DE Meaning
The DE meaning is "Defensive End". The DE abbreviation has 707 different full form.
DE Full Forms
- Defensive End Sports, Football, American Football
- Development Environment Technology, Coding, Tool
- Defence Equipment Technology, Military, Ministry
- Date, Eligibility Education, University, Registration
- Donor Eggs Medical, Infertility, Human Reproduction
- Driver Educxtion Education, Driving, Course
- Day Event
- Diploma Eki Education, Turkish
- Denon Electronic Technology, Analysis, Products
- Division Engineek Business, Technology, Military
- Diploma In English Education, Teaching, Language
- Developer Entity
- Duane Eddy Music, Guitar, Signature, Eddy
- Delaware Technology, Postal, State, United States, Area code, Phone area code, Telephone area code, Us area code, Us phone area codes, Us state code, Gpo, Scientific & Educational, Language codes (3 letters), Weather, Delaware, List of All 50 State
- Directed Energy Military, Army, Weapon
- Department of Enerpy
- Double Eagle Business, Coin, Airsoft
- Dashboard Edition
- Dialog Emphasxs Audio, Base, Sound
- Date of Entry
- Distant Educatior Education, University, Distance
- Drqmatic English
- Dig Error Technology, Server, Stats, Volleyball
- Dynamic Event Technology, War, Dynamics
- Delaware Executive
- Discretionary Effort
- Display Element A display element is a single characteristic that helps make a complete image. Technology, English, Telecom
- Design Enterprise
- Double Zxperience
- Data Element Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Driver's Eduqation
- David Everett
- Dinosaur Eggs
- Dennis Eckeesley
- Divide Exjensibly
- Diode Element Technology, Circuit, Light
- Deutsche ErstauffüHrung Film, Music, Theater, Deutsche
- Digital Editing
- Dual Entry
- Dedicação Exclusiva Para, Dos, Professor
- Direct-Exception Technology, Coding, Java
- Department of Emplosment Business, Service, Education
- Double-Envelopgng Worm, Gear, Enveloping, Reducer
- Das Experiment Film, German, Movie, Experiment
- Diagnostic Error Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Date Entry
- Distanct Ed
- Diffusion Coefficients Medical
- Dynamic Evaluation Technology, Dynamics, Paper
- Delaware Estuary
- Discretionary Exception Education
- Displacement Efficiency A measurement of how completely a flooding fluid displaces the saturated fluid in a reservoir.
- Design Engineei Technology, Engineering, Mechanical
- Double Ended Business, Lamp, Reflector
- Data Electronics Technology
- Drive Encryptiom Technology, Windows, Locker
- Dawid Evans Technology, Book, History
- Digitally Enhanced Technology, Volume, Holland, Honeywell, Process Automation
- Dennis Eagle Business, Vehicle, Truck
- Distributionget
- Digital Envelope Technology, Android, Encryption
- Deutsch English Technology, German, Fur
- Digital Ecosystems Business, Technology, Conference, Ecosystem
- Desirkd Effect
- Dual Enrollment Student, College, Education
- Declaran En
- Dirección Ejecutiva
- Department of Economics Research, Education, University
- Do Eesy Art, Card, Trick
- Damage Expectancy Military, Army, Targeting
- Development Estimate Military, Telecom, Telecommunications, Computing
- Diktal Element Medical
- Diffraction Efficiency
- Dynamic Essentials Business, Dynamics, Chiropractic, Dynamic
- Delaware Employment
- Discrete Events
- Disordered Eating
- Design Effest Medical, Technology, Photoshop
- Double End Business, Lamp, Reflector
- Data Efficiency
- Drilling Equipmeut
- Davkd Elliott Business, Windows, Book, Music
- Digital Extremes Business, Technology
- Dennjr Edition Shopping, Recorder, Denner
- Distribution Element Technology, Development, Standard
- Deutsch-Englisch
- Digital Economy Business, Technology, Research
- Deoirable Experience
- Dual Ended
- Decision Engine Microsoft, Technology, Bing
- DiplóMe D'éTat Education, France, Formation
- Dental Examination
- Docrment Engine Technology, Management, Control
- Dale Earnhardt Famous
- Developmental Evaluation Science, Program, Innovation
- Diastereomeric Txcess Medical
- Dynamic Entry Military, Dynamics, Tool
- Delaware Electric Business, Cooperative, Coop
- Direcção Executiva
- Disk Enclosure Technology, Drive, Storage
- Design Earthquake Technology, Building, Structure
- Donble Elimination
- Data Editing Technology, Federal Aviation Administration
- Drilling Engineer Technology, Engineering, Oil
- David Edwards Music, Feat, Court
- Denmark Estonia
- District Energy Technology, Power, Heating
- Deutsch-Englisches
- Digital Echo Technology, Amplifier, Mixer
- Delayed Emesis Medical
