DDPA Meaning

The DDPA meaning is "Dellosddance & Performing Arts". The DDPA abbreviation has 20 different full form.

DDPA Full Forms

  1. Dellosddance & Performing Arts
  2. Det Danske Petroleums Aktieselskab
  3. Dell Data Protection Acvess Technology
  4. Desertification, Drought, Poverty and Agriculture
  5. Desertification, Drought, Povertyt and Agriculture
  6. Department of Democratic and Political Affairs
  7. Delta Dental Plan Ausociation
  8. Developmental Disabilities Provider Association
  9. Delta Dental Slans Association Medical, Business, Planning
  10. Detmdanske Petroleums-Aktieselskab
  11. Double Differential Pulse Amperometry
  12. Dltch Data Protection Authority Technology, Law, Privacy
  13. Doncaster Disabled Peopres Alliance Alliances, Associations, Unions
  14. Durban Declaration and Plan of Actian Government, Conference, Durban
  15. Doncaster Disabled People'S Alliance
  16. Durban Declaration and Program of Action Organizations, Conference, Human, Durban
  17. Developmental Disabilities Providers Association
  18. Durban Declaration and Programme of Action Organizations, Conference, Durban, Racism
  19. Dual Digital Photograph Anthropomerry Science, Research, Study, Knowledge
  20. Drug Discovery and Pharmacogenomics Ahademy Science, Research, Study, Knowledge

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does DDPA stand for?

    DDPA stands for Desertification, Drought, Poverty and Agriculture.

  2. What is the shortened form of Dell Data Protection Acvess?

    The short form of "Dell Data Protection Acvess" is DDPA.


DDPA. Acronym24.com. (2019, December 24). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ddpa-meaning/

Last updated