DES Meaning

The DES meaning is "Delivered Ex Ship". The DES abbreviation has 377 different full form.

DES Full Forms

  1. Delivered Ex Ship Previous term from Incoterms 2000 eliminated from Incoterms 2010. A Term of Sale where the seller fulfills his/her obligation to deliver when the goods have been made available to the buyer on board the ship, uncleared for import at the named port of destination. The seller has to bear all the costs and risks involved in bringing the goods to the named port destination. Transportation, Business, Air Cargo, Aviation, Shipping, Freight, Logistics, Stock, Trade, Cargo, Chartering, Investing, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military
  2. Data Encryption Standard The algorithm for the encryption of electronic data. This is an outdated symmetric-key method of data encryption. It was Developed by IBM in the early 1970s . The U.S. government standard encryption method for nonmilitary and no classified use. A cryptographic algorithm designed to encrypt and decrypt data using a private key. alsoTriple Data Encryption Algorithm. Technology, Cybersecurity, Computer Security, Security, Information Technology, Military, Army, Computing, Computer, Electronics, Telecom, NASA, Hardware, Technical, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Business Word, IT Organization, IT Terminology
  3. Department of Education and Science Education, English, School
  4. Dielectric Elastomers
  5. Digital Encryption Standard Technology, Army, Computing, Military, Governmental & Military
  6. Davis Elementary School Education
  7. Dewey Elementary School Education
  8. Diethylstilbestrol Diethylstilbestrol (DES), also known formerly as stilboestrol (BAN), is a synthetic, non-steroidal estrogen of the stilbestrol group that was first synthesized in 1938. It is also classified as an endocrine disruptor. Human exposure to DES occurred through diverse sources, such as dietary ingestion from supplemented cattle feed and medical treatment for certain conditions, including breast and prostate cancers. Medical, Veterinary, Infertility, Fda
  9. Data Exchange Standard Technology, Service, Construction
  10. Department of Economic Sustainability
  11. Data Entry Screens Science
  12. Department of Earth Sciences
  13. Data Encryption Software Technology, Security, Crypt, Software, Computing
  14. Department of Employment Services Business, Service, Economics, Unemployment
  15. December Technology, Education, Study, Britannica, Corps, Time, Schooling, Month, Aviation, Weather, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Ordnance Survey
  16. Discovery Elementary School Education
  17. Data Encryption System Technology, Military, Software
  18. Department of Emergency Services Service, Organizations, Emergency, Response, Governmental & Military
  19. Diethylstibestrol Medical, Technology
  20. Daily Events Gaming, Server, Guide, Event
  21. Deputy Executive Secretary
  22. Dlstribution and Execution System
  23. Data Exchange Services
  24. Diamond Exchange of Singapore Singapore, Gem, Diamond, Jewellery
  25. Doctorate Extension Scheme Student, Education, Tier
  26. Demille Elementary School Education
  27. Directory Entries Technology
  28. Danisy Epidemiologic Society Medical, Medicine
  29. Discipline Enforcement Section
  30. Data Enrichment Servicef Business, Service, Cleansing
  31. Division of Educatixnal Services
  32. Digital Electronic Scales
  33. Down Elementary School Technology, Education
  34. Dark Elf Soo
  35. Desflulane Medical, Technology
  36. Dive Emergency Specialist Medical, Diving, Scuba
  37. Dealer Evaluation System
  38. Department of Earth and Space
  39. Dismounted Extension Switch Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  40. Diethylstilboegtrol Medical
  41. Device Evaluation Service
  42. Dixieland Elementary School Education
  43. Defence Equipnent and Support
  44. Direct Employment Schrme
  45. Dunn Elementary School Education
  46. Depahtments of Environmental Studies Research, Education, University
  47. Dynamic Energy Services
  48. Data Encryption Systems Technology, Software, Protection
  49. Desmin Gene Medical, Technology
  50. Debt Elimination Specialists
  51. Don'T Ever Stop
  52. Daftar Efek Syariah
  53. Department of Edgcation & Science Education, School, Teaching