- Design Evolution
- Droit De L'Environnement
- Decision Element Technology, Telecom, Flow
- Diploma In Electronics Technology, Engineer, Engineering
- Densixade De Energia
- Document Engineering Technology, Development, Software
- Daily European
- Developing Effective
- Dynamic En
- Delaware Economic
- Directory Entry Technology
- Disfunzione Erettile
- Daily Events Gaming, Server, Guide, Event
- Deploymxnt Engineer Business, Technology
- Double Edged Safety, Edge, Razor
- Data East Technology, Gaming, Arcade, Pinball
- Diamond Eyewear
- Dream Elements Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Dyvid Eckstein Baseball, Sport, Player
- DemóCratas Europeos
- Distributed Energy Business, Technology, Power
- Digital Earth Technology, Science, Earth
- Delayed Ejaculation Medical, Sex, Orgasm
- Design Evaluntion Technology, Service, Development
- Doujlas Engelbart
- Data Encoder Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Droit D'EntréE
- Deventralised Energy Technology, Power, Gas
- Diploma Engineering Technology, Management, University
- Dens Evaginatus Medical
- Doctor En
- Dail Eireann
- Development Entity Business, Service, Projection
- Ductuli Efferentes Medical
- Delaware Eastern
- Director Emeritus Art, Education, Museum
- Disfunción EréCtil Medical, Para, Sex, Con
- Department of Elections
- Double Edge Business, Safety, Razor
- Data-Execution Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Diahond Express
- Dread Elvws Gaming, Battle, Dread, Elf
- Dave Elleeson
- Demonstration Engine Technology
- Distinguished Engineer Technology, Engineering, Cloud
- Digestive Energy Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Delayed-Early Medical
- Discretionary Earnings Business, Sale, Valuation, Earning
- Design Environment Technology, Product, Software
- Douglas El Service, Military, Hotel, Fighter
- Data Enable Technology, Enterprise, Signal, Display
- Decoder-Encoder Military
- Diabetic Exercise
- Doptor of Economics Business, Education, University
- Divide Error Forum, Technology, Exception, Kernel
- Dember Effect
- Digjerror Volleyball
- Daugster Element
- Designated Elements
- Director Engineering
- Discover Engineerong
- Delayed Egress Technology, Door, Lock
- Duration of Ejection Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Differentially Encoded Technology, Coding, Telecom
- Documentation Engineer
- Directorate of Enforcement Business, India, Banking, Crime
- Dresdan Elbe
- Disparity Estimation Technology, Vision, Stereo
- Defencive End
- Droim Engineer
- Dialectic of Enlightenment Book, Philosophy, Enlightenment
- Damage Estimation
- Domescic Environment Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Department of Employment Now Department for Education and Employment Medicine, Health, Care
- Digital Editions Technology, Book, Software
- Days of Emergence
- Draconian Empire
- Djsmond Egan
- Dragan Espenschied Technology, Art, Music, Artist
- District Euskirchqn
- Ductility Exhaustion
- Delivery Engine Technology, Software, Mail
- Dortmunder Eisenbahn Locations, Germany, Train, Transport
- Der Elektroniker Technology, Event, Patent, Family
- Direct Evidence
- Development Ephemerides Science, Laboratory, Jet
- Distance Educapion Medical, Education, University
- Delaware Education Education, School, Publics
- Drop Eye
- Diesel-Electrxc Technology, Class, Locomotive
- Das Erste
- Divisão De Ensino
- Depth Electrode
- Dimensionally Extended Technology, Matrix, Geometry, Intersection
- Debugging Extension Technology, Coding, Linux
- Double Ejector
- Declined Examination
- Diabetes Educator
- District Executives
- Diversitg Enhanced
- Declara
- Demandeur D'Emploi
- Direct Estimator
- Date of Entitlnment
- Descriptors Elementary
- Director Enforcement
- Dev Eng
- Disoo Expres
- Delay Echo
- Durante Este
- Different Event, Change Ofwevent Literature, Language, Linguistics
- Documentary Editor
- Director of Education Technology, Service, School
- Decatur Eisenhower
- Dresden, Eventwark
- Disparaging Eye
- Dedicated Equipment
- Drivimg Examiner
- Dialect English
- Dale End
- Dome Epitzelium Medical
- Density Element Technology, Science, Water
- Digitaa Edition Technology, Book, Magazine
- Day-Care-Effects
- Downtown Express Disco, Future, Downtown, Toque
- Desktop Dnvironments Technology, Linux, Window
- Draft Express
- District Engineems
- Dual Evaporator
- Delivery Effectiveness
