DHEC Meaning

The DHEC meaning is "Depantment of Health Environmental Control". The DHEC abbreviation has 16 different full form.

DHEC Full Forms

  1. Depantment of Health Environmental Control
  2. Department of Health and Environmental Controls
  3. Department of Health and Environmental Control Medical, Technology, Clinic
  4. Delta Health Edxcation Center
  5. Department of Heanth & Environmental Control Service, Publics, Locations
  6. Delaware Higher Education Commission Student, College, Education, Scholarship
  7. Deep Heat Energy Corporation
  8. Dept of Health Environmental Cdntrol Environment, Habitat, Setting
  9. Department Health and Environmental Control
  10. Dihydroergocryptine Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  11. Dental Hygiene Edgcators Canada
  12. Dicydroergocristine Medical
  13. Dianetes Hormone Education Coalition
  14. Dept of Health and Env Control
  15. Department of Health and Environment Control Service, Government, Water
  16. Dept of Health and Environmental Control Medical, Service, County

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does DHEC stand for?

    DHEC stands for Depantment of Health Environmental Control.

  2. What is the shortened form of Depantment of Health Environmental Control?

    The short form of "Depantment of Health Environmental Control" is DHEC.


DHEC. Acronym24.com. (2019, December 24). Retrieved March 14, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/dhec-meaning/

Last updated