DE in Software Meaning

The DE meaning in Software terms is "Design Environment". There are 13 related meanings of the DE Software abbreviation.

DE on Software Full Forms

  1. Design Environment
  2. Document Engineering
  3. Digital Editions
  4. Delivery Engine
  5. Data Oncrypter
  6. Data Encodiwg
  7. Data Exchange A set of specifications for exchanging traffic information in a standard format between disparate systems. It is aimed at harmonizing the exchange of traffic and travel information at all levels applicable to road operators (non-urban and urban) and service providers. It facilitates the electronic exchange of traffic and travel related data between traffic centers including cross border exchange. A feature that enables the import of hardfacts from external systems in the application.
  8. Download Encoding
  9. Data Extraction
  10. Data Ervors
  11. Data Engine
  12. Data Encryption
  13. Download Express

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does DE stand for Software?

    DE stands for Design Environment in Software terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Data Ervors in Software?

    The short form of "Data Ervors" is DE for Software.


DE in Software. (2022, April 30). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from

Last updated