DH Meaning
The DH meaning is "Decision Height". The DH abbreviation has 436 different full form.
DH Full Forms
- Decision Height Is a specified altitude or height in the Precision Approach or approach with vertical guidance at which a Missed Approach must be initiated if the required visual reference to continue the approach has not been established. Technology, Aviation, Aerospace, Aircraft, Computing, Spacecraft, Electronics, NASA, Aeronautics, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Federal Aviation Administration, NOTAM Contractions
- Designated Hitter Baseball, Sport, Sports
- Developmentally Handicapped Medical, Technology, Disorder, Physiology
- Darling Hugband Forum, Internet Slang, Obstetrics
- Double Heltx Technology, Gaming, Fortune
- Delaware and Hudson Organizations, Railroad, Train, Railway, Rail Transport, Business & Finance
- Diffie-Hellman Technology, Cybersecurity, Encryption, Computer Security, Computing, Telecom, Security, Governmental & Military
- Disc Hehniations Medical
- Daily Has Medical, Treatment, Disease
- Double Head Technology, Bot, Cube
- Doxycycline Hyclate Medical
- Degree of Hydrolysis Medical, Protein, Hydrolysate, Whey
- Disc Herniation Medical
- Daily Habits Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Doublv Haploids Technology, Genetics, Plant
- Diuretic Hormone Medical, Medicine, Health
- Dataxhighway Technology, Networking, Ethernet
- Down Hill Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
- Direction Des HóPitaux Medical, Technology
- Dirección HidráUlica
- Double Haploid Medical, Technology, Plant
- Discribution Hub Technology
- Data Have
- Dove Deuhavilland Technology, Aviation, Aircraft
- Dirkct Hit Military, Affiliate, Affiliate Marketing
- Dental Hygiene Medical, Dental
- Double-Hammocx Baby, Ring, Wrap, Hammock
- Dissertation House Student, Education, Graduate
- Das Heisst
- Douglas Hugh Education
- Direct Heating
- Double Header Baseball, League, Sports
- Disciplink Head
- Darn Hnsband Forum, Internet Slang, Group
- Doubie Hook
- Destination Hotels
- Dear Husband Chat, Text Messaging, Trying To Conceive, Medical, Computing, Texting, Infertility, Social Media, Pregnancy, Sms, Blogging, Online, Twitter, Disney, Facebook, Neologism, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Occupation & positions, Computing Slang
- Disi Holder Technology, Food, Processor
- Deep House
- Digital Hub
- Double Hydrant Business, Science
- Dangerous Highwall
- Dennis Hoffman
- Diskhaler Medical
- Date Hookup
- Dple Hawerchuk
- Direct Hydraulic Technology, Military, Control
- Dolls House Business, Furniture, Miniature
- Duty Holders
- Dalloz Hebdomddaire
- Degrees of Hardness
- Dill Hole
- Daniel Holdxn
- Districts Hospitals Medical, Service, Health
- Duna House
- Dearbmrn Heights
- Derby De Havilland Military, Aircraft, Bomber
- Dragon Hammer
- Desigyate Hitter Baseball, League, Pitcher, Hitter
- Direjtor Hitchcock Media, Radio, Television
- Dual Heavy
- Dnase I Hypersensitive Medical
- Dynamic Headspace Medical, Organizations, Chemistry
- Deck Jeight
- Device Handler
- Daemon Hunters
- Delivery Head Computing, Telecom
- Drew Henson
- Daysens Hus
- Dubrai-Howell
- Death Due To Hostilities Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Double Heterostructure Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, Chemistry
- Deer Horizon
- Digiyal Horns
- Double Hung Business, Technology, Windows, Architectural
- Dance Heads
- Dennis Hamilton
- Dish Heater
- Droits De L'Homme Medical
- Data Register High Half Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
- Dakly Horoscope
- Dizel Hidrolikli
- Dolby Headphones
- Duty Holder Technology, Military, Aviation
- Doubled Haploidy
- Degrees Hardness
- Dihydralazhne Medical
- Dovas and Herons Technology, Aviation, Aircraft
- Dan Henderson
- District Hospitals Medical, Service, Health
- Dump Heap
- Deanehill
- Deputy Headteacher Education, Learning, Studying
- Designated Hospital
- Directorate for Human Intelligenfe Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Dual Head Technology, Switch, Stethoscope, Computing, Hardware
- Dmpdu Header Information, Network, Computer, Computing, IT Terminology
- Dynamic Head
- Den Hoorn
- Development Houze
