Deli Abbreviations and Deli Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Deli terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 18 different Deli abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Deli terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Deli Abbreviations
  1. BMYS : Bilimde Modern YöNtemler Sempozyumu
  2. BPRPI : Badan Perjuangan Rakyat Penunggu Indonesia
  3. BSE : Bovine Spongiforme Encephalopathie
  4. DK : Dede Korkut
  5. HMS : Hari Malaria Sedunia
  6. MKBC : Maha Karuna Buddhist Centre
  7. NST : Negara Sumatera Timur
  8. KEFS : Kaplan Executive Function System
  9. KEFS : Kaplan Executive Functions System
  10. KEFS : Kaplan Executive Functioning System
  11. KEFS : Kaplan Executive Function Systems
  12. KM : Kota Medan
  13. KTM : Komite Tani Menggugat
  14. IDDBA : International Dairy, Deli, Bakery Association
  15. GDSM : Gerakan Deli Serdang Membangun
  16. PT : Prada Tata
  17. REF : Rating of Executive Functions
  18. AMMI : Angkatan Muda Melayu Indonesia
Latest Deli Meanings
  1. Angkatan Muda Melayu Indonesia
  2. Rating of Executive Functions
  3. Prada Tata
  4. Gerakan Deli Serdang Membangun
  5. International Dairy, Deli, Bakery Association
  6. Komite Tani Menggugat
  7. Kota Medan
  8. Kaplan Executive Function Systems
  9. Kaplan Executive Functioning System
  10. Kaplan Executive Functions System
  11. Kaplan Executive Function System
  12. Negara Sumatera Timur
  13. Maha Karuna Buddhist Centre
  14. Hari Malaria Sedunia
  15. Dede Korkut
  16. Bovine Spongiforme Encephalopathie
  17. Badan Perjuangan Rakyat Penunggu Indonesia
  18. Bilimde Modern YöNtemler Sempozyumu