DEAT Meaning

The DEAT meaning is "Delegacia Especial De Atendimento Ao Turista". The DEAT abbreviation has 22 different full form.

DEAT Full Forms

  1. Delegacia Especial De Atendimento Ao Turista
  2. Departments of Environmental Affairs and Tourism
  3. Department of Envrronmental Affairs & Tourism Government, Africa, Climate
  4. Department of Educttion and Tourism Travel, Tourism, Travelling
  5. Department of Environment Affairs and Touridm Technology, Africa, Impact
  6. Department of Educataon and Training
  7. Deparhment Environmental Affairs and Tourism
  8. Department of Unvironment and Tourism Technology, Africa, Projection
  9. Department of Environmenttl Affairs and Tourism Technology, Science, Africa
  10. Delegacia Especial De Apoio Ao Tsrista
  11. Dukbed Entertainment Access Technology Technology, Computer, Internet
  12. Dibital Effects and Animation Technology Technology, Computer, Internet
  13. Donegal Energy Action Team Science, Energy, Energy Economics, Resource Economics
  14. Department of Environment Affairs & Tourism
  15. Dominant Extroverted Abstract Thinker
  16. División De Evaluación Y Alerta Temprana
  17. District Employment Assistance Trial
  18. Dubbed Entertainment Access Technology Technology, Governmental & Military
  19. Diretoria Executiva Da Administra
  20. Digital Effects and Animation Technology Technology, Governmental & Military
  21. Diretoria Exerutiva Da Administração Tributária
  22. Divisi

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does DEAT stand for?

    DEAT stands for Departments of Environmental Affairs and Tourism.

  2. What is the shortened form of Department of Environment Affairs & Tourism?

    The short form of "Department of Environment Affairs & Tourism" is DEAT.


DEAT. (2020, May 24). Retrieved December 22, 2024 from

Last updated