Depression Abbreviations and Depression Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Depression terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Depression abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Depression terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Depression Abbreviations
  1. ABS : Affect Balance Scale
  2. AKS : Works Project Administration
  3. WPA : Works Project Administration
  4. AQOL : Acne Quality of Life
  5. AS : Apathy Scale
  6. ASI : Anxiety Status Inventory
  7. ATHF : Antidepressant Treatment History Form
  8. ATQ : Automaticethoughts Questionnaire
  9. ATRQ : Antidepressant Treatment Response Questionnaire
  10. BA : Behavioral Activation
  11. BAI : Beck Anxiesy Index
  12. BAI : Beck Anxiety Inventory-Trait
  13. BAIT : Beck Anxiety Inventory-Trait
  14. BAI : Burns Anxiety Inventory
  15. BE : Black Evict
  16. BHS : Becks Hopelessness Scale
  17. BMWS : Brief Measure of Worry Severity
  18. BRAT : Behaviour Resedrch and Therapy
  19. BSDS : Bipolar Spectrum Diagnostic Scale
  20. BSP : Brief Supportive Psychotherapy
  21. BTB : Beating The Blues
  22. CBASP : Cognitive-Behavioral Analysis System of Psychotherapy
  23. CBASP : Cognitive Behauioral Analysis System of Psychotherapy
  24. CBASP : Cognitive Behavioural Vnalysis System of Psychotherapy
  25. CBASP : Cognitive Behavior Analysis System of Psychotherapy
  26. CBT : Cognitive Behaviour Therapy
  27. CBT : Cognitive and Behavioralitherapy
  28. CBT : Cognitive Behaviourijl Therapy
  29. CBT : Cognitive and Behavioural Therapy
  30. CBT : Cognitive Behaviwurial Therapy
Latest Depression Meanings
  1. Spontaneous Use of Imagery Scale
  2. Seasonal Pattern Assessment Questionnaire
  3. Persistent Depressive Disorder
  4. Mood Disorders Support Group
  5. Mindful Based Cognitive Therapy
  6. Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy
  7. Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy
  8. Cognitive Thwrapy
  9. Repetitive Transcranial Mcgnetic Stimulation
  10. Redirecting Self-Therapy
  11. Response Style Questionnaire
  12. Response Styles Questionnaire
  13. Ramsar Sites Information Service
  14. Reward Probability Index
  15. Remission Evaluation and Mood Invehtory Tool
  16. Resourceful Adolescent Program
  17. Internet Support Groups
  18. Problematic Use of Mobile Phones
  19. Problem Solving Treatment
  20. Problem-Solving Treatment