DCC in Energy Meaning

The DCC meaning in Energy terms is "Data and Communications Company". There are 4 related meanings of the DCC Energy abbreviation.

DCC on Energy Full Forms

  1. Data and Communications Company
  2. Digital Camcorder Alternatively referred to as a video camcorder, a digital camcorder is one that record video on one of the following types of media: Digital8, MiniDV, DVD, hard drive or solid-state flash memory. Some digital camcorders also have the capability of taking still pictures and storing on separate media, typically the same type as used in digital cameras. While the image quality may not be quite as good as a standard digital camera, this allowed users to carry just one device to record both video and still images. The picture is an example of what a digital camcorder may look like.
  3. Digitally Controlled Capacitors
  4. Data Communications Company

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does DCC stand for Energy?

    DCC stands for Data Communications Company in Energy terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Digitally Controlled Capacitors in Energy?

    The short form of "Digitally Controlled Capacitors" is DCC for Energy.


DCC in Energy. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 26). Retrieved March 14, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/dcc-meaning-in-energy/

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