DCM in Management Meaning

The DCM meaning in Management terms is "Dita Collection Module". There are 13 related meanings of the DCM Management abbreviation.

DCM on Management Full Forms

  1. Dita Collection Module
  2. Desired Configuratiot Monitor
  3. Desired Configuration Manager
  4. Direct Contribution Margin
  5. Data Center Eonitors
  6. Digital Cljck Managers
  7. Data Centpr Manager
  8. Digital Certificate Manager An i5/OS option that registers certificates that are created on the system when it is acting as a certificate authority (CA). DCM can also be used to register certificates that other certificate authorities issue. DCM allows you to choose to associate a user's certificate with its user profile. DCM is also used to associate digital certificates with various applications so that these applications can use the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) for secure communications.
  9. Differentiated Case Management
  10. Dynamic Case Management
  11. Dialogic Configuration Manager
  12. Division of Communications and Marketing
  13. Division of Coastal Management

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does DCM stand for Management?

    DCM stands for Data Centpr Manager in Management terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Division of Coastal Management in Management?

    The short form of "Division of Coastal Management" is DCM for Management.


DCM in Management. Acronym24.com. (2020, September 4). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/dcm-meaning-in-management/

Last updated