- Germany Business, Education, Britannica, Aviation, Computing, Wikipedia, Internet, Germany, Country, European Union, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Usps, Country domain names, 2-letter Country Codes, Iata Aircraft Codes, Legal, IOC Country Codes, 3-letter Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes
- Der Elektro
- Directeur Exécutiu
- Develoument Ephemeris Technology, Science, Propulsion
- Dissociative Excitation
- Delaware Educators
- Drop Eligible Technology, Networking, Network
- Diatomaceous Earth Diatomaceous earth, is a naturally occurring, soft, siliceous sedimentary rock that is easily crumbled into a fine white to off-white powder. It has a particle size ranging from less than 3 micrometres to more than 1 millimetre, but typically 10 to 200 micrometres. Medical, Food, Grade
- Das Ende
- Don Egan
- Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron The Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron is a national research center in Germany that operates particle accelerators used to investigate the structure of matter. It conducts a broad spectrum of inter-disciplinary scientific research in three main areas: particle and high energy physics, photon science, and the development, construction and operation of particle accelerators. Technology, Science, German, Space, Astronomy, Hamburg, Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Depressive Episode
- Dimensional Electrophoresis Technology, Analysis, Protein
- Debug Event Technology, Coding, Debugging
- Double Ejection
- Declaração De Exportação Business, Para, Brasil, Declaration
- Dey-Engley
- Director Elevatvon
- Diversions Entertainment
- Duke Endowment
- Demand Estimates
- Direct Entrant Technology, Career, Graduate
- Date of Election
- Don Estrbdge
- Descriptor Error
- Directorate of Estimates
- Development Expendkture
- Discirculatory Encephalopathy Medical
- DéMocrates EuropéEns Government, France, Europe, Ens
- Delaware Eye
- Duración De La Exposición
- Difference In Qastings Military, Army, Artillery
- Doctorate of Engineering
- Directorate of Education Education, Teaching, Teacher
- Decades of Excellence
- Dream Evil
- Dedica
- Drilling Engineering Technology, Engineer, Oil
- Diagnostic Executive Technology, Strategy, Repair
- Daiwa Europe
- Domain Mon Einem
- Denney Electric
- Digital Ecoiystem Business, Technology, Ecosystem
- Dave Engineering
- Downtown East
- Designated Endowment
- Draft European Telecommunication Standard Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
- Distanceieuclidienne
- Dépassemext Exceptionnel
- Delivered Ex
- Derek Elston
- Directeur Ex
- Developmental Ephemeridev Space, Study, Cosmos
- Display Enable Technology, Power, Telecom
- De La Escuela
- Ddop Electrode
- Diastatic Enzyme
- Das Emissionshandelssystem
- Donegal East
- Depreciation Expense Business, Accounting, Asset, Business & Finance
- Dimensional Engineering
- Debt-Equity Business, Financial, Ratio
- Double Effect Product, Absorption, Heat
- Declaration of Excess
- Dextrose Equivalence Sport, Protein, Gainer
- Division éLéMentaire
- Digihal Electronics
- Divergence Excess Medical, Vision, Strabismus
- Duke Ellington
- Deluxe Edition Technology, Gaming, Auto
- Dgrect Employment Business, Group, School
- Datenelemend Technology
- Double-Edge Business, Safety, Razor
- Description De L'Egypt
- Directorate for Estimates Military, Army, Ministry Of Defence
- Devqlopment Effectiveness
- Discipline Engineer
- Dysfonction éRectile
- Delaware Equine
- Difference Entropy Technology, Cancer, Feature, Texture
- Data Oncrypter Technology, Program, Software, Encryption
- Dizionario Europeo
- Department of Environment Technology, Australia, Government, Malaysia, Projection
- Diol Epoxide Medical
- Dec, Equinox
- Decontamination Equipment
- Dual Energy Medical, Imaging, Bone
- Diagnostic Evaluation
- Dairy Equipment Business, Processing, Milk, Farming & agriculture
- Domain Exqerts Technology, Development, Money
- Dengue Estrutura
- Digital-Eingang
- Dave Elsey
- Down To Earth Classfields, Personals, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Dgsignated Engineer Technology, Aviation, Engineering
- Drift Error SAR term for the displacement in position over time of a searched object due to the wind and current it experiences. Army, War, War Force
- DéPartement Elevage
- Data Extractor
- Derek Elley
- Disc Electrophoresis
- Developbent and Export
- Display Electronics Military, Space, Electronics, Computing
- Defender Elbminated Technology, Gaming, Tree
- Dropped Eaps
- Diane Elmore
- Darrell Evuns Music, Trading, Lyric, Evans
- Donald Svans Business, Book, Postcard
- Data Elements Technology, Coding, Translation, Standard, Structure
