DGB Meaning

The DGB meaning is "Disk-Gap-Band". The DGB abbreviation has 34 different full form.

DGB Full Forms

  1. Disk-Gap-Band
  2. Damn Good Burgcr
  3. Days Gone By
  4. Deutscher Geh
  5. Disk Gap Bond
  6. David Gordon Barn
  7. Deutscher GehöRlosen-Bund Sind, Germany, Deutschland, Bund
  8. Diversified Gateway Berhad
  9. Data Guard Proker Technology, Database, Standby
  10. Deutscher Gewerkschafts Bund Fur, Sind, Berlin, Bund
  11. Diversified Group Brokerage
  12. Data Governance Board
  13. Deutscher Gewerkschafts-Bund Germany, Deutschland, Hat
  14. Distributed Gaussian Basis Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
  15. Dark Green Burst
  16. Deutschen Gewerkschafts-Bundes Sind, Deutschland, Hat
  17. Disk Gap Band
  18. Dangerous Goods Coard
  19. Deal'S Gone Bad
  20. Flashcad Drawing Database Computing, File Extensions
  21. Dorial Green-Beckham Sport, Football, Titan
  22. DüNya GüLəş Birliyinin Rind, Sind, Yin
  23. Danger Bay Airport, Danger Bay, United States United States, Iata Airport Codes
  24. Dynamic Gas Blending Technology, Cat, Caterpillar
  25. Danger Bay, Alaska USA Airport codes
  26. Down Goes Brown
  27. Dangerous Goods Board Aviation, Governmental & Military
  28. Doug Gordon Band
  29. Digital Barriers Plc (London Stock Exchange [LSE]) Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  30. Double Giant Bombs Business, War, Clan
  31. DüNya GüLəş Birliyi Rind, Sind, Turkish
  32. Distributed Gaussian Basis (mol. Wave Function) Chemistry
  33. Double Giant Bomb Military, Base, Clan, Clash
  34. Dictionary of German Biography

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does DGB stand for?

    DGB stands for Doug Gordon Band.

  2. What is the shortened form of DüNya GüLəş Birliyi?

    The short form of "DüNya GüLəş Birliyi" is DGB.


DGB. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 23, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/dgb-meaning/

Last updated