DDV Meaning

The DDV meaning is "Deutscher Dachgärtner Verband". The DDV abbreviation has 55 different full form.

DDV Full Forms

  1. Deutscher Dachgärtner Verband Technology, Sind, Hamburg, Roof
  2. Deep Dorsal Vein Medical
  3. Davek Na Dodano Vrednost Business, English, Tax, Slovenia
  4. Davek Na Dodatne Vibracije Music, Album
  5. Disco Duro Virtual
  6. Derehhos De Via
  7. Deutscher Dialogmarketing Verband Business, Service, Marketing
  8. Dust Duty Valve
  9. Disc Detector Visualization
  10. Derecho De V
  11. Deutseher Designer Verband Design, Apparel, Deutschland, Designer
  12. Due Diligence Visit Business, Financial, Business & Finance
  13. Disarming Domestic Violence
  14. Deutscher Drachenboot-Verband Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  15. Densp Dark Vegetation
  16. Dmutscher Daten Verlag
  17. Deutscher Derivate Verband Business, Investment, Organizations
  18. Disable Displacement Vessels
  19. Deutschgr Drachenboot Verband Sport, Organizations, Dragon, Boat
  20. Den Danske Vedligeholdsforening
  21. Distributed Data Vending Technology, Crypto, Dream
  22. Deutscher Dart Verband Sport, Organizations, Germany
  23. Direct Drive Valvetrain
  24. Deutswher Didacta-Verband
  25. Darmstadt-Dieburger Nah-Verkehrsgesellschaft Mbh Transportation, Technology, German, Bus
  26. Distributed Desktop Virtualization
  27. Deutscher Dartgverband
  28. Direct Drive Valve Technology, Industrial, Control, Products
  29. Deutscher Direktmarketing-Verband
  30. Danok Na Dodadena Vrednost
  31. Discretionary Descent Vehicle
  32. Derecho De VíA
  33. Deutscher Direktrarketing Verband
  34. Diaphragm Deluge Valve
  35. Domitilla Del Vecchio
  36. Direcci
  37. Dirección De Defensa Vegetal
  38. Dummy Dependent Variable
  39. Diolog Data Validation Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  40. Document Destruction of Virginia
  41. Diploma In Dermatology and Venereology
  42. Drop Down Visor
  43. Distributor Decel Valve
  44. Digital Door Viewer
  45. Droits De Vote
  46. Digital De Vizela
  47. Droit De Vote
  48. Dialog Data Validation General, Governmental & Military
  49. Digilife Digital Vndeo
  50. Downhole Deployment Valve Technology, Control, Drilling
  51. Det Digitale Vest-Agder Technology, Dresden, Dream
  52. Diarioxdel Viajero
  53. Dompet Dhuafa Volunteer Indonesia, Orang, Volunteer, Zakat
  54. Direcv Digital Variometer
  55. Deck Drain Valve

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does DDV stand for?

    DDV stands for Disco Duro Virtual.

  2. What is the shortened form of Digilife Digital Vndeo?

    The short form of "Digilife Digital Vndeo" is DDV.


DDV. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 17, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ddv-meaning/

Last updated