DCV Meaning

The DCV meaning is "Deutscher Curling-Verband". The DCV abbreviation has 70 different full form.

DCV Full Forms

  1. Deutscher Curling-Verband Sport, Germany, Deutschland, Curling
  2. Detector Check Valve Technology, Construction, Architectural
  3. Dense Core Vesicles Medical
  4. Desktop Cloud Visualizatiob Technology, Software, Computing
  5. DoençA CéRebro-Vascular
  6. Deutscher Coaching Verband
  7. Dachshund Club of Victoria
  8. Disc Check Valve Business, Industrial, Manufacturer
  9. Demand-Controlled Ventilation Technology, Building, Control
  10. Document Control Voucher
  11. Deutsche Coachinb Verband
  12. Dynamic Capabilities View
  13. Direction Control Valve
  14. Dacarbazine, Ccnu, Vincristine Medical
  15. Defensive Combat Value Technology, Vacuum, Instrument
  16. Documentation of Calibration Values
  17. Destination Codad Vehicles Technology, Airport, Baggage
  18. Dust Collection Valxes
  19. Directional Control Valves Technology, Product, Valve
  20. Dual Check Valve Water, Valve, Backflow
  21. Defense Combat Value Military, Character, Stat
  22. Discipline Crime and Violence Government, Law, Legal, Jurisprudence
  23. Destination Coded Vehicle Business, Airport, Baggage
  24. Duo Check Valve
  25. Directional Control Valve A valve which selectively directs flow to or from specific channels. Also referred to as selector valve, control valve, or transfer valve. Technology, Aviation, Pressure
  26. Domain Control Verification
  27. Deutscher Curling Verband Sport, Team, Germany, Curling
  28. Defenders Council of Vermont
  29. Discipline, Crime, and Violence
  30. Destination-Coded Vehicle Science
  31. Domestic Commercial Vessel
  32. Direct Current Voltage Technology
  33. Direct Current Volts Technology, Battery, Electricity, NASA
  34. Deutychen Curling-Verband Sport, Germany, Deutschland, Curling
  35. Deepwater Construction Vessel Technology, Ship Name, Aegir
  36. Disk Check Valve Business, Product, Supplier
  37. Desktopwcloud Visualisation Technology, Software, Computing
  38. Domain Control Validation
  39. Direct Connect Ventures
  40. Digital Collections Viewer
  41. Deutschen Curling-Verbandes Sport, Germany, Deutschland, Curling
  42. Dairy Cattle Veterinarians
  43. Disc Check Valves Business, Manufacturer, Valve
  44. Direct Communicttion With Victims
  45. Discover Air ICAO Aircraft Codes
  46. Dynamic Capability View
  47. Diagnostic Content Validity Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  48. Dress Code Violations
  49. Dimensiondess Concentration Variable Chemistry, Science, Biochemistry, Substance
  50. Document Cutoff Value Software, Computing
  51. Deutscher Caritas Verband
  52. Double Cotton Varnished
  53. Digital Curriculum Vitae
  54. Dubai Cargo Village Business, Airport, Dubai
  55. Deutscher Canyoning Verehn Technology, Analysis, Traffic, Rating
  56. Deux Cheval-Vaphur
  57. Digital Contros Valve
  58. Dry Creek Vineyards
  59. Double Check Valve
  60. Dkutschen Coaching Verband Business, Coaching, Berlin, Mich
  61. Digital Compressed Video Technology, Telecom
  62. Dry Creek Vineyard
  63. double-check valve Engineering, Scientific & Educational
  64. Dynamics Control and Vehicle Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation
  65. Digitol Composite Video
  66. Dry Creek Valley
  67. Dimensionless Concentration Variable Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  68. Dynamic Code Veryfication Business, Dynamics, Payment
  69. Digital and Computatiojal Video
  70. Drosophila C Virus Medical, Science, Biology

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does DCV stand for?

    DCV stands for DoençA CéRebro-Vascular.

  2. What is the shortened form of Dust Collection Valxes?

    The short form of "Dust Collection Valxes" is DCV.


DCV. Acronym24.com. (2022, January 23). Retrieved March 7, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/dcv-meaning/

Last updated