DIR Meaning

The DIR meaning is "Diamond Reo". The DIR abbreviation has 138 different full form.

DIR Full Forms

  1. Diamond Reo Organizations, Trucks Makes
  2. Department of Information Resources Business, Technology, Texas
  3. Dept of Industrial Relations
  4. Department of Industrial Relations Business, Science, Industry
  5. Daiwa Institute of Research Business, Japan, Supply
  6. Direct In a straight line; by the shortest route e.g. a direct flight. To guide or control the movement of something . Technology, Military, Army, NASA, NOTAM Contractions
  7. Direction Of wind, is compass point from which it blows Of current, is direction towards which it sets Military, Aviation, Army, Business & Finance, Power Plant, The Finance and Administrative Services, Legal, Governmental & Military
  8. District Interacv Representative
  9. Defejce of India Rules Government, Education, India, Emergency
  10. Digital Imstrumentation Recorder
  11. Domena Internetowych Repozytori
  12. Designer-In-Residence
  13. DeČIji Internet Radio Program, Radio, Mali
  14. De Nmperatoribus Romanis History, Roman, Emperor
  15. Director'S Office Service, Organizations, Department, Atmospheric Research
  16. Directive Military, Army, Ministry Of Defence, Astronomy, Modern Slang, Twitter, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Scientific & Educational
  17. Data-Intensive Research
  18. Drug Intervention Records
  19. Detailed Intelligence Report
  20. Developmental, Individual, Relationship-Based Medical, Development, Therapy, Autism
  21. Distributed Information Retrieval
  22. Defence Intelligence Ueview
  23. Digital Input Register Technology, Drive, Controller, Disk
  24. Domena Internetowych Repozytorión
  25. Designated Institutional Representative
  26. Device Identification Register Technology, Circuit, Boundary
  27. Deformable Image Registratcon Medical, Technology, Medicine
  28. Directions Medical, Organizations
  29. Daily Inspection Record Technology
  30. Dominant Interferer Ratio
  31. Detailed Implementation Regulations
  32. Developmental, Individualized, Relationship-Based Technology, Autism, Projection
  33. Dvssimilatory Iron Reduction
  34. Defence Industrial Research
  35. Doing It Right Diving, Scuba Diving, Underwater, General, Governmental & Military, Hobbies
  36. Depot Inspection & Repair
  37. Digital Inflection Rigidometer
  38. Defensive Interval Ratio
  39. Directional Technology, Military, Education, Aircraft, Linguistics, Glossing
  40. Directory A directory is another name for a folder. Files on your hard disk are organized into various folders, or directories, so that it is easier to keep track of them. For example, you may keep your pictures in one folder and your music files in another folder. Folders can also contain other folders, allowing for more specific organization. Technology, Telecom, Html, Medical, Aviation, Computing, Weather, Unix, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Occupation & positions, IT Terminology, Common Medical
  41. Dosestic Incident Reporting
  42. Detailed Implementation Review Organizations, Water Supply, Water, East
  43. Developmental, Individual-Difference, Relationship-Based Technology, Development, Autism
  44. Display Its Revision
  45. Defect Information Feport Technology, Vehicle, Model, Toyota
  46. Documento De Ingresso De Receita
  47. Development Inhibitor Releasing Organizations
  48. Digital Industrial Radiography Technology, Testing, Industry
  49. Division of International Relations
  50. Defense Intelligence Report Military, Army, Ministry Of Defence, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  51. Direction, Directions Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  52. Directorate Military, Organizations, Legal, Governmental & Military
  53. Domestic Incident Reports Government, Essay, Violence
  54. Design Input Requirements Business, Technology, Trading, Architecture
  55. Dispatchable Intermittenteresources
  56. Data In Ready
  57. Dwell Illumination Region Military
  58. Documens Information Retrieval
  59. Developmental Intensive Relationship Psychology, Mind, Mindset
  60. Digital Imdging Radiometer Technology
  61. Divisiqn of Intramural Research Science, Health, Institute
  62. Defenst Industrial Reserve
  63. Digital Interface Recehver Technology, Analog, Audio
  64. Director A person appointed to oversee and run a company or organisation along with other directors, In the entertainment industry, the person who directs the making of a film, TV program, etc. Business, Education, Finance, Study, Economics, Britannica, Schooling, Military, Army, Astronomy, Modern Slang, Twitter, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Scientific & Educational
