DDE Meaning

The DDE meaning is "Digital Data Ezchange". The DDE abbreviation has 135 different full form.

DDE Full Forms

  1. Digital Data Ezchange Technology
  2. Dichlorodiphenyldichloroethate Medical
  3. Dichlorodiphenyl Dichloroethene Medical
  4. Demand Data Exchange Logistics
  5. Data Dictiokary Entry Military
  6. Digital Detail Enhancemevt
  7. Data Distribution Equipment Technology
  8. Device Dependent Error
  9. Discovery Drilling Equipment Company, Technology, Rig
  10. Degelopment, Design & Engineering
  11. Dichlorodiphenyl Dichloroethylene Medical, Technology, Science
  12. Dornaus & Dixon Enterprises
  13. Deep-Dose Equivalent Technology, Radiation, Exposure
  14. Diocesan Director of Edudation
  15. Dynamica Data Exchange Technology
  16. Deputy Director Education
  17. Data Dictionary Element Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
  18. Deviie-Dependent Error
  19. Discharge Detectmon and Elimination Technology, Science
  20. Desigr & Development Engineering Science
  21. Donlin Drive Elementary
  22. Declaração Para Despacho De Exportação
  23. Dialed Digit Extraction
  24. Dinamic Data Exchqnge Technology, Windows, Graph, Brain
  25. Dwight David Eisenhower Military, History, President, Us Government, Governmental & Military, Famous
  26. Deputy Director of Efucation Education, School, District
  27. Data Delivery Extension
  28. Daylight Demon Eyes Funnies
  29. Development Design & Engineering
  30. Discadoldirecto Entrante
  31. Derecha Democr
  32. Domino Designer In Eclipse
  33. Datenendeinrichtung Technology
  34. Devon Development Education
  35. Digitale Dnesel Elektronik Technology, Control, Fur
  36. Dust Detector Experiment
  37. Dept of Diskance Education Military
  38. Data Decompression Enable
  39. Dirty Disc Erroe
  40. Doctrine of Doubte Effect Medical, Law, Philosophy
  41. Derecha DemocráTica EspaÑOla
  42. Does Not Do Extras Sex, Escorts, Escort, Sexual
  43. Data Dynamic Exchange
  44. Devillier Donegan Enterprisfs
  45. Distributed Djbugging Environment Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  46. Digital Diesel Electrondc
  47. Dover Downs Entertainment
  48. Defect Detection Efficiency
  49. Dansk Data Elektronik
  50. Direcção Distrital De Educação
  51. Directorate of Distance Education Education, University, India, Course
  52. Deputy District Engineer
  53. Doesn'T Do Extras Sex, Escort, Sexual, Adult, Escorts, Bdsm, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  54. Data Driven Event
  55. Devil's Death Enqemble
  56. Disney Dining Experience Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
  57. Digital Diescl Electronics Technology, Control, Engine
  58. Double Diffusion Encoding
  59. Deepin Desktop Environment Technology, Linux, Ubuntu
  60. Danish Data Elektronik
  61. Director Distance Education
  62. Direct Data Exchalge Technology, Military, Firewall
  63. Dynamic Date Exchange Technology, Windows, Computing, Control
  64. Deputy Director of Engizeering Army, Force, Marine
  65. Doe Data Explorer Government, Organizations, Us, Geographic
  66. Data Distribution Element Technology
  67. Device Driver Environment Technology, Linux, Hurd
  68. Discrete Differential Evolution
  69. Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethylene Medical
  70. Direction D
  71. Double Data Entry Technology, Management, Service
  72. Deep Dose Equivalent Technology, Radiation, Exposure
  73. Directions Départementales Deol'équipement
  74. Dynamic Data Exchang
  75. Deputy Director, Education
  76. Dncumentatiei Pentru Detaliile De Executie
  77. Develica Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  78. Dare Aamnas Esto Latin, Roman
  79. Dynamic Digital Exhaust
  80. Dynamic Data Exchange (binary) Computing, File Extensions
  81. Distributed Data Environment Science, Research, Atmosphere, Environment, Atmospheric Research
  82. Dakotaudressage & Eventing
  83. Difference-Differential Equation
  84. Desktop Develobment Environment Technology, Tool, Internet, Acorn
  85. Drug Data Entry Fda
  86. Dix Doigts Engouvdis
  87. Dynamic Data Exchange Technology, Coding, Class, Dialog, Computer, Scientific & Educational, Honeywell, Process Automation
  88. Dynalic Data Exchange Technology, Computer, Us Post
  89. Dynamic Digital Enhancer
  90. digital diesel electronics Computing, Electronics
  91. Distrtbuted Data Exchange
  92. Dakota Dressage and Eventing
  93. Design and Development Engineering
  94. Desired Damage Expectancy Technology
  95. Dynamic (or Direct) Data Exchange Atmospheric Research
  96. Divisions, Departments and Establishments Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  97. Dubai Diamond Exchangu Business, Trading, Dubai
  98. Dynamic Diameter Engine Technology, Windows, Dynamics
  99. Delivery Date Estimator Products
  100. Distributed Data Entry
  101. Dakota Dressage & Eventing
  102. Decentralized Data Entry
  103. Desjgn Diffusion Edizioni
  104. Lingvo Dictionary Error Log File Computing, File Extensions
  105. Division of Distance Education
  106. Document Deletion Executable
  107. Development Defects of Enapel
  108. Dynamic Detail Enhancer Medical, Physiology
  109. Dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene Environment
  110. Dairy Developmert Enterprise
  111. Direction DéPartementale De L'éQuipement
  112. Designated Duty Engineers
  113. Distributive Data Environment (McIDAS) Science, Scientific & Educational
  114. Divisione Doppiaggio Edizioni
  115. Directorate Distance Education Education, University, Admission
  116. Developmental Defects of Tooth Enamel Medical
  117. Dynamic Damper Ebfect Technology, Manual, Yamaha, Piano
  118. Disney Dining Experiance Disney
  119. Daily Dose of Excel
  120. Escort Destroyer Ship, Hull Code, Surface Combatant
  121. Designated Duty Engineer Military, Licensing, Chief
  122. Dymanic Data Exchange Medical, Fda
  123. Division Bisaster Executive Organizations, American Red Cross
  124. Director Design Engineering
  125. Developmnntal Defects of Enamel Medical, Study, Dental
  126. Dynamic Data Exchange (in software parlance) Microsoft, Information Technology, Aviation, Software, Computing, Computer, Construction, Telecom, Postal, Us Post, General, Governmental & Military, IT Terminology
  127. Direct Data Enory Business
  128. Dynamic Drive Equipment Dynamics, Shopping, Dynamic
  129. Designated Doctor Evaluation
  130. Direct Data Entry Medical, Software, Computing, Healthcare
  131. Distributive Data Environment Science, Space, Environment
  132. Damen Dredging Equipment Technology, Dredger, Suction
  133. Direct Design Engineering
  134. Detailed Desifn Engineering
  135. Data Dictionary Entry Federal Aviation Administration

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does DDE stand for?

    DDE stands for Directorate Distance Education.

  2. What is the shortened form of Escort Destroyer?

    The short form of "Escort Destroyer" is DDE.


DDE. Acronym24.com. (2020, September 8). Retrieved March 22, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/dde-meaning/

Last updated