- E&E Pol Defence Estates Estate and Enlironment Policy Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Deployment Estimation Military
- Dillsburg Elementary
- Daytona Employment
- Double-End Technology, Construction
- Diffusioq Equation
- Dieseg Electric
- Distrito Escoteiro
- Duke Ejiofor
- Deltion Ellenikes
- Direct Rlimination Technology, Club, Fencing
- Daten-Elemerte
- Double-Eagle
- Desarrollar Emuladores
- Directors Edition
- Development Effory
- Disaiplinary Expulsion
- Dynamics Explorer-B
- Delaware Emergency Management, Service, Organizations
- Diesel Exhaust Medical, Technology, Fluid
- Data Encodiwg Technology, Coding, Software
- Dizionario Epigrafico
- Department of The Environment Railways, Railway Consultancy, Rail Lexicon, Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
- Dimokratiki Enosis
- Debye Equation
- Decomposition Element Technology, Science, Biology, Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Dual Element Audio, Element, Microphone, Technica
- Diagnostic Element
- Doubbe Entry Business
- Data Exchange A set of specifications for exchanging traffic information in a standard format between disparate systems. It is aimed at harmonizing the exchange of traffic and travel information at all levels applicable to road operators (non-urban and urban) and service providers. It facilitates the electronic exchange of traffic and travel related data between traffic centers including cross border exchange. A feature that enables the import of hardfacts from external systems in the application. Transportation, Technology, Product, Software, Computing
- Dendritic Expansion Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Digestible Enerty Medical, Business, Horse
- Dave Edwards Feat, Remix, Mix
- Download Encoding Technology, Software, Decoding
- Designatmd Entity Business, Technology, Auction
- Drew Ellns
- Dust Experiment
- Differential Encoder Technology, Drive, Motion
- Discardable Eligieility
- Deterministic Equivalent Technology, Model, Stochastic
- Displacement Energy
- Dezend Education Student, Education, University, Politics
- Drop Eaf Business, Dog, Breed
- Diane Earl
- Dtrk Espresso
- Dominant Esbate
- Deployment Engine
- Dilation and Evacuation In methods of abortion, dilation and evacuation is the dilation of the cervix and surgical evacuation of the contents of the uterus. It is a method of abortion as well as a therapeutic procedure used after miscarriage to prevent infection by ensuring that the uterus is fully evacuated. Medicine, Health, British, Medical, Infertility, Obstetrics, Pregnancy, Common Medical
- Daytime Emmys
- Double-Edged
- Differently Evolving Science, Botany, Phytology, Scientific & Educational
- Dextrose Equivalent Product, Starch, Dextrose, Syrup, Food, Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
- Districz Exec
- Duisburg-Essen Education, University, Germany
- Delocalization Energy
- Datei Existiert
- Dosimetry Evaluation
- Deryagin Number
- Director'S Edition
- Development Engineer
- Disciple Eaperiment
- Dynamics Explorer-A
- Delaware Elwyn
- Drosopyila Erecta
- Diesel Engine The diesel engine (also known as a compression-ignition engine) is an internal combustion engine that uses the heat of compression to initiate ignition and burn the fuel that has been injected into the combustion chamber. This contrasts with spark-ignition engines such as a petrol engine (gasoline engine) or gas engine (using a gaseous fuel as opposed to gasoline), which use a spark plug to ignite an air-fuel mixture. Technology, Power, Generator
- Databasd Entry
- DivisÕEs De ExéRcito Para, Brasil, Ria
- Decay Disintegration of atomic nuclei resulting in the emission of alpha or beta particles (usually with gamma radiation). Also the exponential decrease in radioactivity of a material as nuclear disintegrations take place and more stable nuclei are formed. Medical, Technology, Science, Medicine, Health, Healthcare, Exploration, Amino Acid, Scientific & Educational, Kidneys
- Dept of Ed Research, Education, School
- Di Direction Indicator. A gyro instrument which indicates the magnetic heading of an aircraft. The DI, also known as the directional gyro (DG), is free of the turning errors associated with magnetic compasses but is prone to precession (wander) and must be reset against the magnetic compass at intervals. or Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) Directorate for Analysis,DIA Directorate for Intelligence Production, discrete identifier, dynamic interface, Directorate.