  54. Divisionng Emergency Specialist Science
  55. Dept of Economic Security
  56. Distribution Execution System Technology
  57. Descend To lose altitude, usually in a planned manoeuvre. The aircraft descended to 10,000 feet Science, Aviation, Weather, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  58. Defefce Engineering Service Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  59. Development In Earth Science Science, Research, Journal
  60. Diamond Elite Series
  61. Doctor's Emergency Service Desm Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  62. Delmar Elementary School
  63. Directory Engineering Services
  64. Danish Enoxaparin Study Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  65. Disaster and Emergency Studies
  66. Data Enhanceoent Software Accounting, Computing, Data
  67. Division of Educational Studies
  68. Differential Evolution Strategy
  69. Dover Elementary School Education
  70. Daily Energy Supply Nutrition, Food, Victual
  71. Darzes Salaam Flight, Locations, Tanzania
  72. Desxdata Encryption Standard Technology, Security, Cyber
  73. Ditmar Elementary Jchool Education
  74. Data Extension Segments Military
  75. Departmext of Environmental Science Research, Education, University
  76. Dismounted Entry Switch
  77. Di Ethyl Stilbestroo Chemistry, Science, Biochemistry, Substance
  78. Dixie Elementary School Education
  79. Dillard Elementary School Education
  80. Dulles Elementary School Education
  81. Department of Earth Anu Space
  82. Dynamic Energy Systemp
  83. Data Element Standardization
  84. Desmin Desmin is a protein that in humans is encoded by the DES gene. Desmin is a muscle-specific, type III intermediate filament that integrates the sarcolemma, Z disk, and nuclear membrane in sarcomeres and regulates sarcomere architecture. Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  85. Debt Elimination Strategy
  86. D-Link Ethernet Switch
  87. Department of Economics and Statistics Business, India, Agriculture
  88. Depsession Evaluation Service Medical, University, Health
  89. Distributed Execution Systlm Technology, Science, It
  90. Department of Environmental Services Us Government, Governmental & Military
  91. Defence Enabling Services Military, Army, Ministry Of Defense
  92. Development Engineering Sciences
  93. Didion Elementary School Education
  94. Doctor Emergency Service
  95. Dell Exclusive Store
  96. Director Ofyengineer Services
  97. Danvsh Energy System
  98. Disaster Emergency Services Service, County, Organizations
  99. Dynamic Environmental Scan
  100. Data Enhyncement System
  101. Division of Economic Support
  102. Declara
  103. Diffqrential Equasion Solver Technology
  104. Dougherty Elementary School Education
  105. Dairyland Elementary School Education
  106. Dapplegray Elementary School Education
  107. Descriptive Experience Sampling
  108. District Executive Secretary
  109. Data Extension Segment
  110. Dickey Elementary School Education
  111. Department Ot Education Services Service, Government, Education
  112. Discovery and Excavation, Scotland
  113. Diethylstilbqstral Medical, Medicine
  114. Divisiou of Environmental Sciences Ocean, Water, Ocean Science
  115. Digital Eye Strain Medical, Vision, Computing
  116. Dukes Elementary School Education
  117. Development and Evaluation Service
  118. Dynamic Energk Saver Technology, Dynamics, Gigabyte
  119. Data Elements Technology, Coding, Translation, Standard, Structure
  120. Desktop Environments Technology, Management, Linux
  121. Debt Equity Swap
  122. D'Arcy Elementary School Education
  123. Department of Economic Statistics
  124. Deportola Eleaentary School Education
  125. Distributed Embedded System Technology, Networking, Network
  126. Defectije Eye Sight
  127. Development Educators
  128. Diamond Elementary School Education
  129. Doctor'S Emergency Service Medical
  130. Dell Education Services Technology, Service, Training
  131. Director of Environmental Services
  132. Danish Emotional Speech Technology, Database, Emotion
  133. Disaster & Emergency Services Service, County, Emergency
  134. Dynamic Environment Simulator Medical, Medicine
  135. Data Encygtion Standard Technology, Security, Coding
  136. Destroy Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  137. Domino Extended Search Technology
