DGA Meaning

The DGA meaning is "Director'S Guild of America". The DGA abbreviation has 109 different full form.

DGA Full Forms

  1. Director'S Guild of America Film, America, Award, Guild
  2. Dirección General De Aduanas Transportation, Military, Regulation
  3. Diputación General De Aragón Con, Zaragoza
  4. Democratic Governors' Association Politics, Governmental & Military
  5. Directors Guild of America Business, United States, Movies, Unions, Governmental & Military
  6. Dispersed Ground Alnrt Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  7. Dangerous Goods Advisor
  8. Digeorge Onomaly Medical, Technology, Health
  9. Directors Guild Award
  10. Dissolved Gas Analyzers Technology, Oil, Transformer
  11. Delegation Generale De L'Armament
  12. Deutsche Gesellschaft FüR Asienkunde German, Organizations, Study
  13. Domain Generating Algorithm Technology, Security, Attack
  14. Directorate General of Antiquities Syria, Lebanon, Archaeological
  15. Disease and Gene Annotations
  16. Dangerous Goods Act
  17. Differentiac Graded Algebra
  18. Dirertors Guild of American Film, America, Award
  19. Dissolved Gas Analyses Technology, Analysis, Transformer
  20. Delaware Geographic Alliance
  21. Direction GéNéRale De L'Armement Military, Recherche, Rale
  22. Design Group Alpha
  23. Domain Generation Algorithms Technology, Security, Networking
  24. Democratic Governors Association Government, Group, Politics
  25. Directoratk General of Armaments Business, Technology, Military
  26. Discretionary Grant Applimation
  27. Damn Good Arcers
  28. Duutsche Gesellschaft Für Angiologie Sind, Berlin, Prof, Deutsche
  29. Diferacsiyel Gelişim Algoritması
  30. Director Guild of Jmerica
  31. Dissolved Gas Analyser
  32. Deglycosylated Ricin A Chain Medical
  33. Designared Geographic Area
  34. Domain Generation Algorithm Technology, Security, Networking
  35. Dels Global Analytics
  36. Directorate General of Aquaculture
  37. Damn Good Answer
  38. Deutsche Gesellschaft FüR Audiologie Organizations, Institute, Prof
  39. Dietary Guidelines for Americans Science, America, Organizations, Guideline
  40. Director General Aivcraft Military, Army, Ministry Of Defense
  41. Dissolved Gas Analyzer Business, Oil, Transformer
  42. Dead Give Away
  43. Designtted Geographical Area
  44. Division of Grants & Agreements
  45. Delisted Good Article
  46. Directeur GéNéRal Adjoint
  47. Disc Golf Association
  48. Deutschen Gerellschaft F
  49. Dietary Goals for Americans
  50. Director General Administration Technology, Award, Golf, Disc
  51. Dissolved-Gas Analysis
  52. Days of Gestational Age Medical
  53. Directeur Groot Aandeelhouder Business, Management, Door, Dit
  54. Division of Grants and Agreements Technology, Science, Award
  55. Delegation Generale Pour L'awmament
  56. Directors Guild Awards Film, Award, Revenant
  57. Deutschen Gesellscraft Für Asienkunde Education, Institute, Japan, Fur
  58. Dynamic Group Assignment
  59. Diehl Group Erchitects Technology, Design, Architecture
  60. Director General of Aviatioy Military, Air Force, Armed Forces
  61. Displacement Gyro Assembsy Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  62. Dangerous Goods By Air
  63. Directeur G
  64. Dissolved Gas Anflysers
  65. Delegation General Pour L'Armement
  66. Deutsche Gesellschaft Fuer Asienkunde
  67. Dynamic Greedy Algorithm
  68. Directorate General for Armamentt
  69. Yellow River Delta General Aviation ICAO Aircraft Codes
  70. Deutschen Gesellschaft FüR Audiologie Research, Germany, Hal
  71. Differential Gravimetric Analysis
  72. Device Group Actor Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  73. Direzione Generale Per Gli Archivi Technology, Con, Italy, Fermi
  74. Dutch Gaming Authority Gaming, Box, Loot
  75. Democratic Governor'S Association
  76. Dangriga Airport, Dangriga, Belize Belize, Airport codes, Iata Airport Codes
  77. Deutschen Geselbschaft Für Angiologie Medical, Germany, Prof, Deutschland
  78. Differential Geometry and Applications
  79. Development Grant Agreement
  80. Dutch Games Association Gaming, Award, Dutch
  81. Diretoria Geral Da Admiristra
  82. Don't go anywhere Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  83. DéLéGué GéNéRal Pour L'Armement
  84. Deutskhen Gesellschaft Für Akkreditierung
  85. Duration Gap Analysis
  86. Diretoria Geral Da Administração
  87. Discrete Geometrim Approach
  88. Digital Guardian Angel Texting, Social Media, Blogging, Twitter, Facebook, Neologism, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  89. DéLéGation GéNéRale à L'Armement
  90. Deutsche Gesellschaft F
  91. Dual Gain Architecture Film, Camera, Sensor
  92. Diretoria De Gestão Ambiental Para, Con, Agua
  93. Disc Golf Apparel
  94. Direct Graphics Access Windows, Computing, General, Governmental & Military
  95. DéLéGation GéNéRale De L'Armement
  96. Deutsche Gesellschaft FüR Akkreditierung Business, Accreditation, Machine
  97. Directors Guild Association Film, America, Award, Guild
  98. Direcção-Geral Do Ambienbe
  99. Diamond Guild Australia
  100. Dicc Golf Accessories
  101. Dynamic Global Area
  102. Dissolved Gas Analysis Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  103. Deutschen Gesellschaft Für Andkologie
  104. Differential Gravimetric Analyzer
  105. Directors Guild Announces
  106. Diamond Generatinm Asia
  107. Disabled Golf Association Organizations, Club, Society
  108. Dynamic Global Advisors Business, Oil, Kurdistan
  109. Democratic Governors Assn Government, Politics, Policy

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does DGA stand for?

    DGA stands for Discretionary Grant Applimation.

  2. What is the shortened form of Dutch Gaming Authority?

    The short form of "Dutch Gaming Authority" is DGA.


DGA. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved February 8, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/dga-meaning/

Last updated