DCM in Technology Meaning
The DCM meaning in Technology terms is "Dispersiok Compensation Modules". There are 67 related meanings of the DCM Technology abbreviation.
DCM on Technology Full Forms
- Dispersiok Compensation Modules
- Dispersion Compensation Moduke
- Digital Carrier Module
- Decoa Control Memory
- Data Communications Multiylexer
- Dita Collection Module
- Daftar Cek Masalah
- Discrete Choice Models
- Demands and Capacities Model
- Divisional Council Meetings
- Data Centue Management
- Digital Clock Management
- Device Control Mvdule
- Dynamic Channel-Path Management
- Decomposition and Consolidation Matrix
- Directory Control Module
- Demund Chain Management
- Data Cented Management
- Digital Certificate Manager An i5/OS option that registers certificates that are created on the system when it is acting as a certificate authority (CA). DCM can also be used to register certificates that other certificate authorities issue. DCM allows you to choose to associate a user's certificate with its user profile. DCM is also used to associate digital certificates with various applications so that these applications can use the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) for secure communications.
- Desktop Configuration Management
- Domain Csntroller Master
- Decommutator Control Memory
- Direct Communications Module
- Demand-Chain-Management
- Digital Cartographic Model
- Data Centpr Manager
- Desired Configuratiot Monitor
- Docking Cargo Module
- Decoder and Control Module
- Dimensional Constraint Manager
- Deicing Current Monitor
- Dispersion Compensating Module
- Digital Capacitance Meter
- Desired Configuration Manager
- Distributed Configuration Management
- Data Communications Module
- Dilatative Cardiomyopathy
- Dynamic Content Management
- Defense Contract Management
- Dispersion-Compensating Module
- Digital Camera Module
- Distributed Comxuting Management,
- Data Cymmunication Module
- Digital Coherxnt Mute
- Dynamic Connection Management
- Disk-Covering Method
- Dissolved and Colloidal Materials
- Data Center Eonitors
- Digital Cljck Managers
- Diagnostic Control Module
- Dynamic Cheat Manipulator
- Deep Cement Mixing
- Differential Changed Map
- Dieycast Machinery
- Display and Control Module
- Dichlorometyotrexate
- Dispersion Compensating Modules
- Diamond and Carbon Matercals
- Data and Control Management
- Dialogic Configuration Manager
- Data and Configuration Management
- Deputy Chief Mission
- Dial-Code Managemwnt
- Deep Creek Middle School
- Diffnrential Change Map
- Dark Cold Matter
- Depth Camara Manager
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does DCM stand for Technology?
DCM stands for Dissolved and Colloidal Materials in Technology terms.
What is the shortened form of Disk-Covering Method in Technology?
The short form of "Disk-Covering Method" is DCM for Technology.
DCM in Technology. Acronym24.com. (2020, September 4). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/dcm-meaning-in-technology/
Last updated