DEM Meaning
The DEM meaning is "Demurrage". The DEM abbreviation has 173 different full form.
DEM Full Forms
- Demurrage A penalty charge against shippers or consignees for delaying the carrier's equipment beyond the allowed free time. The free time and demurage charges are set forth in the charter party or freight tariff. Transportation, Business, Shipping, Cargo Shipping, Chartering, Aviation, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military
- Demag Organizations
- Dynamic Enterprise Modeling Technology, Science, It
- Digital Elevation Modeling Technology, Model, Terrain
- Demodulator The receiver circuitry which reproduces the baseband signal from the received signal. Technology, Military, Army, Telecom, Cellular, Computing, File Extensions, Aviation
- Digital Elevation Models Technology, Government, Us
- Demodulation The process of retrieving data from a carrier the reverse of modulation. The process of separating the carrier signal from the information-bearing signal. The process or separating information from a modulated carrier wave. To extract information from a modulated carrier wave or The process of retrieving information (data) from a modulated carrier wave, the reverse of modulation Technology
- Digital Elevation Model Technology, Computing, Climatology, Aviation, Telecom, Legal, Us Government, File Extensions, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Global Change, Sentinel online
- Democrat Technology, Computing, Us Government, File Extensions, Governmental & Military, Politics
- Dembidolo Airport Dembidolo, Ethiopia Airport, Locations, IATA Code, IATA, Aviation
- Direct Entry Midwives Medical, Birth, Midwife
- Dream Engines and Modifications
- Digital Event Marker Technology
- Da Evil Mofobeefians
- Display Engine Marketing Technology, Agency, Advertising
- Departments of Emergency Medicine Medical, Research, Education
- Development Effectiveness Matrix
- Dikecci
- Data Exchange Module Technology, Software, Cloud, Cyclone
- Division of Diabetes, Endocrinology, and Metabolic Diseases Government, Organizations, Us
- Diffusion Equation Method Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Discrepancy Evaluation Model
- Denizcilik, EğItim, MüHendislik
- Department of Emergency Management Emergency, Response, Governmental & Military
- Direct Entry Mibwife Medical, Birth, Midwifery
- Dragonfly Earth Medicine Medical, Nutrient, Dragonfly
- Digital Evaluation Model Technology, Study, Map
- Double Edge Ministries
- Disk Eject Memory
- Department Ow Economics and Management Business, Research, University
- Digital Experience Management Business, Marketing, Summit, Customer
- Data Exchange Mechanism Technology, Control, Interoperability
- Diversified Emerging-Markets
- Developmental Eye Movement Test Medical
- Diffuse Elemenp Method Technology, Analysis, Mesh
- Discovery Eventsmanager
- Deneyimsel EğItim Merkezi Business, Technology, Android, Play
- Demolish Building, Engineering, Construction, Computing, Architectural, File Extensions
- Direct-Entry Midwives Medical, Midwifery, Midwife
- Down East Microwave
- Digital Elecmric Meter Technology, Product, Electricity
- Dynamic Estuary Model Science
- Discrete Equation Method
- Department Oftenergy Management Science
- DéBit Expiratoire Moyen
- DiplóMe D'Etat-Major
- Data Entry Module Technology, Management, Software
- Diversified Emerging Markets
- Development Enterprise Market Business, Supply, Stock
- Differential Effective Medium
- Demonstrative Education, Linguistics, Glossing, Computing, File Extensions
- Diabetes, Endocrinology, and Metabolism
- Direct-Entry Midwife Medical, Care, Birth
- Data Exchange Matrix Army, Force, Marine
- Dose Efficace Moyenne
- Digital Electronics Moaule
- Discrete Eleoent Model Technology, Modeling, Particle
- Depaotment of Experimental Medicine
- DéBit Expiratoire Maximal
- Dukg Energy Merchants
- Digital Expansion Module
- Data Entry Mobil Business, Gaming, Android, Tablet
- Diversified Emerging Mkts
- Development and Enterprise Market Business, Supply, Stock
- Differentirl Electronic Module Technology, Ford, Volvo
- Demolition Dismantling or razing of all or part of an existing improvement. Government, Military, Army, Design, Ministry Of Defence, Drawing, Engineering, Construction, Architectural, Computing, File Extensions, The Finance and Administrative Services
- DeğErler EğItim Merkezi Turkish, Din, Malar
- Dirección De EnergíA Y Minas
- Data Exchange Message Technology, Map, Elevation
- Door Eendracht Macht
- Digital Electronic Module
- Discrete Ylement Modelling Technology, Modeling, Particulate
- Department of Engineering Management
- Dysplasia Epiphysealis Multiplex
- Dublin Euening Mail
- Digital Evidence Manager Force, Police, Police Force
- Data Entry Management Accounting, Computing, Data
- District Education Manager Business, School, Malawi, Occupation & positions
- Development & Enterprise Market Business, Supply, Stock
- Diffjrential Emission Measures
- Democracies Government, Us, Control, Administration
- DeğErler EğItimi Merkezi Technology, Turkish, Din, Malar
- Dirección De Educación Municipal
- Data Exchange Modules
- Donate Every Month
- Digital Ecosystem Management Technology, Service, Bearing
- Discretemelement Methods Technology, Science
