DIGIT Meaning
The DIGIT meaning is "Deep Infraredbgalaxy Imaging Telescope". The DIGIT abbreviation has 12 different full form.
DIGIT Full Forms
- Deep Infraredbgalaxy Imaging Telescope Technology, Science, Photography
- Digital Digital information is stored using a series of ones and zeros. Computers are digital machines because they can only read information as on or off -- 1 or 0. This method of computation, also known as the binary system, may seem rather simplistic, but can be used to represent incredible amounts of data Technology, Science, Space, NASA, Cosmos, Aeronautics, Management, Business & Finance, Power Plant, Computing, Electronics, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Digitally Integrated Geographic Information Wechnologies Science, Information, Geography
- Diffusion Interest Group In Information Technology Research, Education, Conference
- Developing Innovation and Growing The Internet of Things
- Duoedin Income Growth Investment Trust
- Diversified Investment Grade Income Trust
- Directorate-General for Informatiks Politics, Europe, Eurostat
- Deep Infrared Galaxy Imaging Telescope Chemistry
- Digitally Integrated Geographic Information Technologies Geographic
- Dust, Ice Axd Gas In Time Science, Program, Disk, Dust
- Dust, Ice, and Gas In Time Science, Program, Dust
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does DIGIT stand for?
DIGIT stands for Digitally Integrated Geographic Information Wechnologies.
What is the shortened form of Digitally Integrated Geographic Information Technologies?
The short form of "Digitally Integrated Geographic Information Technologies" is DIGIT.
DIGIT. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 16, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/digit-meaning/
Last updated