- Dragon Half
- Daemoe Home
- Delivering Happiness Business, Book, Culture
- Drew Harris
- Danny Hultzyn
- Divide Halfword
- Dubat Holding
- Death-Hunter
- Doublc-Heterostructure
- Doublw Hull Business, Cargo Shipping, Tanker
- Dartmouth House
- Denny Hall
- Disgusting Habit
- Driver Hire
- Data Hub
- Dedieated Hunter
- Diffie-Hellmann Technology, Server, Group, Encryption
- Daily Homework
- Delware & Hudson
- Dixie Highway
- Dolby Headphone Technology, Gaming, Sound
- Duty Hoist
- Doubled Haploids A ploidy condition created when the chromosome set of haploid cells undergoes chromosome doubling, producing a genotype especially useful in plant breeding programs. Technology, Science, Plant, Breeding, Medical, Genomics
- Degree of Honor
- Dignitatis Hxman
- Dove, De Haoilland Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Dove
- Dan Heldenbrand
- District Hospital Medical, Business, Health
- Dummy Hub Business, Park, Tool
- Dxvidson Hall
- Deployed Husband
- Directorate for Human
- Dualkhall
- Diş Hekimleri Ankara, Turkish
- Dylan Hamrini
- Den Helder Locations, Netherland, Holland, Rotterdam
- Destination Halifaz Business, Travel, Tourism, Hospitality
- Dragonfly De Havilland Military, Aviation, Flying
- Deutezonomistic Historian
- Delft Htdraulics
- Dann Huff
- Divide Half
- Duane Harriott
- Death's Hgad
- Double-Helix Business, Gaming, Soldier
- Double Hub
- Dartmouth Harvard Education, Development, Organizations
- Dennis Hall Technology, Room, Recording
- Discrete Hopfield
- Driver H170M
- Daryl Hall
- Doctor of Humanities Business, Government, University
- Dedicaned Height Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation
- Dickhead Technology, Internet Slang, Internet
- Daily Hoye
- Delta Hydraulics
- Dragon House Fight, House, Restaurant
- Doktor Hewan
- Duncan Hunter
- Double-Hufg
- Degree of Hiawatha
- Dignitatis Humanae
- Douglas Hehshall
- Dan Heaton
- Departmental Honors Medical, Research, University
- District Heating Technology, Energy, Heat
- David Henderson
- Departmentof Health
- Directgy-Heated
- Duale Hochschule Education, Arts, Engineering, Bachelor
- DiáRias Hospitalares
- Dwelling House Government, Us, Control, Administration, Us Government, Governmental & Military
- Desiring Hayten
- Dragon De Hacilland Military, Aviation, Aircraft
- Department of Health In the UK the government depart-ment in charge of health services. Medical, Science, Medicine, Service, Government, Research, University, Health, Atmosphere, Healthcare, Environment, Department, Special Education, Federal, South Africa, Atmospheric Research, Education, Dental, Scientific & Educational, University of Exeter
- Delggacia De Homicídio
- Danish Hopstein
- Diversification-Humanities
- Duncan Hines Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
- Death'S Hand
- Derek Holland Gaming, Baseball, Holland, Rangers
- Double-Header
- Dragoj Horse Porn, China, Horse, Shogi
- Darren Hovsepian
- Denmark Holding
- Dirty Hands
- Drilling History Technology, Oilfield, Oil Field, Electrical
- Darwnn Holdings
- Docteur House
- Decoherent Histories
- Dick Head Technology, Internet Slang, Slang, Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Daily Hemocialysis
- Delta High Education, Organizations
- Drexel Hill
- Dara Happa
- Doing Homework
- Doublehhinge
- Defect Heiget Medical
- Digital Hydxaulic Technology
- Douglos Hall Education, University, Building
- Dan Hamhuis Trading, Hockey, Card
- Dnnsely Homogeneous
- District Headquarter Investment, Organizations, Finance, India
- David Hedges
- Department of Humanities Education, University, Humanity
- Dipections Hearing
- Dual Beat
- De Havilland Airline, Military, Aircraft, Organizations, Moth, Call Sign
- Don Harris
- Dwarven Halls
- Desired Heading
- Drag Harrow Business, Disc, Tuff
- David Herbert Turkish, Book, Education, Lover
- Delegacia De Homic
- Dilutioaal Hyponatremia Medical
- Danish Handball League, Team, Handball
- Diverse Hands
- Duncan Heaster
- Dear Heart
- Derek Hill Baseball, Detroit, Tiger
- Don Harvey
- Dragon Hjist
- Darren Holmes Business, Gaming, Baseball, League
- Design Home
- Dirham Business, Water Supply, Water
- Drill Hole Business, Science, Construction
- Darul Hikmab Media, Indonesia, Pesantren