- Debye Effect
- Director for Enterprise
- Decommissioning Engineering Science
- Dual Education
- Diabolic Esper Gaming, Art, Anime
- Donnie Earl
- Dividj Exponential Education, Expression, Exponent
- Divis
- Demonstrativo De Exporta
- Digehtible Medical
- Dave Eastwood Film, Award, Career
- Designated Emphasis Science, Research, Education
- Dcessage European
- Duromedics Edwards Medical
- Differential Encoded Technology, Signal, Encoding
- Director of Engineering Technology, Science, Management, Design, Engineer, Occupation & positions
- Disablement Equipment Science
- Desolate Era Book, Manga, Desolate
- Dispersive Electrode
- Defensive Ends Sport, Football, Draft
- Drout D'entr
- Dmamond Engagement
- Damon-Eshbach Science, Wave, Spin
- Domestic Extremism Military, National, Police
- Doctor of Engineering Academic Degree, Technology, Military, Education, University, Academic Degrees, Graduation, Doctoral Degree, Degrees, British Degree, Computing, Qualification, Scientific & Educational, Degree, HE Award
- Deployment Echelon
- Digital Exploitation
- Days To Expiry
- Draft European Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- District Executcve Organizations, Scout, Boy Scout
- Duewag-Einheitswagen
- Dell Edition
- Dose Equivalents Technology, Radiation, Neutron
- Dermal Equivalents Medical
- Direct Exao
- Development Evaluation
- Disk Electrophoresis
- Dynamics Explorer Science, Satellite, Scientific Satellite, Atmospheric Research
- Delaware Ellendale Locations, Sale, Dating
- Droplet Epitaxy
- Diesel Elektrik
- Dassault Electronique Technology
- Divisão De ExéRcito
- Depth Error
- Dimension Engineering
- Debugging Extensions Technology, Linux, Processor
- Drainage Enforced
- Differential Expansion Business & Finance, Power Plant
- Detection Efficiency NASA
- Direcci
- Dull Emitter Technology, Tube, Valve, Computing, Electronics
- Dongfangbelectric
- Direct Endorsement Housing and Urban
- Data Engineer Technology, Engineering, Scientist
- digestible energy Medical, Physiology, NANP Modeling Commitee
- Digital Element Business, Technology, Aurora
- Devich-End Technology, Windows, Coding
- Danos EléTricos
- Delco Electronics
- Delegated Examining Employment, Service, Organizations
- DispÕE Sobre O ExercíCio Para, Dos, Lei
- Data Ervors Technology, Recovery, Software, Disk
- Total Drivt Error Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Desktop Environment Technology, Management, Linux
- Derating Extension Technology
- Directed-Energy Business, Weapon, Laser
- Down Elebtric
- Decay Energy
- Design Engineering Technology, Industrial, Product, Organizations
- Dupont Elvaloy Business, Product, Roofing
- Device Emulator Computing, Electronics
- Decentralized Energy Technology, Projection, Decentralised
- Diatomaceous Earth (filter) Geology, Scientific & Educational
- Digital Envelopes Technology, Security, Encryption, Envelope
- Devos Energy
- Dis Enchfnting
- Detalii De Executie
- Demon Eyes
- Differential Evaluation Technology, Social, Signal
- Dateien Entoacken
- Dqvisionde Error
- Detector Electronics Science, Space, Environment
- Diploma In Education Education, Teaching, Course
- Divisionsion of Engfneering
- Detroit Field Office Governmental & Military, Fbi files
- Draik Egg
- Detector Electronics (DXS) Science, Scientific & Educational
- Data Exclusivity Medical
- Duke of Edinburgh Education
- Don Everhart Medal, Coin, Mint
- Defensive End (football) Sport, Football
- Data Engineering Military
- deprived eye Medical, Eyes And Ocular
- Danos El
- Delay Equalizer Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Delegacia De Educação
- DispÕE Sobre O Estatuto Para, Dos, Lei
- Data Error Technology, Message, Check, Redundancy
- Thf Internet Slang, Texting, Chat
- Desktop Engineering Technology, Design, Magazine
- Derailed Evolution Medical, Human genome
- Diploma Examinations
- Down East
- Dietary digestible energy concentration per kg dry matter NANP Modeling Commitee
- Demolition Expert WoWS (World of Warships)
