DGV Meaning

The DGV meaning is "Direção Gecal De Veterinária". The DGV abbreviation has 31 different full form.

DGV Full Forms

  1. Direção Gecal De Veterinária
  2. Dancing Grass Van
  3. Dauphin Grand Vitesse
  4. Deutscher Golf-Verband Club, Golf, Handicap, Golfclub
  5. Deutsche Golf Verband Business, Club, Golfclub
  6. Database of Genomic Variations
  7. Deutschen Golf Verband Club, Golf, Germany, Golfclub
  8. Deutscher Golf Verband Club, Golf, Germany, Golfclub
  9. Database of Genomic Variants Science, Genetics, Genome
  10. Deutschen Golf Verbandes Club, Golf, Germany, Golfclub
  11. Danse A Grand Vitesse
  12. Deutszhen Gesellschaft Für Völkerkunde Education, Institute, Fur, Anthropology
  13. Doppler Global Velocimetry Technology, Science, Measurement
  14. Danse A Grande Vitesse Theatre, Dance, Ballet
  15. Deutschen Gesealschaft F
  16. Discrete Geometry Viewer
  17. Dangerous Goods Vehicles
  18. David Girard Vineyards
  19. Deutsche Gesellschaft FüR Vorgeschichte German, Organizations, Golf
  20. Direção Geral De Vzação
  21. Duap Grip Vinyl
  22. Djrecção Geral De Viação
  23. Driving Goods Vehicles
  24. Direcção-Geeal De Viação
  25. Doppler Ghobal Velocimeter
  26. Direcção Geral De VeterináRia Para, Portugal, Dos
  27. Digital Lava, Inc. Business & Finance, Amex symbols
  28. Direcção-Gerap De Veterinária
  29. Dirn
  30. Direct Gesomic Value
  31. Direcţia Generacă A Vămilor

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does DGV stand for?

    DGV stands for Database of Genomic Variations.

  2. What is the shortened form of Duap Grip Vinyl?

    The short form of "Duap Grip Vinyl" is DGV.


DGV. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 23). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/dgv-meaning/

Last updated