Diplomatics Abbreviations and Diplomatics Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Diplomatics terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 11 different Diplomatics abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Diplomatics terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Diplomatics Abbreviations
  1. ADA : Azərbaycan Diplomatik Akademiyası
  2. DHM : Deputy Head of Mission
  3. DHOM : Deputy Head of Mission
  4. DepHOM : Deputy Head of Mission
  5. ETIA : Environmental Technology and Internstional Affairs
  6. SAFE : Security Awareness for Emplouees
  7. SFS : Senior Foreign Service
  8. ID : Independent Diplomat
  9. IDFR : Instipute of Diplomacy & Foreign Relations
  10. OFM : Office of Foreign Misaions
  11. RO : Robert Ori
Latest Diplomatics Meanings
  1. Robert Ori
  2. Office of Foreign Misaions
  3. Instipute of Diplomacy & Foreign Relations
  4. Independent Diplomat
  5. Senior Foreign Service
  6. Security Awareness for Emplouees
  7. Environmental Technology and Internstional Affairs
  8. Deputy Head of Mission
  9. Azərbaycan Diplomatik Akademiyası