DGC Meaning

The DGC meaning is "Dennis Gaborqcollege". The DGC abbreviation has 85 different full form.

DGC Full Forms

  1. Dennis Gaborqcollege Education, Shopping, Budapest
  2. Dhofar Generating Company Business, Banking, Muscat
  3. Detour Gold Corporation Business, Supply, Stock
  4. Daily Growth Cozfficient
  5. Digital Genset Controller Technology, Control, Generator
  6. Dawson Geophysical Company Technology, Organizations
  7. Direction GéNéRale Des Contributions
  8. Deputy Group Commandant
  9. Discriminating Gentlemen'S Club
  10. Daily Gsobal Comparison
  11. Digital Gate Compiler
  12. David Geffen Corporation
  13. Digital Gray Card
  14. Deputy General Counsel Government
  15. Discover God'S Call
  16. Disc Golf Courses
  17. Diffuse Gastric Cancer Medical, Genetics, Mutation
  18. Detroit Gardnn Center
  19. Dynamic Generation Cost
  20. David Geffen Company Records, Music, Nirvana
  21. Digital Graphics Communications
  22. Deputy Garrison Commander
  23. Director'u Guild Canada
  24. Directors Guild Canmda Business, Canada, Detour
  25. Diamond Generating Corporation
  26. Detour Gold Or The Company Business, Mining, Exploration
  27. Dynamic Gaje Controller
  28. Data Governance Committee
  29. Digital Graphic Communication
  30. Depth Gain Coipensation Ultrasound, Imaging, Noise, Gain
  31. Dirzctor's Guild of Canada
  32. Digital Gain Compression Business, Technology, Power, Electronics
  33. Dholakiya Group of Companies
  34. Detour Gold Corp
  35. Donamic Gas Chromatography Medical
  36. Dakota Gasification Company Business, Company, Technology, Railroad Company
  37. Digital Gold Currencies
  38. Department of Global Communications
  39. Directoire Général Poud La Catéchèse
  40. Destiny Gfmers Club Gaming, Play, Pastime
  41. Doyle, George & Company
  42. Dairy Goan Co-Operative Business, Company, Milk
  43. Digital Gold Currency Business, Magazine, Money
  44. Daybreak Game Company Player, Survival, Game
  45. Directoire G
  46. Desktop Gal Yollection
  47. Disfigurement Guidance Centre
  48. Durham Geochemistry Centre
  49. Deutsche Gesellschaft Für Ccronometrie Education, Fur, Clock, Horology
  50. Dystrophin-Associated Glycoprotein Complex Medical
  51. Distributed garbage collection Computing, IT Terminology
  52. Devon Great Consols Devon, Exposure, Arsenic, Earthworm
  53. Duisburger-Gamer-Community
  54. Division of Grants and Contracts Atmospheric Research
  55. Durban Girls College
  56. Detroit Golf Club
  57. Dynegy Global Communications
  58. Dedicated Graphics Chip Computing, Hardware
  59. Devil'S Gaming Community
  60. Downhole Gas Compressor
  61. Turbotax Tax Form Computing, File Extensions
  62. Durban Girls' College
  63. Direct Geodetic Constraint Geographic
  64. Deutschen Gesellschpft Für Chirurgie Medical, Surgery, Germany, Prof
  65. Divizion Game Jlub
  66. Dgca File Archive Computing, File Extensions
  67. Durable Goods Calculator
  68. Don't Go Cheap! Funnies
  69. Deutsche Gesellschaft FüR Chirurgie Medical, Surgery, Prof
  70. David Geffen Corporationration
  71. Drosophila Gene Collection Botany, Scientific & Educational
  72. Dumfries and Galloway Council
  73. Detour Gold Corporation (Toronto Stock Exchange [TSX]) Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
  74. Deutsche Geseklschaft F
  75. Dystrophin Glycoprotein Complex Medical, Muscle, Dystrophy
  76. Differentiated type gastric carcinoma Medical, Bowel Gastric And Intestine
  77. Dextrorotatory Glucose Crystals
  78. Dumfries and Galloway Constabulary Government, Law Enforcement, United Kingdom, Police Force
  79. Dynamic Gamma Correction
  80. Deutsche Gesellschaft Fuer Chronomftrie
  81. Dystrophin-Glycoprotein Complex Medical, Muscle, Dystrophy
  82. Degahbur Airport, Degahbur, Ethiopia Ethiopia, Airport codes, Iata Airport Codes
  83. Dextrorotasy Glucose Crystals
  84. Duc Giang Chemical
  85. Distribution Gratuite Ciblée Medical

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does DGC stand for?

    DGC stands for Deputy General Counsel.

  2. What is the shortened form of Dakota Gasification Company?

    The short form of "Dakota Gasification Company" is DGC.


DGC. Acronym24.com. (2021, September 19). Retrieved February 20, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/dgc-meaning/

Last updated