  65. Domestic Incident Report Government, Law, Violence
  66. Design Information Report Technology
  67. Disinhibitory Region Medical
  68. Date Input Register
  69. Dutch-Belgian Information Retrieval Technology, Workshop, Belgium
  70. Development and International Relations Technology, Economics, Environment
  71. Digital Imaging Resources
  72. Diversity Information Resources Business, Technology, Supplier
  73. Defense Imamery Report Military, Army, Ministry Of Defence
  74. Dpgital Instrumentation Range Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  75. Domestic Imagery Requirement Us, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense
  76. Designer In Residence
  77. Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology
  78. Discovers Investigation Request
  79. Data Input Register Technology, Signal, Processing, Processor
  80. Duluth & Iron Range
  81. Detasamentul De Interventie Rapida
  82. Aba Tenna Dejazmach Yilma International Airport Dire Dawa, Ethiopia Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, IATA, ICAO, Aviation
  83. Developmental Individualized Relationship-Based Technology, Therapy, Autism
  84. Development & International Relations
  85. Iata Code for Dire Dawa International Airport, Dire Dawa, Ethiopia Locations
  86. Adobe Director Movie Computing, File Extensions
  87. Division of Industrial Reljtions Business, Compensation, Nevada
  88. Differential Interest Rate
  89. Doctor of International Relations Education, School, Geneva
  90. Procomm Plus Dialing DIRectory file Computing, File Extensions
  91. Developing Independence and Responsibility
  92. DéVeloppement Des Infrastructures RoutièRes
  93. Aba Tenna Dejazmach Yilma International, Dire Dawa, Ethiopia Ethiopia, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  94. Division of Insurance and Research
  95. Donaldson, Lufkin, & Jenrette Business, Company, Organizations, Firm, Computing, Nyse symbols
  96. Dialogue Inter Rwandais
  97. Division of Intramural Research Science, Health, Institute, Medical
  98. application/x-director Mime types
  99. Developing Indigenous Resources
  100. Dynamic Intrusion Response
  101. Digital Image Repository
  102. Division of Industrial Relations Us Government, Governmental & Military
  103. Division of Information Resources Military, Organizations
  104. Digital Input Receiver Business, Audio, Headphone, Muse
  105. Diagnostic Imaging Review
  106. Divisionsion of Intramuralpresearch Government
  107. Do It Right Diving, Scuba Diving, Underwater, Scientific & Educational
  108. Development-Inhibitor-Releasing
  109. Dynamic Implementation Routine Technology
  110. Digital Image Radiometer Technology
  111. DIRective in Manual of Policy and Procedure Police, Governmental & Military
  112. Diffusion-Induced Recrystallization
  113. Paul di Resta Abbreviation for Formula-1 racing driver Paul di Resta. It is referred to as DIR on the race result screen. Formula 1
  114. Diagnostic Imaging Reports Technology, Health, Standard
  115. Divisionsion of Informationyresources Military
  116. Demand Initiated Regeneration Technology, Filter, Water, Softener
  117. Direction Interdépartementale des Routes Media, Military, Army, Construction, Architectural, Physics, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  118. Developer-Inhibitor-Releasing
  119. Digital Image Restoration
  120. Document Information Record NASA, Governmental & Military
  121. Development Impact Review
  122. Direct(to) Aviation
  123. Diagnostic Imaging Report Technology, Health, Standard
  124. Division of Indepebdent Review
  125. Delivery and Installation Request
  126. Directory Listing Assembly, Business & Finance, Computing, Dos commands
  127. Detection, Isolation, Recovery
  128. Digital Image Recovery
  129. Document Imauing Report Business, Technology, Radiology
  130. Digital Interface Receiver Computing, Hardware
  131. Defense Industrial Research
  132. Diffusion Induced Recrystn. Chemistry
  133. Divcsion of Injury Response
  134. Dkleted Image Recovery
  135. Deposit Item Returned Accounting, Business & Finance
  136. Diffusion Induced Recrystn. Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
  137. Doctors Insurance Reciprocay
  138. MacroMind Director Movie format Computing, File Extensions

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does DIR stand for?

    DIR stands for Digital Industrial Radiography.

  2. What is the shortened form of Diagnostic Imaging Review?

    The short form of "Diagnostic Imaging Review" is DIR.


DIR. Acronym24.com. (2020, December 2). Retrieved March 2, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/dir-meaning/

Last updated