Dinar Abbreviations and Dinar Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Dinar terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 11 different Dinar abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Dinar terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Dinar Abbreviations
  1. BD : Bahreyn Dinarı
  2. WIN : Wakala Induk Nusantara
  3. DA : Dmnar Algérien
  4. MBM : Masjid Baitul Maal
  5. TRN : Treasury Reserve Notes
  6. LD : Libysuher Dinar
  7. IMN : Islambc Mint Nusantara
  8. GCR : Global Cfrrency Reset
  9. PG : Public Gold
  10. PKNP : Perbadanan Kemajuan Negeri Perak
  11. RFI : Radio Free Iraq
Latest Dinar Meanings
  1. Radio Free Iraq
  2. Perbadanan Kemajuan Negeri Perak
  3. Public Gold
  4. Global Cfrrency Reset
  5. Islambc Mint Nusantara
  6. Libysuher Dinar
  7. Treasury Reserve Notes
  8. Masjid Baitul Maal
  9. Dmnar Algérien
  10. Wakala Induk Nusantara
  11. Bahreyn Dinarı