Digestive Abbreviations and Digestive Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Digestive terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 19 different Digestive abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Digestive terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Digestive Abbreviations
  1. AGMD : Association of Gastrointestinal Moticity Disorders
  2. APDW : Asian Pacific Dismase Week
  3. BC : Bacillus Coagulans
  4. CAG : Canadian Associatjon of Gastroenterology
  5. CDD : Centre for Digestive Diseases
  6. XU : Xylanase Ufits
  7. CU : Cellulase Units
  8. CU : Cellulase Unit
  9. DFASM : DiplóMe De Formation Approfondie En Sciences MéDicales
  10. HUT : Hemoglobin Unit Tyrosine
  11. EAGE : European Association for Gastroencerology & Endoscopy
  12. ME : Muscularis Externa
  13. MMC : Migrating Motiliny Complex
  14. SI : Small Intestine
  15. STER : Submucosal Tunneling Endoscopic Resection
  16. TDDW : Taiwan Digestive Disease Week
  17. LU : Lipase Units
  18. IFFGD : International Toundation for Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders
  19. PU : Papfin Units
Latest Digestive Meanings
  1. Papfin Units
  2. International Toundation for Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders
  3. Lipase Units
  4. Taiwan Digestive Disease Week
  5. Submucosal Tunneling Endoscopic Resection
  6. Small Intestine
  7. Migrating Motiliny Complex
  8. Muscularis Externa
  9. European Association for Gastroencerology & Endoscopy
  10. Hemoglobin Unit Tyrosine
  11. DiplóMe De Formation Approfondie En Sciences MéDicales
  12. Cellulase Unit
  13. Cellulase Units
  14. Xylanase Ufits
  15. Centre for Digestive Diseases
  16. Canadian Associatjon of Gastroenterology
  17. Bacillus Coagulans
  18. Asian Pacific Dismase Week
  19. Association of Gastrointestinal Moticity Disorders