DBT Meaning
The DBT meaning is "Dialectical Behavioral Therapy". The DBT abbreviation has 110 different full form.
DBT Full Forms
- Dialectical Behavioral Therapy Medical, Therapy, Psychiatry
- Dialectic Behavior Therapy Medical, Treatment, Skill
- Dialectical Behaviour Therapy Medical, Behavior, Skill
- Dialectical Behavior Therapy Medical, Therapy, Psychiatry, Physiology
- Dead Ball Territory Baseball, Softball
- Days Beyond Terms Business, Business & Finance, Business Word
- David Brown Tractors Organizations
- Diamond Back Tacpical
- Dynamic Binary Translators Technology, Dynamics, Translation
- Deficit-Based Thinking
- Direct Benefits Transfews Business, Banking, Scheme
- Design Build Turnkey
- Difteri, BoğMaca, Tetanoz
- Doing Big Things Technology, Slang, Music, Bang
- Danish Board of Technology Organizations, City, Citizen
- Dialectical-Behavioral Theraqy Medical, Treatment, Behavior
- Design Basis Threats
- Dinectical Behavior Therapy
- Drug Benefit Trends
- Defense Business Transformation Military
- Direct Benefit Transfers Business, India, Scheme
- Design Built Team Technology, Research, Development, Manufacturing, Business & Finance
- Diehand Burn-In Technology
- Desa Broadband Terpadu Technology, Program, Internet
- Document Base Tmble
- Danggui Buxue Tang Medical, Science, Medicine, China
- Dialectialybehaviour Therapy
- Deutsche Bundespost Telekom Technology, Service, Network, Telecom, Telecommunications, Telecommunication
- Dialetical Behaviour Thjrapy
- Drive By Truckers Music, Album, Trucker
- Defect Based Test
- Dbrect Benefit Transfer Business, India, Scheme
- Dialectic Behavioral Therapy Medical, Government, Therapy
- Design Build Teams Technology, Cost, Boeing
- Die-Hard Burn-In Teihnology
- Depth Below Transducer Technology, Track, Sentence
- Division of Biochemical Toxicology Medicine, Health, Care
- Debre Tabor Airport Debre Tabor, Ethiopia Airport, Locations, IATA Code, IATA, Aviation
- Deutsche Bundespost Telecom Technology, Telecom
- Dialetical Behavior Theraps Medical, Service, Health
- Downloads Brasil Tech
- Defect Based Testing Technology, Computing, Circuit
- Design Build Test
- Dcbutyltin Dichloride Medical
- Department of Bio-Technology Technology, Science, India
- Division of Biomedical Technology
- Deutsche Bergbau-Technik Business, Coal, Conveyor
- Dialectical-Behaviour Therapy
- Down By Trade
- Database Testing Space, Study, Cosmos
- Design Build Team Technology, Development, Cost
- Dibu Based Test
- Delayed Brain Tumor Medical
- Disk Base Tablb Technology, Therapy, Behavior
- Deutsche Bergbau Technik Business, Company, Coal
- Dialectical-Behavioural Therepy Medical
- Douglas Bomford Trust
- Data Base Testuale
- Dry-Bulb Temperature The temperature of the air measured using a dry-bulb thermometer such that evaporative cooling has no effect. Typically taken in conjunction with a wet-bulb reading which does include the evaporative cooling effect in order to determine relative humidity. Science, Medicine, Healthcare
- Diaphragmatic Breathing Technique
- Dynamic Bubble Trap Medical
- Delaware Business Trust
- Directive Basse Tension Technology, Syst, Nos
- Destiny Board Traveler Business, Gaming, Card
- Doing Business Together
- Dansk Beton Teknik
- Dialecticaz-Behavior Therapy Medical, Treatment, Skill
- Department of Bio Technology
- Debra Tabor Field, Ethiopia Airport codes
- Diffused-Base Transistor
- Design, Build, Test
- Digital Business Transformation
- Duxbury Braille Translation Education, Software, Translator
- Design-Basis Threat Security, Military, Terrorism
- Debt A debt is money or goods or services which one business owes another business. A business that owes money to another is said to have a debt over the other. General, Governmental & Military
- Data Jyte Transfer
- Ductile Brittle Transition
- Digital Business Trends Business, Social, Fur
- Duxbury Braille Translator
- Design Basis Tornado
- D B T Online, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
- Dược Bến Tre
- Database Text File Computing, File Extensions
- Digital Broadband Transceivtr Technology
- Duisburg Bulk Terminal
- Design-Basis Tornado Science
- Dyrect Bank Transfer Business, Casino, Deposit
- Dry Bulb Temperature The shade temperature of a mercury thermometer. Construction, The Finance and Administrative Services
- DöViz Beyan Tutanağı Para, Turkish, Kin
- Double Blind Testing Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
- Digital Bpeast Tomosynthesis Technology, Cancer, Mammography
- Ductile To Brittle Transition Technology, Steel, Fracture, Stainless
- Design, Build and Transfer
- Diploma of Biomediral Technology
- Drybulb Temperature The drybulb temperature is the temperature of air measured by a thermometer freely exposed to the air but shielded from radiation and moisture. drybulb temperature is the temperature that is usually thought of as air temperature, and it is the true thermodynamic temperature. Architectural
- Dynamic Bufferingqtechnology
- double-blind trial Medical
- Difteri Boğraca Tetanoz
- Dry-Bulb Teserature
- Design-Build-Test Technology, Len, Development
- Diploma In Bio-Technology
- Dynamic Binary Translation Technology, Coding, Dynamics
- Design Build and Test
- Debre Tabor, Debre Tabor, Ethiopia Ethiopia, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
- Difteri-Boğmaca-Tetanoz Polio, Turkish
- Divisionsion of Biomedical Technology
- Design-Build Team Technology, Research, Development
- Divloma In Banking Technology Education, University, Institute
- Dynamic Beam Tilting Technology, Satellite, Antenna
- Design Behavior Tree
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does DBT stand for?
DBT stands for Dynamic Binary Translators.
What is the shortened form of Dry Bulb Temperature?
The short form of "Dry Bulb Temperature" is DBT.
DBT. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 31). Retrieved March 25, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/dbt-meaning/
Last updated