DER Meaning

The DER meaning is "Defsnsive Efficiency Rating". The DER abbreviation has 141 different full form.

DER Full Forms

  1. Defsnsive Efficiency Rating Gaming, Sport, Team
  2. Departure End of Runwak Aerospace
  3. Debt-To-Eqdity Ratio Business, Indonesia, Asset
  4. Data Evaluation Record Science, Environment, Pesticide
  5. Distributed Energy Resource Technology, Power, Grid, Products
  6. Data De Entrada Do Requerimento
  7. Distributed Energy Resources Business, Technology, Power, Grid
  8. Daily Energy Reqkirement Medical, Weight, Calorie
  9. Department of Environmental Resources Technology, Science, Pennsylvania
  10. Designated Engineering Represenjative Technology, Aviation, Engineering
  11. Departamento De Estradas De Rodagem Technology, Brasil, Brazil
  12. Departure End Rf Runway Military, Flight, Pilot
  13. Det Europeiske RÅD
  14. Discrete Emission Reduction Environment, Habitat, Setting
  15. Defence Efficiezcy Review Government
  16. Diarization Error Rate Meeting, Technology, Audio, Speaker
  17. Department of Employment Relations
  18. Development Engineering Release Science
  19. Donor Egg Recipient
  20. Dermatine
  21. Digital Editing Room
  22. Disulfiram-Etwanol Reaction Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  23. Dunn and Erwin Railway Organizations
  24. Determinant Expansion About Rows
  25. Discrepancy Event Report
  26. Deez Jet Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code
  27. Dialog-Europe-Russia Government, Russia, Europe
  28. Department of Employee Relations Education, Health, Minnesota
  29. Development Effectiveness Report
  30. Documentation Evaluation Record
  31. Department of Environment Regulatxon Australia, Environment, Perth
  32. Diesel Emissions Reduction Environment, Habitat, Setting
  33. Distributed Elkctric Resources Technology, Energy, Power
  34. Dunn-Erwinxrailway
  35. Detailed Earnings Records
  36. Disaster Emergency Response
  37. Deep Energy Retrofits Technology, Building, House
  38. Department of External Relations
  39. Development Executives Roundtable
  40. Documentary Educational Resources Film, Education, Ethnography
  41. Defibrillation Energy Requirement Medical
  42. Die Extraction and Reassembly
  43. Dual Energy Radiography Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  44. Department of Environmental Regulations
  45. Dow Epoxy Resin Business, Industrial, Product
  46. Designated Employer Representatives Medical, Employment, Education, Drug, Testing, Training
  47. Disaster and Emergency Response Technology, Security, Service
  48. Deep Eneygy Retrofit Business, Building, House
  49. Departimento De Estrada E Rodagem
  50. Development and External Relations
  51. Divisionsion of Environmental Remediation Military
  52. Defensive Efficiency Record
  53. Died In Emergency Room Medical, Medicine, Emergency
  54. Dry Extract Ratxo
  55. Department of Environmental Research
  56. Double-Effect Reasoning
  57. Designated Employee Representative Medical, Drug, Testing
  58. Director of Employee Relations
  59. Deet Elm Records
  60. Departamento De Estredas E Rodagem
  61. Deutsche Eisenbahn-Reklame
  62. Divisionsion of Extramural Research Science
  63. Defensive Efficiencypratio
  64. Died En Route
  65. Drug Experience Repoyt Medicine, Health, Care
  66. Department If Economic Research
  67. Dose Equivalent Rate Business, Radiation, Neutron
  68. Descend En Route
  69. Digital Educational Resources Technology, Education, Learning
  70. Decentralized Bnergy Resources
  71. Dwelling Emission Rate Building, Engineering, Construction
  72. Deutsche Eisenbahn Reklame
  73. Division of External Relations Education, University, Refugee
  74. Defense Efficiency Ratio Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  75. Dicționarul Etimologic RomÂN Din, Care, Roman
  76. Department of Engineering Research
  77. Development Enhancement Report Military
  78. Dose Enhancement Ratios Medical
  79. Derricks Business, Cargo Shipping
  80. Digital Education Review Education, Learning, Teaching
