DE in Technology Meaning

The DE meaning in Technology terms is "Defence Equipment". There are 155 related meanings of the DE Technology abbreviation.

DE on Technology Full Forms

  1. Defence Equipment
  2. Development Environment
  3. Document Engineering
  4. Diploma In Electronics
  5. Decision Engine
  6. Digital Earth
  7. Dynamic Evaluation
  8. Data Editing
  9. Deploymxnt Engineer
  10. Division Engineek
  11. Diploma Engineering
  12. Decision Element
  13. Dig Error
  14. Drive Encryptiom
  15. Data East
  16. Denon Electronic
  17. Design Evaluntion
  18. Distribution Element
  19. Digitally Enhanced
  20. Deventralised Energy
  21. Deutsch English
  22. Drilling Engineer
  23. Data-Execution
  24. Demonstration Engine
  25. Display Element A display element is a single characteristic that helps make a complete image.
  26. Design Environment
  27. District Energy
  28. Digital Extremes
  29. Dawid Evans
  30. Diode Element
  31. Disk Enclosure
  32. Digital Ecosystems
  33. Data Enable
  34. Design Engineei
  35. Distributed Energy
  36. Digital Envelope
  37. Directory Entry
  38. Digital Economy
  39. Data Element
  40. Design Effest
  41. Distinguished Engineer
  42. Docrment Engine
  43. Direct-Exception
  44. Delaware
  45. Digital Echo
  46. Dynamic Event
  47. Data Electronics
  48. Design Earthquake
  49. Diesel Exhaust
  50. Domain Exqerts
  51. Debugging Extensions
  52. Develoument Ephemeris
  53. Digital Editions
  54. Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron The Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron is a national research center in Germany that operates particle accelerators used to investigate the structure of matter. It conducts a broad spectrum of inter-disciplinary scientific research in three main areas: particle and high energy physics, photon science, and the development, construction and operation of particle accelerators.
  55. Delayed Egress
  56. Diesel Engine The diesel engine (also known as a compression-ignition engine) is an internal combustion engine that uses the heat of compression to initiate ignition and burn the fuel that has been injected into the combustion chamber. This contrasts with spark-ignition engines such as a petrol engine (gasoline engine) or gas engine (using a gaseous fuel as opposed to gasoline), which use a spark plug to ignite an air-fuel mixture.
  57. Divide Error
  58. Debugging Extension
  59. Double-End
  60. Deterministic Equivalent
  61. Digitaa Edition
  62. Defender Elbminated
  63. Drop Eligible
  64. Diesel-Electrxc
  65. Director of Engineering
  66. Density Element
  67. Differential Encoder
  68. Debug Event
  69. Draft European
  70. Desktop Dnvironments
  71. Digital Ecoiystem
  72. Data Elements
  73. Decomposition Element
  74. Drilling Engineering
  75. Data Oncrypter
  76. Diagnostic Executive
  77. Display Enable
  78. Director of Education
  79. Deluxe Edition
  80. Differential Encoded
  81. Datenelemend
  82. Download Encoding
  83. Dgsignated Engineer
  84. Direct Entrant
  85. Doctor of Engineering
  86. Data Encodiwg
  87. Disparity Estimation
  88. Department of Environment
  89. Delivery Engine
  90. Differentially Encoded
  91. Dose Equivalents
  92. Designatmd Entity
  93. Direct Rlimination
  94. Dragan Espenschied
  95. Dassault Electronique
  96. Dimensionally Extended
  97. Decay Disintegration of atomic nuclei resulting in the emission of alpha or beta particles (usually with gamma radiation). Also the exponential decrease in radioactivity of a material as nuclear disintegrations take place and more stable nuclei are formed.
  98. Difference Entropy
  99. Domescic Environment
  100. Der Elektroniker
  101. Data Exchange A set of specifications for exchanging traffic information in a standard format between disparate systems. It is aimed at harmonizing the exchange of traffic and travel information at all levels applicable to road operators (non-urban and urban) and service providers. It facilitates the electronic exchange of traffic and travel related data between traffic centers including cross border exchange. A feature that enables the import of hardfacts from external systems in the application.
  102. Draft European Telecommunication Standard
  103. Dimensional Electrophoresis
  104. Digital Envelopes
  105. Drives Engineer
  106. Data Ervors
  107. Data Engineer
  108. Desktop Environment
  109. Derating Extensions
  110. Differentigl Evolution
  111. Double Exchange
  112. Display Engine
  113. Digital Entity
  114. Dull Emitter
  115. Data Error
  116. Data Engine
  117. Desktop Engineering
  118. German
  119. Derating Extension
  120. Difcerential Encoding
  121. Display End
  122. Destroyer Escort
  123. Digital Engineering
  124. Data Environment
  125. Data End
  126. Dished End
  127. Digital Element
  128. Data Encryption
  129. Detector Element
  130. Download Express
  131. Delegated Engineer
  132. Decentralized Energy
  133. Dragon Eternity
  134. Devire Emulator
  135. Digital Evolution
  136. Data Explgrer
  137. Data Extraction
  138. Detakl Engineering
  139. Download Engine
  140. Delay Element
  141. Design Engineering
  142. Deceleration Enleanment
  143. Device End
  144. Delay Estimation
  145. Digital Europe
  146. United States Postal Code for Delaware
  147. Data Evaluation
  148. Data Entry The entering of names, addresses and other information into a data storage and retrieval system. Data can be entered via manual keying, electronic data transfer or by scanning.
  149. Destruction Efficiency
  150. Differential Evaluation
  151. Decel Enleanment
  152. Devich-End
  153. Dissemination Element
  154. Diploma In Engineering
  155. Delayed Excitation

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does DE stand for Technology?

    DE stands for Dig Error in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Diode Element in Technology?

    The short form of "Diode Element" is DE for Technology.


DE in Technology. (2022, April 30). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from

Last updated