Science, Research
- Delaware Biotechnology Institute Technology, Governmental & Military
- Doing Business In India Service, Education, India
- Design Basics Inc Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
- Delhi Bible Institute Technology, India, Church
- Decibels referenced to Isotropic gain Legal, Governmental & Military
- Doing Business Index Business, Investment, Africa, Economics
- Design, Build, Install
- Decomposition Based Induction
- Decibel (referenced to isotropic radiator) Army & Military, Governmental & Military
- Dog Breed Information Picture, Breeder, Breeds
- Decibel relative to isotropically radiated power Federal Aviation Administration
- Der Bayerische Internist
- Dzień Bezpiecznego Internetu Technology, Internet, Jest, Jak
- Data Base Interface NASA, Data, Governmental & Military
- Dog Breed Info
- Dirt Bag Index: Number of Tattoos X Number of Missing Teeth = Days Since The Patient Last Bathed Medical, Governmental & Military
- Department of Business & Innovation
- Dzie Bezpiecznego Internetu
- Don'T Beg It Internet Slang, Texting, Chat
- Deutsche Bahn International Business, Company, Germany
- Double-Byte Interleaved
- Dizionario Biografico Degli Italiani University, Library, Biography
- Digital Bus Interface Science, Scientific & Educational
- Department of Banking and Insurance Business, Health, Banking, New Jersey
- Dynamic Bus Inversion Technology, Memory, Chipset
- Dominion Bible Institute Ministry, Bible, Lake
- Designed Business Interiors
- Differential Bearing Indicator
- Divisionsion of Biochemistry and Immunochemistry Medical
- Deutsches Bibliotheksinstitut Institute, Scientific & Educational
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does DBI stand for?
DBI stands for Direct Brain Interface.
What is the shortened form of Decibel relative to isotropically radiated power?
The short form of "Decibel relative to isotropically radiated power" is DBI.
DBI. Acronym24.com. (2020, September 8). Retrieved March 12, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/dbi-meaning/
Last updated