DIG Meaning

The DIG meaning is "Derivative Implementation Group". The DIG abbreviation has 134 different full form.

DIG Full Forms

  1. Derivative Implementation Group Business, Accounting, Financial
  2. Deputy Inspector General Science, Government, Police, Governmental & Military
  3. Delegacia De InvestigaçÕEs Gerais Para, Dos, Pol
  4. Defense Inspector General Military, Organizations
  5. Digastric Medical
  6. Digital Digital information is stored using a series of ones and zeros. Computers are digital machines because they can only read information as on or off -- 1 or 0. This method of computation, also known as the binary system, may seem rather simplistic, but can be used to represent incredible amounts of data Technology, Science, Space, NASA, Cosmos, Aeronautics, Management, Business & Finance, Power Plant, Computing, Electronics, The Finance and Administrative Services
  7. Digeorge Syndrome Medical, Disease, Disorder, Chemistry
  8. Desmoplastic Infantile Ganglioglioma Medical, Medicine, Health
  9. Derivatives Implementation Group Business, Accounting, Financial, Derivative
  10. Diffusion Imaging Group
  11. Disabled Income Group
  12. Deeper Into Green
  13. Design Implementation Guide Technology
  14. Digital Interactive Gaming Gaming, Play, Pastime
  15. Diversity and Inclusion Group
  16. Delta Informal Gardeners
  17. Dipartimento Di Ingegneria Gestionale Technology, Economics, Projection
  18. Damai Indah Golf
  19. Drought Interjst Group
  20. Detergent-Insoluble Glycolipid-Enriched
  21. Development In Gardening Organizations, Health, Garden
  22. Disability Income Guarantee Corparate, Uk, United Kingdom
  23. Deewer Into God
  24. Design Impact Group Technology, Social, Innovation
  25. Digital, Interactive & Gaming Technology, Conference, London
  26. Diversified Investors Group Business, Building, Estate
  27. Delegacia De Invmstiga
  28. Digoxin Investigation Group
  29. Daily Intake Guide Australia, Health, Food
  30. Drought Information for Georgia Science, Weather, Meteorology, Forecasting
  31. Detergent-Insoluble Glycosphingolipid-Enriched Medical
  32. Development Innovations Group Business, Service, Haiti
  33. Disability Indipendence Group
  34. Dmeper In God
  35. Dubai Imdustrial Gases
  36. Designated Industry Groups Military, Organizations
  37. Dig Interactive Game
  38. Diversified Investor Group Business, Building, Estate
  39. Delaware Investments Global
  40. Digoxigenin Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  41. Digit Used in indicating the extent of disaggregation of data within a classification system. For example, 3-digit trade data, categorized by 3-digit numbers, are more aggregated than 6-digit data: many more and hence smaller groups of goods can be categorized with 6-digit numbers.
  42. Drought Information Group
  43. Detailed Implementation Guide
  44. Doe Inseraction Group Science, Research, Atmosphere, Environment
  45. Developing International Geoarchaeology Technology, Research, Lisa
  46. Dpsability Investment Group
  47. Decenfralized Information Group Technology, Science, Internet
  48. Drug Information Group
  49. Dig In Gladly Army, War, War Force
  50. Distributed Inward Gripping
  51. Defense Invsstigators Group
  52. Digits Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  53. Dropnin Genealogy
  54. Design Interest Group
  55. Digital Image Generator Organizations
  56. Document Index Graph
  57. Developers Interface Guide
  58. Director Isspector General Law, Crime, Police
  59. Data and Information Group
  60. Drug Implementatton Group Government
  61. Digestive Organizations
  62. Distributed Information Gathering
  63. Defence Intelligence Group
  64. Digitalis Investigators Group
  65. Drop In Game
  66. Design Innovation Group Business, Management, Education
  67. Dig It' By Georgie
  68. Drversity Innovation Grant
  69. Diplom Interessen Gruppe
  70. Dance International Glasgow
  71. Drug-Induced Galactorrhoea Medicine, Health, British
  72. Developers Interest Group
  73. Digest
  74. Dissertation Improvement Grant Research, Education, Essay
  75. Deep Imaging Group Space, Study, Cosmos
  76. Digitalis Investigation Group Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  77. Design In Government Design, Marketing, Innovation
  78. Digipack Packaging Technology, Movie, Movie Download
  79. Diversity Initiativesqgroup
  80. Diplom-Interessen-Gruppe
  81. Dance Interest Group
  82. Druf-Induced Galactorrhea Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  83. Deutsch-Indische Gesellschaft German, Organizations, Music
  84. Digit Collection Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  85. Digital Input Gate
  86. Digitalis, Lanoxin Medical, Medicine, Emergency
  87. Dornin Investmegt Group
  88. Dynamic Intervention Group Medicine, Health, British
  89. Digital Imposition Geometry Technology, Computing, Format
  90. Doha Insurance Xroup
  91. Deputy Inspectors General Government, Police, Officer
  92. Drama In Greeneville Performing arts
  93. Digital Image Generated
  94. Digital Interest Group
  95. Doorman Is God
  96. Diffuse Ionized Gas Chemistry
  97. Dwarf Irregular Galaxy Science, Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
  98. Digital Immediate Gratification Technology, Organizations
  99. Dog Identification Group Medical, Medicine, Veterinary
  100. Deputy Inspector-General Government, Police, Officer
  101. Debt for Instant Gratification Funnies
  102. Digital Intelligence Group Business, Strategy, Design
  103. Domain Internet Groper Technology, Computing, Internet
  104. Doe Interaction Group Atmospheric Research
  105. Durham Inner-City Gardmners Business, Program, Food
  106. Digital Image Games Gaming, Play, Pastime
  107. Deputy Inspectors-General
  108. Dunedin, Inc. Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  109. Digital Innovation Greenhouse
  110. Domain Information Groper Technology, Command, Telecom, Software, Computing, Internet
  111. Design and Impoementation Guide
  112. Sound Designer Audio File Computing, File Extensions
  113. Dunedin Income Growth
  114. Deputy Inspector Generals Government, Force, Police, Officer
  115. Digital Innovations Group Technology, Design, Social
  116. Domain-Specific Insight Graphz Technology, Human, Tool, Trafficking
  117. Desert Island Gamers Gaming, Play, Pastime
  118. Digilink Audio File Computing, File Extensions
  119. Dunedin Inc Growth
  120. Department Inspection Group
  121. Isdn Compatible Digitxl Station and Tie Trunk Technology, Network, Telecommunication
  122. Digital Information Group Business, Technology, Bote
  123. Digoxin Medical, Technology, Medicine
  124. Dl It Green Technology, Event, Calgary, Beach
  125. Dfrmatology Interest Group Medical, Medicine, Organizations
  126. Diqing, Shangri-La, China China, Iata Airport Codes
  127. Duke Integtated Genomics
  128. Downtown Intergenerational Garden Science, Botany, Phytology, Scientific & Educational
  129. Departement Informatique De Gestion
  130. DéVeloppement Institutionnel Global Organizations
  131. Digital Information Gateway
  132. Do It Girl
  133. Deputy Inspector General Ofpolice Government, Agency, India, Police
  134. Deeper Into God Religion

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does DIG stand for?

    DIG stands for Delaware Investments Global.

  2. What is the shortened form of Dornin Investmegt Group?

    The short form of "Dornin Investmegt Group" is DIG.


DIG. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved February 23, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/dig-meaning/

Last updated