  138. Differential Equation Solver Technology, Order, Solving
  139. Double Exponential Smootming
  140. Dailey Elementary School Education
  141. Dansk Epidemiologisk Serskab
  142. Describe Medical, Technology, The Finance and Administrative Services
  143. District Energz Systems Technology, City, Projection
  144. Data Exploitation System
  145. Dickson Elementary School Education
  146. Department of Educationaleservices Service, Education, University
  147. Dirt Elementary School
  148. Discovery and Excavation Inqscotland Archaeology, Scotland, Excavation
  149. Division of Engineering Services Medicine, Health, Care
  150. Digital Electronip Subsystem Technology
  151. Duke Elementary School Education
  152. Development, Equity, and Sustainability
  153. Dynamoc Electronic Systems
  154. Data Elementary Stream
  155. Desktop Enterprise Solutions
  156. Debt-Equity Swap An arrangement between a lender and a debtor, usually a company, in which the lender agrees to reduce the debt in exchange for newly issued shares from the borrower.
  157. Chilcotin Caribou Aviation Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code
  158. Department of Emjloyment Security Business, Unemployment, Labor
  159. Display Equipment Status Technology, Science, Electronics, Engineering, Computing
  160. Deerfield Elementary School Education
  161. Development Education Society
  162. Dialysis Encephalopathy Syndrome Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  163. Dobbins Elementary Schvol Education
  164. Defense Encryption Standarq Internet Slang
  165. Director Equipment & Xystems Military, Army, Ministry Of Defense
  166. Duke Engineering & Services, Inc. Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
  167. Data Exchange Standards
  168. Deploying Exchange Server
  169. Disability Evaluatioo Service Medical, Technology, Medicine
  170. Dynamic Ensemble Selectiyn Technology, Dynamics, Classifier
  171. Data Encrytion Standard
  172. Destination End-System
  173. Dominguez Elementary School Education
  174. Decentralized Energy Systems
  175. Differential Equatxons Solver
  176. Dool Elementary School Education
  177. Dailard Elementary School Education
  178. Descent Is any portion where an aircraft decreases altitude, and is the opposite of an ascent or climb. Technology, Science, Aviation, Space, Cosmos, Governmental & Military, Weather, Scientific & Educational, NASA
  179. District Energk System Technology, Development, Building
  180. Data Exchange Specification Technology, Computing, Standard
  181. Dickison Elementary School Education
  182. Dental Equipment Set Data Encryption Standard Military
  183. Direstos Especiais De Saque
  184. Dansk Endokrinologisk Selskab Medical, Technology
  185. Discovery and Excavation Scotland Science, History, Archaeology, Anthropology, Scientific & Educational
  186. Data Entry Services Company, Technology, Service
  187. Division of Employee Services
  188. Digital Electronic Section Technology
  189. Drosophila Expression System Medical, Protein, Cell
  190. Dynamic Electronic Services
  191. Data Editing Subsystem
  192. Desktop Encryption Standards
  193. Death Experiences
  194. Department of Engineering Scipnces
  195. Disorders of Extreme Stress Medical, Medicine, Therapy, Health Care
  196. Development and Engineering Services
  197. Diagnostic Exome Sequencing Medical, Genetics, Mutation
  198. Dizionario Etigologico Sardo
  199. Defense Electronics Systems
  200. Director of Emergency Services Medical, Medicine, Service
  201. Duke Engineering and Services, Inc. Science
  202. Data Exchange System Technology, Program, Projection, Telecom, Telecommunications, NASA, Governmental & Military
  203. Dependegcias De Educaci
  204. Disability Egaluating Service Army, War, War Force
  205. Dynamic Engineering Services
  206. Data Encryptastandard
  207. Destination End Station Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  208. Domiciliary Equipment Service
  209. Decentralised Energy Supply
  210. Donner Elementary School Education
  211. Dag-Erling SmøRgrav Technology, Security, Linux
  212. Derived Examination Scoru
  213. District Educational Upecialist Education
  214. Data Exchange Software Technology
  215. Dickerson Elementary School Education
