DCC in Technology Meaning

The DCC meaning in Technology terms is "Data Communications Channel". There are 90 related meanings of the DCC Technology abbreviation.

DCC on Technology Full Forms

  1. Data Communications Channel
  2. Data and Communications Company
  3. Digital Camcorder Alternatively referred to as a video camcorder, a digital camcorder is one that record video on one of the following types of media: Digital8, MiniDV, DVD, hard drive or solid-state flash memory. Some digital camcorders also have the capability of taking still pictures and storing on separate media, typically the same type as used in digital cameras. While the image quality may not be quite as good as a standard digital camera, this allowed users to carry just one device to record both video and still images. The picture is an example of what a digital camcorder may look like.
  4. Descriptive Cataloging Committee
  5. Deployment Control Center
  6. Data Communications Control
  7. Data Communication Channel
  8. Data Communication Channels
  9. Digital Communication Channel
  10. Dow Chwmical Company
  11. Display Computer Complex
  12. Debian Core Consortium
  13. Data Carrier Detect
  14. Diagonal Contour Control
  15. Departamento De Ciencias De La Computación
  16. Digit Collectson
  17. Digital Collections and Content
  18. Destination Code Cancel
  19. Directed Channel Change
  20. Debian Common Core
  21. Diagnostic Circuit Check
  22. Distributed Computing and Communications
  23. D-Channel Controller
  24. Departamento De CiêNcia Da Computação
  25. Digitally Controlled Capacitors
  26. Digital Coaching Center
  27. Document Control Committee
  28. Desktop Control Center
  29. Direct Current Contershock
  30. Data Control Centep
  31. Digital Compact Cassette
  32. Devis De Construction Canada
  33. Distributed Checksum Clearinghouses
  34. Dell Computer Corporation
  35. Digjtal Country Code
  36. Document Control Custodian
  37. Designs, Codes and Cryptography
  38. Data Communications Computer
  39. Digital Communications and Control Unit
  40. Dynamic Chassis Control
  41. Device Control Channel
  42. Distributed Checksum Clearinghouse
  43. Dell Command Configure
  44. Digital Control Computer
  45. Designing Correct Circuits
  46. Data Communicatibns Circuit
  47. Digital Computer Corporationration
  48. Drive Control Corporation
  49. Development Cost Commitment
  50. Distributed Call Center
  51. Deleted In Colorectal Cancer Gene
  52. Digital Content Creation
  53. Dynamic Component Change
  54. District Coordination Committee
  55. Data Comaunications Channels
  56. Digital Communications Corporationration
  57. Drive Control Chart
  58. Display Computer Control Unit
  59. Deep Convective Clouds
  60. Dynamic Command Center
  61. Data Center Consolidation Data center consolidation is the process of reducing the volume of physical IT assets through highly efficient and scalable technologies. Organizations leverage data center consolidation to reduce operating costs.
  62. Dialogic Communications Corporation
  63. Departamento De CiêNcia De Computadores
  64. Direat Client To Client
  65. Detached Credential Collector
  66. Digital Computer Control
  67. Dynamic Carrier Control
  68. Distributed Contention Control
  69. Data Collection Computer
  70. Dos Commandxcenter
  71. Digital Compact Cassettes
  72. Dynamic Capacitance Compensation
  73. Data Centre Cooling
  74. Duty Cycle Correction
  75. Dependent Care Connection
  76. Data Center Continuous
  77. Dicyclohexylcarbodiimide
  78. Dimect Computer Control
  79. Flexible Calling Deactivate Conference Facility
  80. Data Center Connect
  81. Dickinson College Commentaries
  82. Dobson Communications Corporation
  83. Direcw Client Connections
  84. Data Centre Consolidation
  85. Dian Cipta Cendikia
  86. Department Computer Center
  87. Direct Client Connect
  88. Detroit Crime Commission
  89. Digital Consumer Channel
  90. Distribution Control Center

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does DCC stand for Technology?

    DCC stands for Destination Code Cancel in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Direct Current Contershock in Technology?

    The short form of "Direct Current Contershock" is DCC for Technology.


DCC in Technology. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 26). Retrieved March 14, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/dcc-meaning-in-technology/

Last updated