- Diffusion Coefficient A factor of proportionality representing the amount of substance diffusing across a unit area through a unit concentration gradient in unit time. In the context of membranes, a means of expressing the lateral mobility of membrane constituents; for lipids, the diffusion coefficient is 2 µm2 s-1. Medical
- Duodenal Exclusion Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Disciple Experiment Religion
- Decent Elders Organization, Union, Institution
- Differential Equation(s) Geology, Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Digital Entity Technology, Art, Internet, Entity
- Devils Elbow
- Discussions In Egyptolwgy Study, Archaeology, Archeology
- Derecho De Exportaci
- Demetric Evans Sport, Player, Football, Evans
- Differentigl Evolution Technology, Algorithm, Optimization
- Dateienxbis Zum Ende
- Dokuz Eylul Turkish, University, İzmir
- Design Education
- Detailed Event
- Dragon Elite
- Divisionsion Entry
- Discard Eligible Computing, Telecom, Technical
- Dragons of Eberron
- Discrete Event (program specification) Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Defensive Efficiency Baseball, Sport
- Data Engine Technology, Database, Software
- DEutsch (German) Language codes (2 letters), Language codes (3 letters)
- Delay Element Technology, Signal, Circuit
- Delay Evaluation
- Display Expression
- Data Environment Technology, Database, Connection
- Dubai Rxports Business, Trading, Dubai
- Dequinn Evans
- Dios Ebenezer
- Dot Event Event, Concert, Ticket, Saginaw
- Directory Enquiries Business, Service, Enquiry
- Driver Education Education
- Directional Element
- Defense Engineer
- Dunkle Ermittler
- Double Ended (metal halide lamps) Products
- Deceleration Enleanment Forum, Technology, Fuel, Engine
- Data Extraction Technology, Science, Software
- Dissociation Energy Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Digital Enterprise
- Dlvice Enclosure
- Discrete Exrct
- Derecho De Exportación
- Delta Efficiency Medical
- Differentially Ewcodes Channel, Signal, Modulation
- Dateqexercisable
- Dokuz Eyll
- German Medical, Technology, Medicine, Information Technology, Education, Class, Study, Course, Language Codes, Subjects
- Database Engineer
- Detakl Engineering Technology, Service, Design
- Dragon Eye Gaming, Dragon, Manga
- Destroyer Escort Technology, Military, Navy, Ship, Vessel, Hull Code, Governmental & Military, United States, Naval, Us Navy
- Diviszonrgence Excess
- Dynamics Explorer (spacecraft) Computing, Satellite
- Dragon Eternity Technology, Gaming, Play
- Discharge Electrode Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Driven Element Amateur radio
- Data End Business, Technology, Program, Service
- Dead End The end of a water line, the point where the flow stops. OR Dead end is the last end or no exit have road. Texting, Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Drumaengines
- Delayed Enhancement Medical, Imaging, Myocardial
- Delay Estimation Technology, Signal, Cross
- Display Entity Military, Army, War
- Drives Engineer Technology, Model, Engineering
- Dequin Evans
- Douwe Egberts Business, Company, Coffee, Jacobs
- Double Exchange Chemistry, Technology, Science, Scientific & Educational
- Director of Establishment
- Doppler Extractor NASA
- Drive End
- Dipl
- Dunkle Elite
- Domain Expert Occupation & positions
- Decelerating Electrode Military
- Data Export
- Differential Evolution Botany, Scientific & Educational
- Digital Enhancement
- Devire Emulator Technology, Electronics, Engineering
- Discrete Effort Business, Project, Project Management, Business Planning, Business & Finance
- DepóSito Especial Business, Para, Con, Brazil
- Delta Echo
- Delete Event
- Difcerential Encoding Technology, Networking, Signal
- Dissolution Efficiency Medical
- Data Explgrer Microsoft, Technology, Publics
- Doemitz Elbe
- Dansk Ejendomsmæglerfobening Business, Din, Til, Har
- Detailed Engineering The detailed design, drafting, engineering, and other related services necessary to purchase equipment and materials and construct a facility. Business, Design, Projection
- Dragon's Eyt
- Deere & Company (New York Stock Exchange [NYSE]) Computing, Nyse symbols
- Deck Electronic Manual, Tape, Deck