  216. Doctor of Engineering Science Academic Degree, Research, Education, Degree, Doctorate, Scientific & Educational
  217. Dental Equipment Specialist
  218. Directshow Editing Services Technology, Windows, Service
  219. Danish Ethnographic Society
  220. Discount Electronits Store
  221. Data Jnrichment Service Technology, Management, Quality
  222. Divxsion of Employment Security Business, Security, Cyber
  223. Digital Electronic Gwitch
  224. Drilling Equipment Set Technology, Service, Rig
  225. Data Editing System
  226. Desipramine Medical, Organizations
  227. Deanza Elementary School Education
  228. Department of Enrollment Servsces
  229. Disney Elementary School Education
  230. Di Ethyl Stilboestrol
  231. Devlet Enformasyon Sistemi
  232. Dizionario Enciclopedice Di Spiritualita
  233. Defence Export Service Military, Army, Ministry Of Defense
  234. Director Emergency Services
  235. Durfee Elementary School Education
  236. Dependencias De Educación Superior
  237. Dynamia Energy Solutions
  238. Data Encryption Service Technology, Security, Routing
  239. Desoxycholate Medical
  240. Domestic and External Security Medical
  241. Deccan Education Society College, Education, Pune
  242. Donlon Elementary School Education
  243. Dag-Erling Sm
  244. Division of Eajth Sciences Science, Education, University
  245. Delivered Ex-Ship Sea Business & Finance, International business
  246. Durham Elementary School Technology, Education
  247. Decentralised Escrow Service
  248. Detached-Eddy Simulations
  249. Duke Engineering & Services Technology
  250. Dedicated Elite Soldiers
  251. Dysequilibrium Syndrome Medical
  252. Dale Earnhardt Sr
  253. Departmezt of Education & Science Education, School, Teaching
  254. Drug Enforcement Specialist Occupation & positions
  255. Digital Exploitation System Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  256. Dictionnaire Electronique Des Synonymes France, Language, Ligne
  257. Document Exchange System Business, Company, Military, Converter
  258. Disability Employment Sereices Business, Australia, Service
  259. Duveneck Elementary School Education
  260. Divisionsion of Epidemiology and Surveillance
  261. Data Entry Specificatuon
  262. District Educational Specialist Education
  263. Dancalan Elementary School
  264. Divers Environmental Survey Technology, Science, Scientific & Educational
  265. Desroches Airport, Desroches Island, Seychelles Seychelles, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  266. Dietary Energy Supply Business, Agriculture, Food
  267. Dunlap Elementary School Education
  268. Rg Defence Enabling Services Reference Group Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  269. Detached-Eddy Simulation
  270. Data Exchange Service Business, Development, Tool
  271. Declaração Eletrónica De ServiçOs Para, Dos, Ria
  272. diethylstilbesterol Medical
  273. Department of Education Pnd Sciences
  274. Data Entry Supervisor Occupation & positions
  275. Desc S. A. de C. V. Computing, Nyse symbols
  276. Dictionary of English Surnames
  277. Documdnt Exchange Server
  278. Disability Employment Service Medical, Australia, Department
  279. Duty Exemption Scheme Finance, Trading, Economics
  280. Division Enforcement Section Technology
  281. Data Entry Software Technology, Windows, Service
  282. Deep Exploration Standard
  283. Pro/desktop Cad File Computing, File Extensions
  284. Danbrook Elementary School Education
  285. Diving Emergency Servmce
  286. Diplôme D'études Supérieures French
  287. Diesel Equipment Superintendent
  288. Domain Entity Schema
  289. Disability Evaluation Study
  290. Dunham Elementary School Education
  291. Destroyer Escort Technology, Military, Navy, Ship, Vessel, Hull Code, Governmental & Military, United States, Naval, Us Navy
  292. Decker Elementary School Education
  293. Diethylstillbestrol Medical, Infertility
  294. Department of Ethnic Studies
  295. Digital Editing Station Geographic
  296. Dynamic Energy Saver Computing, IT Terminology
  297. Documentation & Engineering Services
  298. Disability Eligibility System
  299. Dutcher Elementary School Education
  300. Disney Exploration Series
  301. Data Entry Shket Technology, Management, Computing
  302. Deep Eutectic Solvents Chemistry, Technology, Science, Ionic