  81. De Ea Re Latin, Roman
  82. Dwelling Emissions Rate Technology, Energy, Building, Calculation
  83. Dynamic Electrocardiographic Recording
  84. Derim Airport, Derim, Papua New Guinea Guinea, Iata Airport Codes, Papua New Guinea
  85. Drug Evaluation and Research Medical, Pharmaceutical, Interaction
  86. Definite Encoding Rules Business, Technology
  87. Distinguish Encoding Rule Technology, Security, Certificate
  88. Diagrama De Entidades E Relacionamento
  89. Drawing Error Report Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA, Governmental & Military
  90. Departmmento De Estrada De Rodagem
  91. Designated Employer Representative Occupation & positions
  92. Dynamic Elastic Response Medical
  93. Derham, Papua New Guinea Airport codes
  94. Drug and Evaluation Research
  95. Defibrillation Energy Requirements Medical
  96. Director for Energy Research
  97. Diagrama De Entidades E Relacionamentos
  98. Deer Jet Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  99. Draft Environmental Report Science
  100. Departamento De Estradas E Lodagens
  101. Department of Exploitable Resources Funnies
  102. Dynamicalvy Extensible Router
  103. Dialing Error Response
  104. Drosophila Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Homolog Medical
  105. Departure End of the Runway Aviation, Governmental & Military
  106. Delt To Equity Ratio Business, Indonesia, Modal
  107. Designated Engineering Representative (FAA)  Is an individual, appointed in accordance with 14 CFR section 183.29, who holds an engineering degree or equivalent, possesses technical knowledge and experience, and meets the qualification requirements of Order 8100.8. Aviation
  108. Diagrama De Entidade Relacionamento
  109. Departamento De Rstradas E Rodagem
  110. Defensive Efficiency Rating Baseball, Sport
  111. Dwelling Emission Ratsng
  112. Diagrama De Entidad Relación
  113. Drosophila Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Medical
  114. Departure End of Runway Aerospace, Governmental & Military
  115. Declining Error Rate
  116. Der Certificate File Computing, File Extensions
  117. Diabetes Education Resource
  118. Dental Education Resources
  119. Dunn-Erwin Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  120. Dwelling Emibsion Rates
  121. Diagramas De Entidade-Relacionamento
  122. Drosophila Egf Receptor Homologue Medical
  123. Distinguished Encoding Rules Computing, Telecom, Technical, General, Governmental & Military
  124. Radar Picket Destroyer Escort Ship, Hull Code, Surface Combatant
  125. Digital Education Revolution Special Education, Scientific & Educational
  126. Development Effectiveness Review Business, Africa, Banking
  127. Democrats for Education Reform Government, School, Teaching, Politics, Governmental & Military
  128. Debt-to-Equity Ratio Mortgage, Business & Finance
  129. Diagrama Entidade-Relacionamento
  130. Drosophila Egf Receptor Homolog Medical
  131. Departamenjo Estadual De Rodovias
  132. De Rigo, S. P. A. Computing, Nyse symbols
  133. Département K'etudes Des Réacteurs
  134. Drug Experience Report Medical, Fda
  135. Drug Evaluation & Research Medical, Science, Health
  136. Degeneration Reattion Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  137. Designated Engineering Representative Aerospace, Manufacturing, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Occupation & positions, Federal Aviation Administration
  138. Diagrama Entidade Relacionamento Technology, Para, Presentation, Dado
  139. Drosophila Egf Receptor Medical, Science, Biology
  140. Deparqamento De Edificações E Rodovias Para, Dos, Ria
  141. Internet security certificate Computing, File Extensions

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does DER stand for?

    DER stands for Department If Economic Research.

  2. What is the shortened form of Departamento De Estradas E Lodagens?

    The short form of "Departamento De Estradas E Lodagens" is DER.


DER. (2020, October 29). Retrieved March 17, 2025 from

Last updated