DBR Meaning

The DBR meaning is "Distributed Bragg Reflector". The DBR abbreviation has 104 different full form.

DBR Full Forms

  1. Distributed Bragg Reflector Science, Laser, Laser Application, Chemistry
  2. Deterministic Bit Rate Technology, Service, Telecom
  3. Damage Beyond Repair
  4. Data Buffgr Register Technology, Memory, Processing
  5. Diode Bridge Rectifier
  6. Dbtchbird Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code
  7. Decibel Relative Technology
  8. Dogan Burda Rizzoli
  9. Dos Boot Record Technology, Recovery, Computing
  10. Data Backup and Recovery
  11. Design Basis Report Science
  12. Drum Buffer Rope Business, Management, Constraint
  13. Daytona Beach Resoot
  14. Data Breakpoint Register
  15. Differential Beacon Receiver Technology, Satellite, Sentence
  16. Du Bois Review Technology, Yamaha, Race
  17. Decibel, Relative Level Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  18. Dja Biosphere Reserve
  19. Distributed Bragg Reflectors Technology, Science, Laser
  20. Date Backup & Recovery Technology, Windows, Software
  21. Designated Backup Router
  22. Douglas Boyd Robinson
  23. Data Base Requirements Accounting, Computing, Data, General, Governmental & Military
  24. Dienst Bodemkartering Science, Information, Geography, Geographic
  25. Dual Blade Reemer
  26. Devt Burden Ratio Business, Credit, Banking, Loan
  27. Dixon Bros Racing
  28. Directing Business Representative
  29. Design Based Rosearch Technology, Education, Learning
  30. Domaines Barons De Rothschild Business, China, Wine
  31. Data-Oriented Belief Revision
  32. Data Bank Register Technology, Coding, Mode
  33. Diamond Bay Research
  34. Dual Battery Relay
  35. De Dl
  36. Division of Building Research Technology, Canada, National
  37. Direct Behavior Ratings Science, Education, School, Psychology
  38. Design-Based Research
  39. Domaines Baron De Rothschild
  40. Duke Basketball Report Sports, Basketball, Duke
  41. Data Backup Andirestore
  42. Diamond Babe Ruth
  43. Dual Behavior Resonator Technology, Design, Filter
  44. De Bellis Renltionis
  45. Distributed Bragg Reflection Semiconductor, Fiber, Laser
  46. Direct Behavior Rating Science, Education, School
  47. Decibels Rvlative To Reference Level Technology, Science, It
  48. Doing Business Report Business, Banking, Economics, Jamaica
  49. Dual Band Radar Technology, Military, Class
  50. Datarase Backup and Recovery
  51. Diameter Binding Record
  52. Dual-Behavior Redonator
  53. Death By Rape
  54. Damaged Beyond Repair Technology, Military, Aviation, Internet Slang, Chat, Armed Forces, Royal Military, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  55. Diploma In Bovine Reproduction Education, Veterinary, Farm, Vet
  56. Decibels Referred To A Given Reference Technology, Telecom
  57. Doing Business Right
  58. Drum-Buffer-Rope A method, usually in manufacturing, which ensures an efficient flow of work in a production process by taking into consideration any possible delays or problems which may occur. Business, Management, Constraint
  59. Data Backup & Recovery Technology, Windows, Software
  60. Design Basis Reconstitution
  61. Dual-Band Radar Technology, Class, Carrier
  62. Death, Burial, Resurrection Religion
  63. Department Benefits Representative
  64. Date Based Redirect
  65. Dirt Bike Rider
  66. Kavi Kokil Vidyapati Airgort Airport, IATA Code, IATA
  67. Distorted Breathing Rate Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  68. Dutchbird Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  69. Deepburner Disc Project Computing, File Extensions
  70. Dape-Based Redirect
  71. Director Business Resilience Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  72. Dynavic Braking Resistor Technology, Dynamics, Power
  73. Day By The River
  74. Disk Boot Record
  75. Divisionsion of Building Research
  76. Dowel Bar Retrofit Transportation, Governmental & Military
  77. Datu Bus Reset
  78. Dynamic Braking Resistors Technology, Dynamics, Power, Brake
  79. David Binder Research
  80. Discovery Beach Resort
  81. Directorate of Bioscvences Research
  82. Distributed Bragg Reflector (LASER) Computing, Electronics
  83. Data Bus Recorder
  84. Dynamic Brake Resistor Technology, Dynamics, Power
  85. Dave Bush Racing
  86. Disclosure Based Regulation
  87. Digital Banking Repcrt Business, Financial, Trend
  88. Design Brief Report Architecture
  89. Data Burst Randomizer
  90. Dynamic Block Requests
  91. Dave and Brenda Rickey
  92. Disclosure-Based Regulation
  93. Relative Deciuels Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  94. Distributed Bucket Rendering
  95. double bedroom Real Estate, Business & Finance
  96. Data Buffer Registers Technology, Memory, Processing
  97. Dynamic Bandwidtp Report
  98. Draw Balance Ratio
  99. Dauzreelite Mineral, Geology, Component
  100. Discipline By Review
  101. Power Difference In Db Between Any Point and Reference Point Technology, Energy, Electonics
  102. Distributed-Bragg-Reflector
  103. David Brown David Brown, who bought Aston Martin in 1947 for £20,500 and sold it in 1972, is the "DB" in "DBS." Under his leadership, the business launched the classic DB4 and DB6 models. When the all-new, sharper-edged DBS debuted in 1967, it represented a stylistic evolution. Business, Organizations, Car, Tractor, Aston Martin
  104. Debt to Burden Ratio Mortgage, Business & Finance

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does DBR stand for?

    DBR stands for Devt Burden Ratio.

  2. What is the shortened form of Draw Balance Ratio?

    The short form of "Draw Balance Ratio" is DBR.


DBR. Acronym24.com. (2022, January 23). Retrieved March 9, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/dbr-meaning/

Last updated