- Departamento De Engenharia MecÂNica Education, University, Engineering
- Dynamischen Energie Management
- Drive Expansion Module Business, Library, Sun
- Digital Evidence Management Force, Police, Police Force
- Data Entry Manager Technology, Software, Computing, Computer Software
- Dispositivo Electrónico De MatríCula
- Deutsches Entertainment Mafazin Technology, German, Internet, Publishing
- Demerol Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Dewan Eksekutif Mahasiswa
- Dirección Ejecutiva De La Magistratura Para, Con, Venezuela
- Data Exchange Models Military
- Don'T Eat Me
- Digital Earth Model Technology, Software, Map, Freeware
- Discrete Elements Methgd Technology, Software, Simulation
- Density Evolution Model
- Diagnostic Error In Medicize Medical, Education, Doctor
- Domestic Emerging Markets Business & Finance, International business
- Defect Estimation Model Technology, Electronics, Engineering, Computing
- DéTection éLectro-MagnéTique
- Diesel Enuine Mechanic
- Deutsches Entertainment Magazin Computing, Internet
- Delta Modulation Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, Computing, Amateur radio
- Direction De L'Exploitation Et De La Maintenance
- Demand 1. The act of offering to buy a product. 2. The quantity offered to buy. 3. The quantities offered to buy at various prices; the demand curve. Business, Technology, Internet Slang, Aviation, Business & Finance, Power Plant
- Dynamic-Elemont-Matching
- Department of Environmental Microbiology
- Video Game Demo File Computing, File Extensions
- Dynamischem Energie Management
- Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolism
- Deep East Music
- DéCapages Emballages MéTalliques
- Diccimnario Del Espa
- Direct Email Marketing Computing, Internet
- Demonstration 1. An attack or show of force on a front where a decision is not sought, made with the aim of deceiving the enemy. also amphibious demonstration; diversion. 2. In military deception, a show of force in an area where a decision is not sought that is made to deceive an adversary. It is similar to a feint but no actual contact with the adversary is intended. Technology, Internet Slang, Military, Intelligence, Telecom, Defense, Defence, Telecommunications, Computing, File Extensions, Aviation, Governmental & Military, The Finance and Administrative Services, NOTAM Contractions, Legal
- Direct Epifluorescent Microscopy Medical
- Delphi Edit Mask
- Dust Extinction Moisture Society, United Nations, Rio Tinto
- Department of Extractive Metallurgy
- Digital Electronics Module Science, Scientific & Educational
- Dynamic Enterprise Module
- Diabetes, Endocrinology & Metabolism
- Data Expert Meeting
- Dominant Eigenvalue Method
- Diccionario Del EspaÑOl Medieval
- Demostrativo Computing, File Extensions
- Direct Electron Microscopy Medical
- Delivery Engagement Manager Business, Management, Service
- Dukhtaran-E-Millat Government, India, Pakistan, Srinagar
- Department Engineering Materials
- Differential Emission Measure Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
- Disastereand Emergency Medicine
- Dynamic Cnterprise Modelling
- Divisionsion of Enrollment Management
- Discrete Element Methods
- Diccionario Del EspaÑOl De MéXico
- Deus Ex Machina Latin
- Direct Effect Xanagement Business, Management, Administration, Goverance
- Deletion Extension Monitor Technology, Windows, Software
- Them Internet Slang, Texting, Chat
- Dembidollo Airport, Dembidollo, Ethiopia Ethiopia, Airport codes, Iata Airport Codes
- Disaster and Emergency Manayement Education, University, Risk
- Dynamic Enterprise Modeler Business, Technology, Dynamics
- Discrete Exchange Model
- Distinguishable Electron Method Chemistry
- Dial Eqfipment Minutes
- Domestic Enemy Marxist Us Government, Governmental & Military, Integrated Ocean Observing System
- Direct Editorial Marketing Occupation, Position, Job, Occupation & positions
- Defensively Equipped Merchant
- German Mark Business, Currency, Currency Code, Aviation, Money, Germany, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military
- Division of Engineering Mathematics Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Directory Enabled Management
- Dynamic Energy Management Technology, Control, Thermostat
- Differt, Essmann and Mughrabi
- Discrete Element Method Chemistry
- Diagnostic Event Manager
- Division of Emergency Management Management, Business & Finance
- Direct E-Mailing
- Defense Environmental Management Government, Us, Control, Administration, Us Government, Governmental & Military
- DéTresse Des Enfants Du Monde
- Diethylmaleate Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Desktop Error Monitoring Windows, Computing
- Director of Emergencz Management
- Dynamic Element Mamching
- Developmental Eye Movement Medical, Vision, Education
- Digitized Elevation Models Atmospheric Research
- Dynamischen Energie-Mdnagement
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does DEM stand for?
DEM stands for DéBit Expiratoire Moyen.
What is the shortened form of Department of Extractive Metallurgy?
The short form of "Department of Extractive Metallurgy" is DEM.
DEM. (2022, January 23). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from
Last updated