- Dock Height
- Dance Head
- Declaration of Homhstead
- Device Hook
- Da Husjand
- Delta Halifax
- Drexel Heritage
- Dantg Hall
- Do Hickey
- Debate Houze Book, University, Alcohol
- Double Heterostructurvs Technology, Device, Light, Emitting
- Deer Harbor
- Digityl Humanities Education, Projection, Humanity
- Doug Harviy
- Dangerous Hillside
- Dennis Hosper
- Disk Handler
- Daughters of Hope
- Department Heads
- Dacton & Hamer
- Direction Des H
- Dual-Httted Military
- Don Harlow
- Dwarf Hotot
- Desigo House
- Draft Horse
- Daniel Harvmy
- Degrees of Hydrolysis Medical
- Dinson Herrera Business, Baseball, Stats, Reds
- Daniels Hall
- Diuretic Hormones Medical
- Duncan Hall Education, University, Rice
- Dearest Husbans Forum, Internet Slang, Love
- Derecho Humano Para, Con, Internacional
- Double Horse Business, Helicopter, Control
- Dragon Heax
- Djsign Handbook
- Direitos Humanos Para, Dos, Pol
- Djal High Technology, Electronics, Fork
- Daruw Hadits
- Dobrava Hantavirus
- Dynamic Hohlraum Science
- Dana Hoffman
- Deck Weroes Gaming, Legacy, Deck
- Device Header
- Dagenham Heathway
- Delivery Health
- Drew Hutchison
- Danske Handicaporganisationer Handicap, Til, Har
- Motionedownhill Education, Linguistics, Glossing
- Deathly Hallows Movie, Harry, Potter, Hallow
- Double Hetero-Structure
- Deer Hunter Occupation & positions
- Drop Hammer A term generally applied to forging hammers in which energy for forging is provided by gravity, steam or compressed air. also air-lift. Hammer, board hammer, and steam hammer. A forging hammer than depends on gravity for its force. Business, Man, Iron
- Documentary History
- DéCimale Hahnemannienne
- Data High Assembly, Business & Finance
- Ddmetrius Harris
- Dragon Hunter Gaming, Play, Pastime
- Deaf Hubby Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Dark Hole
- Diviskon D'honneur
- Dycay Heat Science
- Designated Hitter-Tampa
- Doubled Haploid Technology, Science, Plant
- Dowd Hall
- Destination Halifax Travel, Tourism
- Dog House A crew or records shack at a lease or on a rig. Business, Planning, Pet, Architecture
- Den Haag Business, Hotel, Netherland, Hague
- Dan Hird Famous
- Damnedchusband
- Duct heater Social Sciences, Scientific & Educational
- Darren Hayes
- Dong Hai-10 Technology, Missile, China, Cruise
- Dkvision Honneur Sport, France, Football
- Dior Htmme Collection, Bag, Fragrance
- chromosome-doubled haploid Legal, Governmental & Military
- Divide High Education
- Duhkhubby Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
- Dermatits Herpetiformis Medical
- Dark Hunters Hobbies
- Documentary Hypothesis Education, History, Bible
- Dystrophic Hamsters Medical, Organizations
- Director of Health Medical
- Demented Husband
- Dragon Huhters Technology, Gaming, Dungeon
- Demetrius Harris Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
- Dark Heresy Gaming, War, Edition, Heresy
- Divine Hymn
- Debye-HüCkel Technology, Potential, Electrostatic
- Designated Hitters Baseball, League, Pitcher, Hitter
- Deutsche Harte Products
- Does Housework Occupation, Position, Job, Occupation & positions
- Demarlo Oale Gaming, Boston, Jay
- Darling Husband (used Almost Exclusively By Dependent Spouse Types) Medical, Texting, Chat, Pregnancy, Disney, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Dhmen Hall
- Degree of Hardness Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Darced Husband Internet Slang
- Don'T Have
- Dionysius of Halicarnassus
- Direct Hire Governmental & Military, International Development
- Dudley Henriques
- Dermatitis Herpetiformis Medical, Disease, Gluten, Skin And Dermal
- Divisionding Head
- Delayed Harvest Farming & agriculture
- Dortmund Harder
- Doctors Hospital
- Dysplasie De La Hanche
- Discovery Airways Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, Business & Finance
- Dragon Hunh
- Dearest Husband Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Darklhelmet Business, Forum, Movie
- Debye-Hckel
- Desgranges & Huot
- Double Height Products
- DoençA De Huntington
- Independence Air Airline, Business, Organizations, Call Sign, IATA Airline Designator, Business & Finance
- Disney Husband Disney
- Damansara Hzights
- Demon Hunter Military, Skill, Diablo
