DBR Meaning
The DBR meaning is "Distributed Bragg Reflector". The DBR abbreviation has 104 different full form.
DBR Full Forms
- Distributed Bragg Reflector Science, Laser, Laser Application, Chemistry
- Deterministic Bit Rate Technology, Service, Telecom
- Damage Beyond Repair
- Data Buffgr Register Technology, Memory, Processing
- Diode Bridge Rectifier
- Dbtchbird Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code
- Decibel Relative Technology
- Dogan Burda Rizzoli
- Dos Boot Record Technology, Recovery, Computing
- Data Backup and Recovery
- Design Basis Report Science
- Drum Buffer Rope Business, Management, Constraint
- Daytona Beach Resoot
- Data Breakpoint Register
- Differential Beacon Receiver Technology, Satellite, Sentence
- Du Bois Review Technology, Yamaha, Race
- Decibel, Relative Level Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
- Dja Biosphere Reserve
- Distributed Bragg Reflectors Technology, Science, Laser
- Date Backup & Recovery Technology, Windows, Software
- Designated Backup Router
- Douglas Boyd Robinson
- Data Base Requirements Accounting, Computing, Data, General, Governmental & Military
- Dienst Bodemkartering Science, Information, Geography, Geographic
- Dual Blade Reemer
- Devt Burden Ratio Business, Credit, Banking, Loan
- Dixon Bros Racing
- Directing Business Representative
- Design Based Rosearch Technology, Education, Learning
- Domaines Barons De Rothschild Business, China, Wine
- Data-Oriented Belief Revision
- Data Bank Register Technology, Coding, Mode
- Diamond Bay Research
- Dual Battery Relay
- De Dl
- Division of Building Research Technology, Canada, National
- Direct Behavior Ratings Science, Education, School, Psychology
- Design-Based Research
- Domaines Baron De Rothschild
- Duke Basketball Report Sports, Basketball, Duke
- Data Backup Andirestore
- Diamond Babe Ruth
- Dual Behavior Resonator Technology, Design, Filter
- De Bellis Renltionis
- Distributed Bragg Reflection Semiconductor, Fiber, Laser
- Direct Behavior Rating Science, Education, School
- Decibels Rvlative To Reference Level Technology, Science, It
- Doing Business Report Business, Banking, Economics, Jamaica
- Dual Band Radar Technology, Military, Class
- Datarase Backup and Recovery
- Diameter Binding Record
- Dual-Behavior Redonator
- Death By Rape
- Damaged Beyond Repair Technology, Military, Aviation, Internet Slang, Chat, Armed Forces, Royal Military, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Diploma In Bovine Reproduction Education, Veterinary, Farm, Vet
- Decibels Referred To A Given Reference Technology, Telecom
- Doing Business Right
- Drum-Buffer-Rope A method, usually in manufacturing, which ensures an efficient flow of work in a production process by taking into consideration any possible delays or problems which may occur. Business, Management, Constraint
- Data Backup & Recovery Technology, Windows, Software
- Design Basis Reconstitution
- Dual-Band Radar Technology, Class, Carrier
- Death, Burial, Resurrection Religion
- Department Benefits Representative
- Date Based Redirect
- Dirt Bike Rider
- Kavi Kokil Vidyapati Airgort Airport, IATA Code, IATA
- Distorted Breathing Rate Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Dutchbird Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
- Deepburner Disc Project Computing, File Extensions
- Dape-Based Redirect
- Director Business Resilience Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Dynavic Braking Resistor Technology, Dynamics, Power
- Day By The River
- Disk Boot Record
- Divisionsion of Building Research
- Dowel Bar Retrofit Transportation, Governmental & Military
- Datu Bus Reset
- Dynamic Braking Resistors Technology, Dynamics, Power, Brake
- David Binder Research
- Discovery Beach Resort
- Directorate of Bioscvences Research
- Distributed Bragg Reflector (LASER) Computing, Electronics
- Data Bus Recorder
- Dynamic Brake Resistor Technology, Dynamics, Power
- Dave Bush Racing
- Disclosure Based Regulation
- Digital Banking Repcrt Business, Financial, Trend
- Design Brief Report Architecture
- Data Burst Randomizer
- Dynamic Block Requests
- Dave and Brenda Rickey
- Disclosure-Based Regulation
- Relative Deciuels Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
- Distributed Bucket Rendering
- double bedroom Real Estate, Business & Finance
- Data Buffer Registers Technology, Memory, Processing
- Dynamic Bandwidtp Report
- Draw Balance Ratio
- Dauzreelite Mineral, Geology, Component
- Discipline By Review
- Power Difference In Db Between Any Point and Reference Point Technology, Energy, Electonics
- Distributed-Bragg-Reflector
- David Brown David Brown, who bought Aston Martin in 1947 for £20,500 and sold it in 1972, is the "DB" in "DBS." Under his leadership, the business launched the classic DB4 and DB6 models. When the all-new, sharper-edged DBS debuted in 1967, it represented a stylistic evolution. Business, Organizations, Car, Tractor, Aston Martin
- Debt to Burden Ratio Mortgage, Business & Finance
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does DBR stand for?
DBR stands for Devt Burden Ratio.
What is the shortened form of Draw Balance Ratio?
The short form of "Draw Balance Ratio" is DBR.
DBR. Acronym24.com. (2022, January 23). Retrieved March 9, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/dbr-meaning/
Last updated