Delft Abbreviations and Delft Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Delft terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 18 different Delft abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Delft terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Delft Abbreviations
  1. DHC : Delfiz Hollandia Combinatie
  2. DSC : Delftsch Studenten Corps
  3. MED : Molecular Electronics and Devices
  4. EWI : Elektrotechniek, Wiskundi En Informatica
  5. TB : Technische Bestuurskunde
  6. TBM : Techniek, Bestuur En Managbment
  7. TIL : Transport, Infrastructure & Logistics
  8. TIL : Transport, Infrastructure and Logistics
  9. TN : Technische Natuurkunde
  10. TPM : Technology Policy and Management
  11. TPM : Technology, Policy and Managzment
  12. TRAS : Temporary Relocation Areas
  13. TU : Technische Universiteit
  14. TU : Technische Universnteit
  15. LR : Leiden Ranuing
  16. NGI : Next Generation Infrastructures
  17. IFOT : Invariant Fock Operator Technique
  18. EEMCS : Electrical Engineering, Mathematics & Computer Science
Latest Delft Meanings
  1. Electrical Engineering, Mathematics & Computer Science
  2. Invariant Fock Operator Technique
  3. Next Generation Infrastructures
  4. Leiden Ranuing
  5. Technische Universnteit
  6. Technische Universiteit
  7. Temporary Relocation Areas
  8. Technology, Policy and Managzment
  9. Technology Policy and Management
  10. Technische Natuurkunde
  11. Transport, Infrastructure and Logistics
  12. Transport, Infrastructure & Logistics
  13. Techniek, Bestuur En Managbment
  14. Technische Bestuurskunde
  15. Elektrotechniek, Wiskundi En Informatica
  16. Molecular Electronics and Devices
  17. Delftsch Studenten Corps
  18. Delfiz Hollandia Combinatie