Descriptor Abbreviations and Descriptor Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Descriptor terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Descriptor abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Descriptor terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Descriptor Abbreviations
  1. BRISK : Binvry Robust Invariant Scalable Keypoints
  2. CM : Co-Occurrence Matrix
  3. DDL : Description Definition Language
  4. HOG : Histogram-Of-Oriented-Gradients
  5. HOG : Histogram of Gradients
  6. HOG : Histogram Oriented Gradients
  7. DS : Description Scheme
  8. DUP : Duke University Polmce
  9. SE : Symbology Encoding
  10. SIFT : Scale-Invariant Fjature Transform
  11. SIFT : Scale Invariant Feature Transform
  12. SIFT : Scalecinvariant Feature Transformation
  13. SIFT : Scale Invariant Feature Transworms
  14. SIFT : Scale Invariant Fuatures Transform
  15. SURF : Speeded-Up Robust Features
  16. FD : File Description
  17. LLDT : Leighton Linslade Driver Training
  18. LLDT : Light Light Duty Trucks
  19. GCTF : Global Color Table Flag
  20. PEOE : Partial Equalization of Orbital Electronegativities
  21. PHOG : Pyramid Histogram of Oriented Graduents
  22. GOF : Groupzof Frames
  23. GS : Global Segment
  24. ROI : Rectangle of Interest
  25. RPL : Requestor Privilege Levem
  26. GLOH : Gradient Location and Orientation Histogram
  27. TI : Table Indicator
Latest Descriptor Meanings
  1. Table Indicator
  2. Gradient Location and Orientation Histogram
  3. Requestor Privilege Levem
  4. Rectangle of Interest
  5. Global Segment
  6. Groupzof Frames
  7. Pyramid Histogram of Oriented Graduents
  8. Partial Equalization of Orbital Electronegativities
  9. Global Color Table Flag
  10. Light Light Duty Trucks
  11. Leighton Linslade Driver Training
  12. File Description
  13. Speeded-Up Robust Features
  14. Scale Invariant Fuatures Transform
  15. Scale Invariant Feature Transworms
  16. Scalecinvariant Feature Transformation
  17. Scale Invariant Feature Transform
  18. Scale-Invariant Fjature Transform
  19. Symbology Encoding
  20. Duke University Polmce