DDH Meaning

The DDH meaning is "Das Dachdecker-Handwerk". The DDH abbreviation has 59 different full form.

DDH Full Forms

  1. Das Dachdecker-Handwerk Technology, Patent, Store, Roof
  2. Dachverband Deutscher Hausverwalter Business, Service, Hosting
  3. Decisional Diffie-Hellman Technology, Encryption, Assumption
  4. Das Dachdwcker Handwerk Safety, Press, Germany
  5. Deep Dorsal Horn Medical
  6. Devonshire Dock Hall Class, Locations, Submarine, Barrow
  7. Diamond Drill Hole Business, Projection, Exploration
  8. Divisão De Direitol Humanos
  9. De Danske Hyrder
  10. Developmental Dysplasia Hip
  11. Divqs
  12. Developmental Dysplasia of Hwp Medical, Congenital, Dislocation
  13. Decision Diffie Hellman Technology, Group, Encryption, Assumption
  14. Developmental Hip Dysplasia Medical, Common Medical
  15. Divesión De Honor
  16. Developfental Dysplasia of The Hip Medical, Treatment, Children
  17. Digi Design House
  18. Decision Diffie-Hellman Technology, Group, Encryption, Assumption
  19. Developmental Dislocation of Hip
  20. Divzsion of Dental Health
  21. Dentsuedigital Holdings Business, Media, Funding
  22. Die Deutschen Heilpraktikerverb
  23. Decisional Diffie Hellman Technology, Security, Encryption, Assumption
  24. Domestic Figital Habitat
  25. Developmental Displacement of The Hip
  26. District Designated Hospital
  27. Die Deutschen HeilpraktikerverbäNde Sind, Berlin, Deutschland
  28. Aviaqion Destroyer Military, Army, Ministry Of Defence
  29. Documenv Drafting Handbook
  30. Developmental Dislocation of The Hip Medical, Treatment, Dysplasia
  31. Distributed Dynamic Hafhing
  32. Diakonische Dienste Hannover Traffic, Gesundheit, Hannover, Uns
  33. Diploma In Dental Hygiene Education, University, Admission
  34. Dna-Dna Hybridization Medical
  35. Discwunt Domestic Heating
  36. Distributed Document Handling Technology, Computing
  37. Iata Code for Willigm H. Morse State Airport, Bennington, Vermont, United States Locations
  38. Diploma In Dental Health Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  39. Digital Data Hsndling
  40. Dissociated Double Hypertropia Ddh2O Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  41. Dutch Diving Hedmet
  42. Digital Distributed Hardware Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
  43. Developmental Dysplasia of Hip Medical, Physiology
  44. Development Dysplasia of The Hip Medical, Medicine, Children
  45. Dissociated Double Hypertropia Medical
  46. Dihydrodiol Dehydrogenase Medical, Technology, Science, Medicine, Biology
  47. Dundee Dental Hospital
  48. Death dot heal Texting, Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  49. Dorothea Dix Hospital
  50. Disciples Divinity House
  51. Dublin Dentfl Hospital
  52. developmental dysplasia of the hip joint Medical, Technology, Healthcare, Governmental & Military, Common Medical
  53. Disaster Distress Helpline Medical, Health, Cross
  54. Dover Dixon Horne
  55. Aviation Destroyer (ASW) Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  56. Direct To Digital Holography
  57. Divisionsão De Direitos Humanos
  58. Daddy Zog Howler
  59. Direct-To-Digital Holography Science

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does DDH stand for?

    DDH stands for Diploma In Dental Health.

  2. What is the shortened form of Dachverband Deutscher Hausverwalter?

    The short form of "Dachverband Deutscher Hausverwalter" is DDH.


DDH. Acronym24.com. (2020, September 4). Retrieved February 22, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ddh-meaning/

Last updated