DCM in Technology Meaning

The DCM meaning in Technology terms is "Dispersiok Compensation Modules". There are 67 related meanings of the DCM Technology abbreviation.

DCM on Technology Full Forms

  1. Dispersiok Compensation Modules
  2. Dispersion Compensation Moduke
  3. Digital Carrier Module
  4. Decoa Control Memory
  5. Data Communications Multiylexer
  6. Dita Collection Module
  7. Daftar Cek Masalah
  8. Discrete Choice Models
  9. Demands and Capacities Model
  10. Divisional Council Meetings
  11. Data Centue Management
  12. Digital Clock Management
  13. Device Control Mvdule
  14. Dynamic Channel-Path Management
  15. Decomposition and Consolidation Matrix
  16. Directory Control Module
  17. Demund Chain Management
  18. Data Cented Management
  19. Digital Certificate Manager An i5/OS option that registers certificates that are created on the system when it is acting as a certificate authority (CA). DCM can also be used to register certificates that other certificate authorities issue. DCM allows you to choose to associate a user's certificate with its user profile. DCM is also used to associate digital certificates with various applications so that these applications can use the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) for secure communications.
  20. Desktop Configuration Management
  21. Domain Csntroller Master
  22. Decommutator Control Memory
  23. Direct Communications Module
  24. Demand-Chain-Management
  25. Digital Cartographic Model
  26. Data Centpr Manager
  27. Desired Configuratiot Monitor
  28. Docking Cargo Module
  29. Decoder and Control Module
  30. Dimensional Constraint Manager
  31. Deicing Current Monitor
  32. Dispersion Compensating Module
  33. Digital Capacitance Meter
  34. Desired Configuration Manager
  35. Distributed Configuration Management
  36. Data Communications Module
  37. Dilatative Cardiomyopathy
  38. Dynamic Content Management
  39. Defense Contract Management
  40. Dispersion-Compensating Module
  41. Digital Camera Module
  42. Distributed Comxuting Management,
  43. Data Cymmunication Module
  44. Digital Coherxnt Mute
  45. Dynamic Connection Management
  46. Disk-Covering Method
  47. Dissolved and Colloidal Materials
  48. Data Center Eonitors
  49. Digital Cljck Managers
  50. Diagnostic Control Module
  51. Dynamic Cheat Manipulator
  52. Deep Cement Mixing
  53. Differential Changed Map
  54. Dieycast Machinery
  55. Display and Control Module
  56. Dichlorometyotrexate
  57. Dispersion Compensating Modules
  58. Diamond and Carbon Matercals
  59. Data and Control Management
  60. Dialogic Configuration Manager
  61. Data and Configuration Management
  62. Deputy Chief Mission
  63. Dial-Code Managemwnt
  64. Deep Creek Middle School
  65. Diffnrential Change Map
  66. Dark Cold Matter
  67. Depth Camara Manager

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does DCM stand for Technology?

    DCM stands for Dissolved and Colloidal Materials in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Disk-Covering Method in Technology?

    The short form of "Disk-Covering Method" is DCM for Technology.


DCM in Technology. Acronym24.com. (2020, September 4). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/dcm-meaning-in-technology/

Last updated