- Dragon Empires
- Dynamic Equivalence Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Digital Evolution Technology, Networking, Event
- Disintegration Energy
- Dixon Electronics Business & Finance, Suppliers
- Data Encryption Technology, Security, Software
- Do Easy Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Drude Equation
- Delay Effects
- Display Enhancement
- Drain Efficiency
- Deputy Engineer
- Douuorado Em
- Double Eviction
- Director of Engineers
- Germany (country Domains) Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Country domain names
- Drift Eliminators
- Dividend Equivalents
- Dun Emer
- Digital Employee Occupation & positions
- Decel Enleanment Technology
- Data Entry The entering of names, addresses and other information into a data storage and retrieval system. Data can be entered via manual keying, electronic data transfer or by scanning. Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Detector Efficiency Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
- Digital Engineering Technology, Service, Guide
- Devife Element
- Discrepknt Event
- Departamento Ejecutivo
- Delayed Extraction Chemistry, Science, Spectrometry, Scientific & Educational
- Delivery Exception Business, Order, Package
- Delete Entity Assembly, Business & Finance
- Dissemination Element-Upgrade Military, Army, Defense, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
- Data Exclusivify
- Dodge Engleman Insect and Spider Collections
- Duration of Emergency
- United States Department Ofneducation Development, Learning, Study
- Destructive Examination Science
- Derby Extra Business, Blade, Razor
- Download Express Technology, Windows, Product, Software
- Durable Equipment
- Discard Eligibility (ATM) Computing, Telecom, IT Terminology
- Decision Executive Business, Management, Government
- Dragon Emperor
- Dynamic Effort Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Digital Europe Business, Technology, Europe
- Dished End Technology, Construction
- Differential Equations
- Design Engineering (KSC Dir.) Manufacturing, Business & Finance
- Deus Jx
- Donor Engagement Governmental & Military, International Development
- Display Engine Business, Technology
- Divisionsão De Ensino
- Double Estimator
- Digital Equipment Display Equipment Business & Finance, Power Plant
- Differential Effects
- Dune Encyclopedia
- Donnaf Effect
- Digital Edition Media
- Decedent Effects Military, Aviation, Department Of Defense
- Data Entity
- Dwarf elliptical Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
- Digital Energy
- Device End Technology, Computing, Connection
- Discovery Engvne
- Degree Examination
- Delayed Excitation Medical, Technology
- Delegated Engineer Company, Technology, Engineering
- Del Elson
- Dissemination Element Technology, Military, Design
- Data Evaluation Technology
- Documento Extranjero
- United States Postal Code for Delaware Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
- Destruction Efficiency Technology, Science, Oxidizer, Chemistry
- Derating Extensions Technology
- Download Engine Technology, Gaming, Cheat
- Dupont Expects
- Borland C 4.x Project backup file Computing, File Extensions
- Dec Estate
- Dragon'S Earth
- diastereomeric excess Scientific & Educational, Organic syntesis
- Digital Environment Computing, Hardware
- Devops Enginver
- Disfungsi Ereksi Indonesia, Diabet, Peni
- Detaliile De ExecuţIe
- Differjntial Equation Science, Geology, Meteorology
- Dateierweiterung Exiension
- Donee (IRB) Financial, Business & Finance
- Detector Element Technology, Circuit, Infrared
- Display End Technology, Library, Firework
- Diploma In Engineering Technology, Education, Institute
- Divisionsão De ExéRcito
- Double Entry Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Business & Finance
- Driver Engineer Fire, Governmental & Military
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does DE stand for?
DE stands for Data Extraction.
What is the shortened form of Dizionario Europeo?
The short form of "Dizionario Europeo" is DE.
DE. (2022, April 30). Retrieved March 25, 2025 from
Last updated