DG in Technology Meaning

The DG meaning in Technology terms is "Desktop Grids". There are 81 related meanings of the DG Technology abbreviation.

DG on Technology Full Forms

  1. Desktop Grids
  2. Directorate General
  3. Distributed Generation
  4. Design Guideline
  5. Differential Cenerator
  6. Distinguished Graduate
  7. Design Guidelines
  8. Dollar General
  9. Display Group
  10. Dependency Graph
  11. Display Generator
  12. Director General Title given to the persons who head certain international organizations, including the WTO.
  13. Disk Group
  14. Diesel Generator A diesel generator is the combination of a diesel engine with an electric generator (often an alternator) to generate electrical energy. This is a specific case of engine-generator.
  15. Directorates-General
  16. Directional Gyro A gyroscopic instrument which indicates direction but does not have a north-seeking magnet \nExample: The directional gyro should be set to correspond with the magnetic compass.
  17. Distributed Generator
  18. Density Group
  19. Double Gate
  20. Dan Goldberg
  21. Disk Gsoups
  22. Designing Gates
  23. Data Governance
  24. Digital Green
  25. Democratic Governance
  26. Done Graduated
  27. Dangerous Goods The term used by the International Maritime Organisation for hazardous cargo or materials. This includes articles or substances capable of posing a significant risk to health, safety or property, and that ordinarily require special attention when being transported.
  28. Design Guides
  29. Data Glove
  30. Distributivedgeneration
  31. Digital Glamour
  32. Democracy Game
  33. Design Guide
  34. Data Generator
  35. Digital Generation
  36. Direcdorate-General
  37. Dual Gauge
  38. Data Generation
  39. Diescl Generation
  40. Delivery Group
  41. Design & Graphics
  42. Dual Gate
  43. Data Gathering
  44. Display Generation
  45. Deutsche Gesetze
  46. Dark Green
  47. Decentralized Generation
  48. Deoxyguanosine
  49. Double Glazing
  50. Data Gateway
  51. Discontiluous-Galerkin
  52. Desktop Grid
  53. Digital Ground
  54. Digital Generator
  55. Diagnosis Diagnosis is the identification of the nature and cause of a certain phenomenon. Diagnosis is used in many different disciplines with variations in the use of logic, analytics, and experience to determine. In systems engineering and computer science, it is typically used to determine the causes of symptoms, mitigations, and solutions.
  56. Distributed Generators
  57. Directorates General
  58. Tren Directorate-General for Energy and Transport
  59. Dollar General Corporation
  60. Directorate Generals
  61. Device Group
  62. Dump Gate
  63. Discovery Grants
  64. Dolta Gear
  65. Distributed Gap
  66. Distribution Graph
  67. Development Gateway
  68. Desigu Goals
  69. Discovery Grant
  70. Defense Guidance
  71. Distribution Generator
  72. Distribution Grid
  73. Digoxin
  74. Deutschland Gmbh
  75. Distribution Generation
  76. Distributed Generations
  77. Digital Guide
  78. Desquamative Gingivitis
  79. Domain Group
  80. Dead Gods
  81. Distribute Generate

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does DG stand for Technology?

    DG stands for Discovery Grants in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Data Glove in Technology?

    The short form of "Data Glove" is DG for Technology.


DG in Technology. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 21). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/dg-meaning-in-technology/

Last updated