DEBI Meaning

The DEBI meaning is "Diffusion of Effective Behavioral Interventions". The DEBI abbreviation has 13 different full form.

DEBI Full Forms

  1. Diffusion of Effective Behavioral Interventions Medical, Technology, Prevention, Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  2. Devon Environmental Business Initiative Award, Devon, Exeter, General, Governmental & Military
  3. Development of Economical Broadband Infrastructure
  4. Data Entry Browser Interface
  5. Dark Energy Biosphere Institute
  6. Dark Energy Biosphere Investigations Science, Research, Education
  7. Diffusion of Effective Behavioral Intervention Education, Health, Prevention
  8. Diffusion of Evidence Based Interventions
  9. Dark Energy Biosphere Institutetute
  10. Dma Extended Bus Interface Technology, Computing, Computer, Scientific & Educational
  11. Distinctive Excellence In The Bridal Industry Porn, Sex, Diamond
  12. Digital Ecosystems and Business Intelligence
  13. Diffusion of Evidence-Based Interventions

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does DEBI stand for?

    DEBI stands for Dark Energy Biosphere Institutetute.

  2. What is the shortened form of Dma Extended Bus Interface?

    The short form of "Dma Extended Bus Interface" is DEBI.


DEBI. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 22, 2025 from

Last updated