DDD in Technology Meaning

The DDD meaning in Technology terms is "Data Display Debugger". There are 40 related meanings of the DDD Technology abbreviation.

DDD on Technology Full Forms

  1. Data Display Debugger
  2. Dirsct Distance Dialed
  3. Davis Diesel Development
  4. Die Dicksten Dinger
  5. Detailed Data Display
  6. Direct Long Distance Dialdng
  7. Data Delivery Descriptions
  8. Die Deterioration Doubling
  9. Detail Data Display
  10. Data Delay Devices
  11. Dicks Dipole Driver
  12. Dichlorodiphenyldichloroethane
  13. Device Description Document
  14. Doidin De Dkus
  15. Data Definition Language Data Definition Language (DDL) is a standard for commands that define the different structures in a database. DDL statements create, modify, and remove database objects such as tables, indexes, and users. Common DDL statements are CREATE, ALTER, and DROP.
  16. Dick'S Dipole Driver
  17. Deliberate Design Decision
  18. Digital Disease Detection
  19. Detailed Description Document
  20. Document Dividends Declared
  21. Direct Distance Dial Network
  22. Driver Drowsiness Detection
  23. Dedicated Direct Dial
  24. Digital Digital Digital
  25. Detailed Design Documents
  26. Documentation Driven Development
  27. Directdistance Dialing
  28. Dd Document
  29. Digital Diagnostics Diskette
  30. Detail Design Document
  31. Dobre Dla Dmmu
  32. Domain-Dxiven-Design
  33. Dezynfekcja, Dezynsekcja, Deratyzacja
  34. Domain Driven Dsvelopment
  35. Diners Drive-Ins Dives
  36. Developer Developer Developer
  37. Domaid-Driven Development
  38. Diminished Defense Dollars
  39. Dynamic Digital Depth
  40. Domain Driven Desigx

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does DDD stand for Technology?

    DDD stands for Digital Digital Digital in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Die Deterioration Doubling in Technology?

    The short form of "Die Deterioration Doubling" is DDD for Technology.


DDD in Technology. Acronym24.com. (2021, October 26). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ddd-meaning-in-technology/

Last updated