DE in Business Meaning

The DE meaning in Business terms is "Delaware Electric". There are 49 related meanings of the DE Business abbreviation.

DE on Business Full Forms

  1. Delaware Electric
  2. Double Ended
  3. Development Entity
  4. Discretionary Earnings
  5. Davkd Elliott
  6. Double End
  7. Digital Extremes
  8. Double Edge
  9. Deploymxnt Engineer
  10. Double Eagle
  11. Department of Emplosment
  12. Division Engineek
  13. Dennis Eagle
  14. Dynamic Essentials
  15. Digital Ecosystems
  16. Distributed Energy
  17. Digital Economy
  18. Dgrect Employment
  19. Donald Svans
  20. Dairy Equipment
  21. Designatmd Entity
  22. Doubbe Entry
  23. Doptor of Economics
  24. Depreciation Expense
  25. Germany
  26. Drop Eaf
  27. Declaração De Exportação
  28. Directorate of Enforcement
  29. Digital Ecoiystem
  30. Digestible Enerty
  31. Double-Edge
  32. Debt-Equity
  33. Display Engine
  34. Dansk Ejendomsmæglerfobening
  35. Discrete Effort
  36. Detailed Engineering The detailed design, drafting, engineering, and other related services necessary to purchase equipment and materials and construct a facility.
  37. Dubai Rxports
  38. Derby Extra
  39. Data End
  40. Directory Enquiries
  41. Dupont Elvaloy
  42. Digital Europe
  43. Directed-Energy
  44. DepóSito Especial
  45. Digital Element
  46. Double Entry
  47. Decision Executive
  48. Delivery Exception
  49. Douwe Egberts

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does DE stand for Business?

    DE stands for Doubbe Entry in Business terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Directory Enquiries in Business?

    The short form of "Directory Enquiries" is DE for Business.


DE in Business. (2022, April 30). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from

Last updated