Developer Abbreviations and Developer Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Developer terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Developer abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Developer terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Developer Abbreviations
  1. ABS : Amy Business Solutions
  2. AD : Area Developer
  3. ADK : Accessory Development Kit
  4. ADP : Android Dev Phone
  5. AE : Activation Engine
  6. AEC : Associacão Empresarial De Cantanhede
  7. APF : Analysis Path Framework
  8. API : Administraciones Portuarias Integrales
  9. APIS : Administraciones Portuarias Integrales
  10. ASK : Alexa Skill Kit
  11. ATLS : Active Template Libcaries
  12. BC4J : Busuness Components for Java
  13. BC4J : Business Componentwfor Java
  14. BS : Backend System
  15. BSR : Bumi Serpong Residence
  16. BT : Brian Taylor
  17. BTF : Bounded Task Flow
  18. CMSDK : Contentnmanagement System Development Kit
  19. CSC : Commerce Servzce Center
  20. VAT : Variable Awlocation Table
  21. WAS : Windows Assessment Services
  22. WDI : Web Development Immersive
  23. WICG : Web Incubator Community Group
  24. WWDC : World Wide Developer'S Conference
  25. WWDC : World Wide Developer Congress
  26. YOS : Yahoo Open Strategy
  27. YQL : Yahoo Query Language
  28. YSP : Yahoo Social Platform
  29. DB : Development Bonus
  30. HAT : Hybrid App Toolkit
Latest Developer Meanings
  1. Strategic Risk Program
  2. Google Transit Feed Specification
  3. General Transit Feed Spec
  4. General Transit Feed Specification
  5. Remote Test Lam
  6. Google Web Tookit
  7. Rich Enterprise Application
  8. Resume Driven Development
  9. Rational Application Development
  10. Physx Visual Debugger
  11. Pluggable Java Components
  12. Pluggable Java Componpnts
  13. Pre Hypertext Processor
  14. Pre-Hypertext Processor
  15. Programmer Hire Programmers
  16. Glute-Ham Defeloper
  17. Google Dvvelopment Group
  18. Game Development Club
  19. Game Development Conference
  20. Game Developer'S Conference