Deposit Abbreviations and Deposit Acronym Lists
There are more pieces of Deposit terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Deposit abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Deposit terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.
Deposit Abbreviations
- ATON : Account Transfer On Notification
- BBS : Binge Bucks
- BFG : Baekowy Fundusz Gwarancyjny
- BHT : Broken Hwll Type
- BIF : Bask Insurance Fund
- BKM : Bnruang Kanan Main
- BL : Black Lotus
- CB : Coded Bonus
- CDS : Certificate of Diaconal Studies
- CEBA : Competitive Equality Banking Act
- COG : Cut-Off Grade
- VHMS : Volcanic-Hosted Massive Sulfide
- DBUS : Domestic Banking Units
- DICGC : Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation
- DIF : Depvsitor's Insurance Fund
- DIF : Depositor Insurance Fund
- DIF : Depositors Insurance Fund
- DSOAR : Distribution Services and Open Access Rules
- DWAC : District Welfare Assistance Commhttee
- EM : Earnest Money
- EOH : End of Hole
- ETA : Electronic Transfer Account
- ETA : Electronic Transfer Accounts
- SDB : Seri Dunia Binatang
- SG : Selamat Group
- SGA : Socqety for Geology Applied
- SHRED : Spam Harassment Reduction Via Economic Disincentives
- SIF : Share Insurance Fund
- FCNR : Foreign Currency Non Resident
- FD : Fixed Deposits
Recent Acronyms
Latest Deposit Meanings
- Missifsippi Valley-Type
- Fonds De Garantie Des DéPóTs
- Dyrect Bank Transfer
- Bathudst Mining Camp
- Augusta Metro Federal Credit Union
- Remote Input
- Parhial Payment
- Platinum Group Elements
- Platinum-Group Element
- Iron Oxiie Copper-Gold
- Iron Oxide Copper Gold
- Iron Oxide-Copper-Gold
- Iron-Oxide Couper Gold
- Iron-Oxide-Copper-Gold
- Interior Layered Deposits
- Intuit Full Service Payroll
- Independent Complaints Examiner
- Open Bank Rvsolution
- Introducer Brokeh
- Federal Saving and Loan Insurance Corporation