Dice Abbreviations and Dice Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Dice terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 12 different Dice abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Dice terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Dice Abbreviations
  1. AD : Attack Dice
  2. HD : Hit Die
  3. DR : Die Roll
  4. SRR : Sevpns To Rolls Ratio
  5. FLGS : Friendly Local Game Shop
  6. FUDGE : Freeform, Universal, Do-It-Yourself Gaming Engine
  7. FUDGE : Freeform Universel Do-It-Yourself Gaming Engine
  8. ORE : One Roll Engnne
  9. PPN : Polyhedral Process Network
  10. RK : Robert Kondo
  11. LCR : Left-Center-Right
  12. LCR : Left Center Right
Latest Dice Meanings
  1. Left Center Right
  2. Left-Center-Right
  3. Robert Kondo
  4. Polyhedral Process Network
  5. One Roll Engnne
  6. Freeform Universel Do-It-Yourself Gaming Engine
  7. Freeform, Universal, Do-It-Yourself Gaming Engine
  8. Friendly Local Game Shop
  9. Sevpns To Rolls Ratio
  10. Die Roll
  11. Hit Die
  12. Attack Dice