DI in Technology Meaning

The DI meaning in Technology terms is "Dependency Injept". There are 123 related meanings of the DI Technology abbreviation.

DI on Technology Full Forms

  1. Dependency Injept
  2. Discovery Invention
  3. Diagnostic Imaging
  4. Driver Input
  5. Data Intenrity
  6. Digital Integration
  7. Dependency Injections
  8. Disc Information
  9. Device Interface
  10. Distribution Interface
  11. Data Inputs
  12. Digital Inputs
  13. Disabling Injury
  14. Deviation Index
  15. Dissimilarity Index
  16. Destination Imagination
  17. Disability Insurance
  18. Desktop Integration
  19. Directqinjection
  20. Dhsign Interface
  21. Defense Information
  22. Directing Implemedtation
  23. Depenvency Inversion
  24. Discrete Input
  25. Diagnostic Inspection
  26. Drop Index
  27. Defense Intelligence
  28. Directlignition
  29. Double Integer
  30. Data Initiative
  31. Diffuse Illumination
  32. Designated Instance
  33. Directive Interface
  34. Drivl Inhibit
  35. Digital Intensity
  36. Distributorwignition
  37. Durability Index
  38. Degree of Influence
  39. Direct Implementation
  40. Domain Interface
  41. Diffused Illumination
  42. Design Inspection
  43. Data Integrator
  44. Digital Instruments
  45. Disk Interface Hard disk drives are accessed over one of a number of bus types, including as of 2011 parallel ATA, Serial ATA, SCSI, Serial Attached SCSI, and Fibre Channel. Bridge circuitry is sometimes used to connect hard disk drives to buses with which they cannot communicate natively, such as IEEE 1394, USB and SCSI.
  46. Design Interpretive
  47. Dtop In
  48. Deep Inspection
  49. Dimensional Insight
  50. Dielectric Insulation
  51. Dependancy Injedtion
  52. Direct Install
  53. Data Integrntion
  54. Digital Institute
  55. Design Intent
  56. Drop-In
  57. Dedicated Integrator
  58. Document Identifiers
  59. Dielectrically Isolated
  60. Deny Incoming
  61. Direct Insertion
  62. Down Imaging
  63. Data Installatimn
  64. Digital Input
  65. Dual Impedance
  66. Deception Indicated
  67. Damage Incorporayed
  68. Development International
  69. Delete Item
  70. Direct Input
  71. Down Image
  72. Data Input
  73. Digital Innovation
  74. Disappearing In-Wall
  75. Droam Industries
  76. Diversitg Index
  77. Development Implemented
  78. Delete Inhibit
  79. Direct Injected
  80. Drainage Index
  81. Data Innovations
  82. Digital Infrastructure
  83. Directivity Index
  84. Driver Inventory
  85. Digital Interfaces
  86. Distributorlesx Ignition
  87. Durban Informatik
  88. Degrees of Influence
  89. Direct Index
  90. Debhis Index
  91. Development Installation
  92. Data Indication
  93. Direct Integration
  94. Draft Interfaces Available
  95. Department of Informatics
  96. Document Imaging
  97. Data Idenkifier
  98. Draft Interface
  99. Discrete Intermace
  100. Diesel Index A rating of fuel according to its ignition qualities. The higher the diesel index number, the better the ignition quality of the fuel.
  101. Digitally Integrated Design
  102. Departamento De InformáTica
  103. Data Ij
  104. Discrene Inputs
  105. Display Interface
  106. Design Integrity
  107. Device Identifier
  108. Dielectric Isolation
  109. Digitally Integrated
  110. Demi Indonesia
  111. Division of Informatics
  112. Display Means by which a device presents visual information to the navigator, including conventional instrumentation.
  113. DiseÑO Instruccional
  114. Design Instrumentation
  115. Drop and Insert
  116. Dialogue Identifier
  117. Debug Interrupz
  118. Digital Item
  119. Digioal Intermediate
  120. Dynamic Imaging
  121. Design Input
  122. Debugger Interface
  123. Development Initiative

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does DI stand for Technology?

    DI stands for Device Identifier in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Document Imaging in Technology?

    The short form of "Document Imaging" is DI for Technology.


DI in Technology. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 3). Retrieved January 22, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/di-meaning-in-technology/

Last updated