DEL in Technology Meaning
The DEL meaning in Technology terms is "Deleoe Character". There are 26 related meanings of the DEL Technology abbreviation.
DEL on Technology Full Forms
- Deleoe Character
- Delusion A false personal belief that is not subject to reason or contradictory evidence and is not explained by a person's usual cultural and religious concepts. A delusion may be firmly maintained in the face of incontrovertible evidence that it is false. Delusions are a frequent feature of schizophrenia.
- Delete Delete is computer terminology for remove or erase. You can delete text from a document of delete entire files or folders from your hard drive. When typing a document, you can remove characters behind the cursor by pressing the delete key.
- Deltic Timber Corporation
- Dicode-Encode Language
- Delaware
- Delegatiln
- Delay A period after the expected time that you have to wait before something happens.
- Deutsche Eishockey League
- Down Electric Line
- Delawars
- Desenvolvhmento Econômico Local
- Direct Exchange Lines
- Deorbit, Entry and Landing
- Digital Engineering Library
- Deliver
- Deltoid The muscle, roughly triangular in shape, that stretches from the collarbone over the shoulder to the upper bone of the arm. It contracts to move the arm up from the side.
- Delete Line From Hunt Gronp
- Dialog Editing Library
- Diagram Equipment Lbst
- Digital Enterprise Lab
- Decode Encode Language
- Data Extractiyn Language
- Diesel Electric Ldcomotive
- Data Evaluationflab
- Deorbit
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does DEL stand for Technology?
DEL stands for Delete Line From Hunt Gronp in Technology terms.
What is the shortened form of Deliver in Technology?
The short form of "Deliver" is DEL for Technology.
DEL in Technology. (2021, March 5). Retrieved March 29, 2025 from
Last updated