DED Meaning

The DED meaning is "Death Effector Domains". The DED abbreviation has 114 different full form.

DED Full Forms

  1. Death Effector Domains Medical
  2. Death Effectoridomain Medical, Medicine, Biology
  3. Data Element Dictionary Technology, Science, Program, Geographic
  4. Deferred Eqforced Departure Business, Government, Us
  5. Dark Emltting Diode Technology, Electronics, Engineering
  6. Deductiblf Business, Accounting, Insurance, Accountancy
  7. Deduit
  8. Data Editing Technology, Federal Aviation Administration
  9. Dedicatiob Management, Forestry, Arboriculture
  10. Delay Ejection Device
  11. Directed Energy Directorate
  12. Death Every Day
  13. Docking & Essential Defects Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  14. Detail Engineering Desain Indonesia, Jakarta, Engineering, Surabaya
  15. Department of Education Business, Student, Government, Research, Education, Agency, School, Special Education, Educational, Educational And Health, Us Government, Governmental & Military, Us Army, Study, Scientific & Educational, Disability
  16. Double-Entry-Draft
  17. Date of Expected Delivery Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare, liver and hepatic
  18. Detonated Kxplosive Device Technology, Human, Revolution
  19. Diploma In Environment and Development Education, Admission, Certificate
  20. Death Effector Domain-Associated
  21. Docking & Essential Defect Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  22. Department of Economic Development Organizations, Dubai, Uk
  23. Department for Educational Development
  24. Distance Education Department Education, Law, University
  25. Double-Bit Error Dectection Technology, Computing
  26. Das Engagementtdes
  27. Detail Engineering Detail Technology, Indonesia, Museum, Masjid
  28. Diploma In Entrepreneurship Development College, Education, University
  29. Dust Eater Dogs
  30. Dead Ended Shield Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  31. Divisionsion of Executive Development Education
  32. Demonstration Execution Document
  33. Disability Evaluation Division
  34. Dog Eat Dog
  35. Dark Energy Detector Business, Energy
  36. Detail Enginecring Design Technology, Service, Projection
  37. Diploma In Employment Development
  38. Dubai Economic Development Business, Company, Government, Dubai
  39. Dead End Dating
  40. Division of Executive Development Education
  41. Delta Epsilon Delta
  42. Diretoria De Educação A DistÂNcia Para, Dos, Auditoria
  43. Doctor of Education Academic Degree, Education, Degree, Doctoral Degree, Medical, Computing, Nursing, Academia, Genealogy, Professional Title, Professional Designation, Qualification, Medical Qualification, Scientific & Educational, Doctor's Name, HE Award
  44. Dark End Dragof
  45. Des Etudes Doctorales
  46. Dubai Economic Department Business
  47. Dead Elf Dude
  48. Dinamika Edukasi Dasar
  49. Delivery Excellence Director
  50. Director Eatchip Development Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway, Governmental & Military
  51. Dedicite Technology, NASA, Aeronautics
  52. Doctor of Economic Development
  53. Darkness Emitting Diode Technology
  54. Deputy Executive Director Business, Management, Development
  55. Dry Eye Disease
  56. Dgad Internet Slang, Chat, Online
  57. Deutscher Entwicklungs Dienst
  58. Deliverable Expectation Document Technology, Management, Projection
  59. Directive Enforcement Department Government, Law, Legal, Jurisprudence
  60. Deckared Dead Genealogy, Genealogical
  61. Docking and Essential Defects Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  62. Dark-Emitting Diode Technology, Light, Hacker
  63. Department of Economic Department
  64. Drug Enforcement Division
  65. Dt-Epidermized Dermis Medical
  66. Deutsche Expertengruppe Dementenbetreuung
  67. Division for Enterprise Development
  68. Deutscher Direktmarketing Verband
  69. Doctor of Environmental Design
  70. Deferred Enforced Departure Transportation, Governmental & Military
  71. Distant End Disconnect Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  72. Iata Code for Dehradun Airport, Dehradun, India Locations
  73. Deguction Business, Accounting, Service, Accountancy
  74. Dedicate NASA
  75. Division Des Etudes Doctorales
  76. Design Engineering Directorate
  77. Delayedqerythema Dose Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  78. Diesel Engine Drive
  79. Directorate of European Air Traffic Control Harmonisation and Integration Programme Development Aviation, Governmental & Military
  80. Iata Code for Deland Municipal Airport, Deland, Florida, United States Locations
  81. Dedicated Emergency Department
  82. Data Element Directory Atmospheric Research
  83. District Extension Directors
  84. Department for Economic Development Business, Company, Organizations, Dubai
  85. Dehrzdun Airport Airport, Locations
  86. Dark Emitting Diodes Computing, Electronics
  87. Dynamic Ergodic Divertor Technology, Dynamics, Plasma
  88. Dediaated Technology, Aviation
  89. Dr. Engrave Document Computing, File Extensions
  90. District Extension Director
  91. Dedendum The depth or that portiono of a gear tooth from the pitch circle to root circle of gear.
  92. Defined Exposure Dose Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  93. Dead Exploding Dog Funnies
  94. Dynamic Entity Database Military, Army, War
  95. Dedicate, Dedicated Science, Space, Cosmos
  96. Death Effector Domain Medical, liver and hepatic
  97. District Electoral Divisions County, Ireland, Locations
  98. Data Entity Dictionaries
  99. Deferded Enforcement Departure
  100. Division of Education and Development
  101. Dynamic Economic Dispatch Technology, Dynamics, Power
  102. Deland Muni-sidney H Taylor Field Airport Faa Airport Codes
  103. District Electoral Division Ireland, Locations, Irish
  104. Officially Declared Dead Army, Force, Marine
  105. Defense Energy Department
  106. Direct Energy Deposition It is one of the additive manufacturing techniques in which materials are fused by melting as they are deposited using focused thermal energy such as a laser, electron beam, or plasma arc. 3D Printing
  107. Division of Economic Development Business, Locations, Alaska
  108. Dedicated Legal, Governmental & Military
  109. Dynamic Electron Diffraction
  110. Dehradun Airport, Dehradun, India India, Airport codes, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  111. District Education Department Education, Afghanistan, School
  112. Jolly Grant Airport Dehradun, Uttarakhand,India Airport, IATA Code, IATA, Aviation
  113. Defect Equipment Detzctor
  114. Deputy Executve Director Medical

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does DED stand for?

    DED stands for Doctor of Environmental Design.

  2. What is the shortened form of Delay Ejection Device?

    The short form of "Delay Ejection Device" is DED.


DED. (2022, March 23). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from

Last updated