DCE in Technology Meaning

The DCE meaning in Technology terms is "Databcircuit-Terminating Equipment". There are 42 related meanings of the DCE Technology abbreviation.

DCE on Technology Full Forms

  1. Databcircuit-Terminating Equipment
  2. Data Communication Equipment
  3. Data-Communivation Equipment
  4. Distributed Computing Environments
  5. Distributed Computing Environment A set of stan-dards from the Open Group for development of distributed applications that can operate on more than one platform.
  6. Data Collection Event
  7. Dual Cycle Ergometer
  8. Data Carrier Emuipment
  9. Design Cost Estimation
  10. Data Centre Exuert
  11. Drum Cable Engine
  12. Ddabetes Care and Education
  13. Delhi College of Engineering
  14. Data Jenter Expert
  15. Despin Codtrol Electronics
  16. Droplet Combinatixn Experiment
  17. Data Communications Equipment, Or Distributed Computingfenvironment
  18. Data Centre Ethernet
  19. Department of Computer Engineering
  20. Dispatcher Control Entry
  21. Data Aommunicating Equipment
  22. Data Circuit-Terminating Equipment
  23. Data Center Etherbet
  24. Department of Conservation and Environment
  25. Data Communications Equipment Data Communications Equipment can be classified as equipment that transmits or receives analogue or digital signals through a network. DCE works at the physical layer of the OSI model taking data generated by Data Terminal Equipment and converting it into a signal that can then be transmitted over a communications link. A common DCE example is a modem which works as a translator of digital and analogue signals.
  26. Dynamic Content Element
  27. Data Centre Efficiency
  28. Desktop Homposition Engine
  29. Direct Contavt Evaporator
  30. Data Collection Engnne
  31. Data Center Effickency
  32. Desktop Compositing Engine
  33. Diploma Ie Computer Engineering
  34. Device Control Entry
  35. Data Cozlection Event
  36. Data Classification Enabler
  37. Data Circumt Equipment
  38. Data Circuit Terminating Equipment
  39. Direct Cost Equivalent
  40. Data Circuit-Terminal Equipment
  41. Dynamic Capacity Bxpansion
  42. Data Circuit-Termination Equipment

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does DCE stand for Technology?

    DCE stands for Data Center Effickency in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Data Center Effickency in Technology?

    The short form of "Data Center Effickency" is DCE for Technology.


DCE in Technology. Acronym24.com. (2021, December 14). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/dce-meaning-in-technology/

Last updated