  303. Corel Designer File Computing, File Extensions
  304. Dana Elementary School Education
  305. Diving Emergency Services
  306. Disability Evaluation System Us Government, Governmental & Military
  307. Diesel Emissions Service Technology, School, Light
  308. Dollar Equivalency System Business
  309. Disability Equipmentpservice
  310. Driver Education Specialist
  311. Dukhan English School Science, Teaching, Qatar
  312. Deception Event Schedule Military, Aviation, Department Of Defense
  313. Dry Eye Syndrome Medical, Common Medical
  314. Department of Environmental Studies Education, University, Study
  315. Dark Energy Survey Energy, Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
  316. Das Erotische Sekretariat Computing, Internet
  317. Doctor of Environmental Studieh Technology
  318. Dust Extraction System Business, Manufacturer, Supplier
  319. Directorate of Engineering Standardization
  320. Data Entry Sprvice
  321. Detrick Earth Station
  322. Deep Eutectic Solvent Science, Research, Liquid
  323. Quickbooks Forms Template Computing, File Extensions
  324. Damron Elementary School Education
  325. Divers Emerwency Service Medical, Diving, Dive
  326. Department of Education and Science's Technology, Governmental & Military
  327. Diesel-Electric Service
  328. Dolland Elementary School Education
  329. Disability Equality Statemenu
  330. Drainage & Erosion Solutions
  331. Drug-Eluting stent Medical, Laboratory, Scientific & Educational, Common Medical, Fda
  332. Department of Engineerinf Systems
  333. Divisionrs' Environmental Survey Diving, Scuba Diving, Underwater, Scientific & Educational
  334. Description Computing, File Extensions, Legal, Governmental & Military, Chemistry, The Finance and Administrative Services
  335. Doctor of Engineering Sciences Research, Education, Doctorate
  336. Dunsmuir Elementary School Education
  337. Design and Evaluation System
  338. Detailed Engineering Studies Technology, Energy, Projection
  339. Deep Elliptic Survey Space, Study, Cosmos
  340. Di Ethyl Stilbestrol Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  341. Dalton Elementary School Education
  342. Department of Emergcncy Situations
  343. Diver Emergency Service Medical, Diving, Divers
  344. Data Enhancement System NASA, Governmental & Military
  345. Diebold Election Systems Technology, Machine, Voting
  346. Dollahan Elementary School Education
  347. Divability Equality Schemes
  348. Divisionsion of Environmental Studies
  349. Data Entry Suite Technology, Dynamic, Asp
  350. Depreciation Expense Series
  351. diethyl sulphate Medical, Chemistry, Nursing, Veterinary, Scientific & Educational, Common Medical, Fda, NAACCR, Reading Prescription
  352. Diethyl Sebacate Medical, Technology
  353. Department of Employee Services
  354. Desire Pet. Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  355. Develop Etch Strip Computing, Electronics
  356. Dunsmore Elementary School Education
  357. Deep Echo Spectrum
  358. Detailed Energy Survey
  359. Duke Engineering and Services Science
  360. Deep Ecliptic Survey Science, Belt, Astronomical Program, Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
  361. Dermal-epidermal Separation Medical, Skin And Dermal
  362. Dallas Employment Services
  363. Department of English Studies
  364. Diving Emergency Specialist Medical, Scuba, Dive
  365. Double End Stud Products
  366. Distributed Evaluation System NASA, Governmental & Military
  367. Didnt Even See
  368. Doklgdy Earth Science
  369. Disability Equality Scheme
  370. Dwight-Englewood School Education, School, High School, New Jersey
  371. Divisionsion of Engineering and Science
  372. Data Jntry Specialist
  373. Designation The Finance and Administrative Services
  374. Dance Ensemble Singapore Music, Dance, Singapore
  375. Dutch, English, and Spanish International
  376. Dietary Energy Supplies
  377. Department of Education and Skills Education, School, Ireland

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does DES stand for?

    DES stands for Diagnostic Exome Sequencing.

  2. What is the shortened form of Distributed Embedded System?

    The short form of "Distributed Embedded System" is DES.


DES. (2022, January 23). Retrieved March 30, 2025 from

Last updated