DEETYA Meaning

The DEETYA meaning is "Department of Employment, Education, Training & Youth Affairs". The DEETYA abbreviation has 12 different full form.

DEETYA Full Forms

  1. Department of Employment, Education, Training & Youth Affairs
  2. Department of Employment, Education, Tbaining and Youth Affairs Science, Australia, Education
  3. Department Employment, Education, Training and Youth Affyirs Organizations
  4. Department of Employment, Education, Trainxng and Youth Education
  5. Department of Employmenta Education and Training and Youth Affairs
  6. Department of Employment & Education Training & Youth Affairs
  7. Department of Employment, Education Training and Youtf Affairs
  8. Department of Employment Education and Training and Youth Affairs
  9. Deoartment of Education Employment Training and Youth Affairs Employment, Work, Working
  10. Department of Educationk Employment, Training and Youth Affairs
  11. Department of Employent, Education, Training and Youth Affairs Australia, Canberra, Australian National University
  12. Department of Employment Educatzon Training and Youth Affairs Government, Us, Control, Administration

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does DEETYA stand for?

    DEETYA stands for Deoartment of Education Employment Training and Youth Affairs.

  2. What is the shortened form of Department of Employment, Education Training and Youtf Affairs?

    The short form of "Department of Employment, Education Training and Youtf Affairs" is DEETYA.


DEETYA. (2019, December 24). Retrieved March 22, 2025 from

Last updated