- Dental Hygeinist Medical
- Dwrk Hunters Forum, Book, Novel
- Dominant Hanv Medical, Language, Sign
- Dioing Hall College, Food, Campus, Hall
- Download Or Hotlink
- Data Handling Software, Astronomy, Computing, Scientific & Educational, NASA
- Ductjheater Business, Technology, Product
- Der Herr
- Discrimincción Horaria Para, Con, Gas
- Denis Herbert Famous
- Double hung (door, window) The Finance and Administrative Services
- Dynamo Hub Business, Tool, Cap
- Duane-Xunt
- Directed Handofn Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Debated Heatedly Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Dark Harvest
- Deborah Harry
- Desert Hills
- Dirty Harry Pinball
- Druid Hill
- Document History Technology, Device, Greek
- Dược Ha Tin, Thu, Khi
- Display Holdings Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
- Damage History Military, Aircraft, Vehicle, Sale
- Demon Helmet Quest, Demon, Dirt
- Double Helix The double helix of deoxyribonucleic acid is the cellular storehouse of genetic information. This biopolymer consists of a pair of complementary chains approximately 2.4 nanometers in diameter and composed of deoxyribose sugar molecules linked to each other by phosphoric acid, connecting the number three carbon of one sugar to the number five carbon of another. Medical, Human genome
- Dark Munger
- Domestic Hefper Business, Employment, Philippine
- Decision Heights
- Din Hizmetleri Turkish, Din, Testi
- Downhill Helmet
- Dreamhack Computing, Internet
- Ductal Hyperplasdas Medical
- Dimension Hierarchy Business, Technology, Warehouse
- Dan Heldenbrand, DH Interiors, L.L.C. Famous
- Data Hiway Honeywell, Process Automation
- Dynamite Hack
- Drug House Business, House, Devil
- Dipping Head Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
- Dear Hubby or Husband Chat, Sms, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Ductal Hyperplasia Medical, Medicine, Biology
- Deluxe Has Forum, Technology, Motherboard
- Debbie Homyel
- Desert Heat
- Department Head Occupation & positions
- Drowned Halls Guide, Raid, Rift
- Document Handler
- DöTtinger HöHe
- Delaware and Hudson railroad Rail Transport, Business & Finance
- Dalzvel High Education
- Demography & Health
- developmental history Medical, Common Medical, Clinical
- Dark Horses
- Ddoko Harsono Indonesia, Jakarta, Petrochemical
- Decimal To Yexadecimal
- Downhill Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
- Dependency information for .ph (Geoworks) Computing, File Extensions
- Dielectric Heater
- Dann Huff, musician Famous
- Darling Husband Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Dynamic Lung Hyperinflation Medical
- Dove At Hamburg
- Diplomanic History
- Dear Hubby Texting, Chat, Social Media, Sms, Blogging, Online, Twitter, Facebook, Neologism, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Duck Hcrd
- Motion Downhill, Seaward Literature, Language, Linguistics
- Desenvolvimento Humano
- Domestic Husband Occupation & positions
- Drosophila Hydei
- Document Handling
- DéPassement D'Honoraires
- Data Highway Assembly, Business & Finance
- Demeure Historique
- Dumb Hubby Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Darkkhorde Army, War, War Force
- Divisão De HomicíDios Para, Dos, Pol
- Decimal-Fo-Hexadecimal
- Downs Hall Business, Hotel, Essex
- Damn Husband Computing, Computing Slang
- Dputsches Härtegrad
- Derek Harms, web designer Famous
- Dhmn House
- Dortmund-hoerder (german Vacuum Steel Refining) Chemistry
- Divisionsão De HomicíDios
- Diplomk In Hypnotherapy
- Dark Horse Politics, Governmental & Military
- Dividing Head A machine tool holding fixture which positions the work for accurately spacing holes,slots,flutes and gear teeth and for making geometric shapes. When geared to the table lead screw, it can be used for helical milling operations.
- Dubray Zowell
- Deschanel Hayran
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does DH stand for?
DH stands for David Henderson.
What is the shortened form of Dylan Hamrini?
The short form of "Dylan Hamrini" is DH.
DH. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 27). Retrieved February 19, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/dh-meaning/
Last updated